Category Archives: Kinism

The Racial Correlation Between Marxism and the Current Year Church

Communism, religion and atheism

By Francis Samuels

One pursuit that has always been consistent as found among the Revolutionary guild is the dream of eliminating distinctions among races, ethnicities, and peoples.

This is not merely my opinion.

In a moment I will provide an avalanche of quotes that will prove this to be the case.

What I want to do now is tee these quotes up by pointing out the reality that it is the clergy and the church now who are hot in pursuit of the same thing. It is a preponderance in the clergy who are telling us that God loves inter-racial marriage and there is nothing in the slightest wrong with that. Indeed, it is to be preferred in order to break down preexisting barriers. Churches now that are people-group integrated are churches that are automatically superior to churches that are not people-group integrated. read more

Popular Entertainment as an Inversion of Reality: A Review of Amazon’s “Them”

Them (TV Series 2021– ) - IMDb

By Davis Carlton

I remember watching the movie Galaxy Quest when I was younger. The basic plot is that an alien race sends a representative to recruit the aging actors of an old space sci-fi television show to help them fend off an attack from an aggressive reptilian alien species. The aliens who are asking for help do so by mistaking the old television show for “historical documents” that chronicle actual history and the actors for real life combat veterans and heroes. Today, the consumers of streaming content don’t seem to have any more discernment than the naïve alien race featured in Galaxy Quest. Enter the new series available on Amazon Prime called Them, purportedly about the dystopian horror that was the black experience in 1950s America. read more

This Won’t End Well

Racial Unrest Impedes U.S. Bid to Counter China in Africa - Bloomberg

By Davis Carlton

I’ve gone on record arguing that racial segregation is a practical solution to the increasingly hostile nature of race relations in the Western world. The past several months certainly haven’t changed this belief as the specter of all out violence continues to loom. The George Floyd/Derek Chauvin verdict managed to stay black violence at the expense of justice…at least justice as understood in the Anglo-Saxon Christian common law tradition. Calls from black California Congresswoman Maxine Waters for “confrontation” directed at BLM activists with a well-documented history of violence were blatant threats aimed at jurors and the city to render the “right” verdict. The threatening nature of Waters’ rhetoric was even noted by Judge Peter Cahill in the Floyd/Chauvin trial as a potential pretext for granting Chauvin a new trial. Add to this that one of the black jurors has been discovered to have participated in a BLM protest prior to the trial and who was clearly prejudiced (in the proper legal sense of the term) against Chauvin from the beginning. read more

Rewriting Baseball History Won’t Change The Past

MLB makes Negro Leagues a "major league," earns praise from Willie Mays and  more

By Davis Carlton

Major League Baseball (MLB) has decided to grant the Negro Leagues from 1920 to 1948 the status of official “major leagues.” This might not seem like a particularly noteworthy decision, but it means that MLB has decided to include statistics from the former Negro League in compiling official major league records. This decision is being touted as a long overdue correction of the historic injustice that was segregation. During the time period under consideration, black baseball players were only allowed to play in segregated Negro Leagues. Now statistics and records from the days of the Negro Leagues will be considered on a par with other MLB statistics. As a baseball fan and a stats geek I believe that this is a mistake and I’ll explain why. read more

Two Harry Red Men: Prince Harry as a Modern Day Esau

Every Handsome Prince Harry Moment From 2017 That You Need to Relive Right  Now | Handsome prince, Prince harry, Prince harry and megan

By Davis Carlton

The recent interview of Prince Harry and his mulatto wife Meghan Markle with Oprah Winfrey typifies Prince Harry as a modern day Esau. There are many striking comparisons between Harry and Esau. The first being that both men seem to be red heads (Gen. 25:25), accounting for the lame pun in the title. Other comparisons are more to the point. Esau is called a profane person who sold his birthright for a morsel of meat (Heb. 12:16). The same verse also calls Esau a fornicator; likely alluding to Esau’s marriages to Canaanite women (Gen. 26:34). Esau is given as an example of grossly misplaced priorities. Esau sold his birthright in order to satiate temporary hunger. Esau’s callous disregard for what was rightfully his is so stark that we are told that Esau “despised his birthright” (Gen. 25:30-34). As the oldest son Esau was the heir apparent to the wonderful covenant promises made to the patriarchs Abraham and Isaac, and yet he was willing to let all of that go in exchange for a full stomach. read more

Academia Takes Aim at Classical Antiquity

An Overview of Classical Antiquity – Brewminate

By Davis Carlton

The academic tradition of the West is thoroughly steeped in the study of classical literature, architecture, music, and philosophy. The Christianization of the West allowed Europeans to view their classical heritage through the lens of a Christian worldview, which necessarily resulted in a rejection of certain aspects of classical philosophy as well as pagan polytheism. Nevertheless, there remained a ubiquitous understanding of the classics as the common heritage of the West that was indispensable to our identity. read more

The SPLC’s Hatred of White Christians

By Ehud Would

Now that our Christian institutions have been bribed, threatened, or otherwise cajoled into conformity with all the shibboleths of Cultural Marxism, the Southern Poverty Law Center is zeroing in on the holdouts. As such, they have declared Christ the King Reformed Church a “White Nationalist Hate Group”.

Now, despite all airs of legitimacy your extorted tax dollars can buy, the antichrists at the SPLC have no actual authority in the Church. Or anywhere else for that matter, because they ardently oppose the Lordship of Christ, the rightful Ruler of all things. read more

Golden Oldie … Nationalism & Christianity

The Ancient Christian Countries - Xenivoyage

By Enos Powell

Originally posted on Iron Ink.

“When evangelicals embrace an America-first nationalism, the gospel is co-opted and betrayed.”

“… Nationalism gives pride of place to ourselves, to regional or national assertions of primacy and the quest for power and success, control and dominance, legitimizing violence and pressing for victory.  Nationalism reveals that we have mis-ordered worship. Religiously motivated nationalism simply turns God into our “godling,” a deity subject to our bidding.” read more

One of Our Own Gets Called Out By the SPLC. We Couldn’t Be Prouder.

By Colby Malsbury

“You have enemies? Why it is the story of every man who has done a great deed or created a new idea. It is the cloud which thunders around everything that shines. Fame must have enemies, as light must have gnats. Do not bother yourself about it; disdain. Keep your mind serene as you keep your life clear.”

Victor Hugo

It can be a genuinely mixed blessing in these interesting times to be noticed. On the one hand, it’s heartening to know that our modest endeavors can still be construed as enough of a threat to the power structure to garner attention. On the other, the potential for serious persecution at the hands of Zog is very real. Paul, for one, never sugarcoated his privations and attempts on his life, though knowing full well it was all done for God’s glory. read more

A Few Rejoinders to Doug Wilson’s Trending Vid ‘Racism and Slavery in the West’

By C. Merle Davidson

If you can stomach it, watch the apologetic here.

Problem #1 — Race is reduced solely to “skin color” as if differing melanin levels is the only thing that constitutes “race.”

Problem #2 — He says his hero in this subject matter is Thomas Sowell. Thomas Sowell is a Libertarian and as a Libertarian Sowell is thus going to edge towards humans as a blank slate and therefore deny real genetic differences.

Problem #3 — Wilson characterizes those who disagree with him as being beholden to Darwin and evolutionary theories of race. Though doubtless this may sometimes be true, it certainly isn’t always true. I don’t need to believe in Darwin and can still conclude that genetics matter and that some inferiorities and superiorities run through all races in differing fashions. read more