The SPLC’s Hatred of White Christians

By Ehud Would

Now that our Christian institutions have been bribed, threatened, or otherwise cajoled into conformity with all the shibboleths of Cultural Marxism, the Southern Poverty Law Center is zeroing in on the holdouts. As such, they have declared Christ the King Reformed Church a “White Nationalist Hate Group”.

Now, despite all airs of legitimacy your extorted tax dollars can buy, the antichrists at the SPLC have no actual authority in the Church. Or anywhere else for that matter, because they ardently oppose the Lordship of Christ, the rightful Ruler of all things.

Yet traitors within the Church fold do accept the anathematization of Christians by these Pharisee reprobates; the CRC’s Reggie Smith being just such a one.

“[The White Nationalism of Christ the King Reformed Church is Kinism.] Kinism teaches that God picks some people, while not picking others. There are winners and losers. Kinism provides this sense of certainty that can contribute to an air of supremacy or entitlement in a church,” (Reggie Smith, Official Spokesman for the CRC explaining why the CRC affirms the SPLC’s malediction against Christian churches who maintain the Faith )

First, acceptance of the SPLC’s rebuke as if they were a valid church court is a denial of Sphere Sovereignty, something in which the CRC is supposed to believe.

It is also morally obscene. Really, of all groups to ally with, the CRC chooses to affirm the religio-ethical perspective of avowed Antichrists? Need we remind them that the SPLC has made similar decrees against Focus on the Family, D. James Kennedy Ministries, American Vision, Chalcedon Foundation, Wallbuilders, et. al.? Unlike St. Paul, Reggie and the CRC continue holding the Pharisees’ cloaks while they cast their stones at anyone vaguely resembling traditional Christians.

Possibly worse, Smith’s (and therefore, the CRC’s) stated rationale for affirming the SPLC’s malediction amounts to a forensic denial of the Reformed faith. His definition of Kinism is, after all, indistinguishable from Reformed Theology proper, so when he deems the former heresy, so too for the latter. Sorry, Reg, you can’t repudiate the doctrines of Grace and still claim to be “Reformed”. In fact, you can’t even credibly claim to be a Christian.

But the sum of the CRC’s relevance at this point is hardly greater than the SPLC’s. It’s only import is as a cautionary tale. It is the witness of a church whose lampstand has been removed. This is why and how they subscribe to the ethics and religious decrees of Antichrist institutions like the SPLC. They share much common ground. They just don’t realize it’s in the Potter’s field.

As to the charge of “White Nationalism”:

Firstly, it is false by way of omission. Because the Christian doctrine of nations is “White Nationalist” only in direct proportion to its Black Nationalism, Chinese Nationalism, and so on. For it justifies and affirms the life of all nations under God, not just White ones.

In truth, the real race-hate is found not in Kinism, but in its alternative — the disallowance of ethnic identities. Our goodwill toward other races is, in fact, dependent upon Kinism. Because absent that doctrine, all ethno-cultural differences and affinities would be baseless fictions which we would be bound to oppose. The “White Nationalism” which the SPLC condemns as ‘hate’ is, in reality, the only basis for peace among the tribes of men.

And I’d venture to say that the SPLC knows this. So their characterization of the church as “White Nationalist” is, under present circumstance, a malicious misconstrual with the intent of inciting violence against them. Which is to say, the SPLC is engaged in organized terror.

Besides which, every Black church in America and abroad claims a God-given right and responsibility to seek the good of their people first. Neither the SPLC, nor any Christian denomination objects to this conviction on their part.

Moreover, nearly all Black churches (We grant that David Manning’s Atlah Ministries is an exception.) insist that the Negro race is spiritually, morally, culturally, intellectually, and genetically superior to all others. Not only is “Black Nationalism” entirely normative to Negro churches, so are the most revanchist sentiments of Black Supremacy.

And yet, none of the alphabet organizations, nor even any denominational governments, speak of the Negro church with aught but reverence. Despite not only their overt Black Supremacy, but all the Charismatic, Feminist, and Marxist heresies which typify their congregations too, the most aggressive statement against them our White churchmen tend to muster is silence.

No, this is no whataboutism digression. We are rather underscoring the hypocrisy of the SPLC and their fellow travelers in the churches. While they assail any White Christian who dares hold to the biblical doctrine of nations, these fork-tongued carpetbaggers uniformly affirm the most bellicose forms of Black Supremacy.

In fact, this campaign against Christ the King Reformed Church coincides with the SPLC’s delisting of Black Hate groups. And that, on the grounds that “Black Separatism is not Black violence” (over against White Separatism, which is violence, supposedly; and in spite of actual mass Black-on-White violence) and that Black Nationalism supposedly only arose in response to White Nationalism, and is therefore not the fault of Blacks, themselves, but Whites. Yes, believe it or not, the SPLC lays all the “kill Whitey” Black Supremacy (which is normative in the Black community) to the account not of Blacks, but Whites.

This maniacal sophistry defines the SPLC’s thought across the board. To wit: “Yes, some Black Nationalists have committed violence against Jewish communities, but those are fueled by antisemitism, not separatism.” (ibid.)

Fact is, Black-on-Jew violence is orders of magnitude greater than White-on-Jew violence, but because they categorize it as antisemitism, it is tallied as “Rightwing” violence/terror. And in the political lexicon, Rightwing denotes White.

It’s the same with all minority-on-minority “hate crime”: though Blacks, and to a lesser extent, Browns, are the predominant offenders, the SPLC’s legerdemain lays it all to the account of Whites. Which establishes the very pretext for their siege on White Christians in the first place. Equal parts cunning and asinine.

And that’s what it’s really all about — they hate White Christians. If the term “hate group” has any meaning at all, the SPLC is a prime example. Albeit we know that their hatred for us is only a proxy for their ultimate hatred of Christ, Himself (John 15:18-19).

But questions of Nationalism and Supremacy aren’t even unique to mono-racial churches. Mixed churches normatively  preach the mulatto as the ideal, and therefore, superior.

And as for the synagogues? It’s a given — Zionism and Judeo-Supremacism are their normative positions. But with leadership with names like Levin, Cohen, Potok, Brownstein, and (Selligman) Dees, at the tiller, is it any wonder that Jewish Nationalism goes without rebuke by the SPLC? Perchance, could the fact that Jewish Nationalism commands everything from foreign policy to international finance have something to do with it?

Under these circumstances, it is apparent that the SPLC’s high-handed crusade against Nationalism and hate is aimed at Whites only. And that despite Whites having the least ethnic solidarity of any group in the country.

It should also be clear that the “Hate Group” label itself is just more sophistry for lackwits. Truth is, hatred is an inescapable category. For to love a thing necessarily entails hatred of its negation. To love at all, one must also hate. And those who defer to inane slogans like “We only hate Hate” only negate themselves and demonstrate their hatred of logic, coherence, and therefore, all reality, and its Author.

Furthermore, God’s Word repetitiously commands us to “Love what is good, and hate what is evil.”

But going scattershot, The Lansing State Journal quotes Mark Potok:

“No one at the center is trying to say that these groups can’t say what they want. But at the same time, the SPLC has the right to say, ‘That’s racism.'”

As an aside, let’s not forget that Potok is on record admitting that the SPLC and its work is actually “kind of a scam”.

But at last we come to their favorite old saw, “racism”. Which always brings to mind the poem, Antagonish:

“Yesterday, upon the stair,

I met a man who wasn’t there!

He wasn’t there again today,

Oh how I wish he’d go away!”

All those ensorcelled by Potok and his ilk think they know what “racism” means, but they don’t. Racism is what they call in mathematics, an empty set. It has no finite, consistent, nor coherent content in itself, and is entirely informed by the subjective prejudices of the one leveling the accusation (see here) and subject to constant change per the neuro-linguistic and visceral programming of governmedia. If not for this essentially mercurial quality, it would not be the ever-expanding hex we know it as today.

The history of the term, of course, is as an instrument of Marxist propaganda. Which we needn’t rehash here. Suffice it to say that, in application, it is a mind-weapon against Christendom meant to supplant Christian sin categories with an alien hamartiology, recasting all Christian love of family, nation, culture, homeland, and race, as ultimate evils. At least as they pertain to Whites.

But any interested in this juxtaposition would benefit from reading Who Is My Neighbor? by Achord and Dow. The copious quotes curated therein attest to the historic Christian perspective on nationalism, community, and kinship. Which are all today deemed “hate” by the antichrists and their thralls.

In conclusion, Christendom must come to grips with the fact once more that God’s Word does not conform to worldling ethics. Christianity is irreconcilable with the values of the SPLC. God is no egalitarian. His Word assigns different roles and functions to men and women. It condemns Homosexuality as an abomination and reprobation. It everywhere presupposes Nationalism. Racial genealogies (and not just of the Messiah) run throughout. Racial stereotypes and even racial slurs at times tumble from the lips of prophets and apostles; and even from those of Christ, Himself. As for us, we shall fear God, not the twisted souls of the SPLC.

Whereas they and their encyclicals have no legitimate standing in the Church, Scripture announces Christ Lord over all things. So when we say to hell with the SPLC, know that we are only promulgating the sentence pronounced from the throne of heaven.

And we call the churches to repentance, beseeching our brethren not approve the works of avowed antichrists lest you follow them to their fiery reward. 

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