Ben Stein: To the Jew First

Ben Stein gave many Christian leaders warm fuzzies when he launched Expelled, a documentary about the academic conspiracy to keep “intelligent design” (not design by the Triune God of Scripture) out of the lab and classroom. Watch R. C. Sproul and Stein blather about it here. Joining forces with Stein is a double success for the Christian because it adds a special bonus to the cause of getting “a” nebulous but intelligent creator back in anti-Christ schools: the nobility of working with a Jew.

Christians believe that Jesus and Christ-hating Talmudics like Abe Foxman are natural brothers. They think God has a special place in his redemptive plan for Ashkenazi Jews who worship Rabbis and the blasphemous Talmud.  What could be a better witness than to join apologetic forces with the one of  God’s chosen?

Of course, Stein is equally obliged. Jews naturally like to support/fund Christians in their pietistic endeavors to keep themselves irrelevant to the culture and a slave to the Jewish-hegemonic State. They know that pietistic Christianity is not the culture-shaping, law imposing, Christianity they dealt with for the better part of the last two millennia. Refer back to the old days when Christians expelled Jews from their countries because of their blasphemy, usury, and culture-degrading influence and they will call you an anti-Semite. Call upon them to publish your Dispensational books, and you’re a co-laborer.

Recent Example

Ron Paul’s a Christian with sensibility and courage. And naturally he takes it right into his political office. He has maintained for years that terrorists hate us because we are occupiers in their land fighting for Israel. Of course he’s right, but when you’re close to touching the issue Jews will drop the anti-semite bomb. Stein does just this when on Jew King’s show Paul once again gave that classic answer to why terrorists are terrorists. When Stein refers to such views as anti-Semitic, Paul calls such an ad-hominem “a viscous attack”.  (Actually, that is the wrong strategy because it assumes that there are real anti-Semites and that they are Satan incarnate.)

Stein and Jews will work with Christians all day long for causes that don’t challenge them or name them as enemies. They’ll rarely bring up the anti-Semite bomb, and they appear so pro-Christian (see this book for a good example).  But the moment you or anyone criticize them or their homeland—the moment you undress the issue that’s plaguing European countries—you are an anti-Semite. They are Jews before they are Americans, pro-life, pro-intelligent creator, pro-anything. To the Jew first.

The Lew Rockwell article on this video brings up some good points, but it fails by giving credence to “anti-Semitism”.  LR pulls a Jew when it calls Nixon an anti-Semitism. Why was Nixon a Jew hater? Oh, because he offered general criticism/skepticism  of Jews on the “tapes.”

My advice to Churchians

Continue praising Jews and calling out church members who speak out against Jews. Don’t look into their arguments; simply defame them as anti-Semites, just as is done by the chosen ones themselves. Work with them on matters that don’t impact the culture. When you do decide to impact the culture, just stick with tweaking the public school system, and staffing Crisis Pregnancy centers. Maybe work in a “Christian” movie like Fire Proof. This way, you’ll be free from attack and the spiritual kingdom will grow like a mustard seed in your heart. In the end, though you may have zero freedom and no children to praise you, you will be praised by Jews.

My advice to Christians

Learn to laugh at this charade. Use your voice to get the message out. Don’t use PC methods, and never let anyone use the terms “racist” or “antisemitism” without having them give a definition that makes such evil, and a real modern example of it. Live a holy life, keep a happy home, and pray that God would spare our land by seeing only a couple righteous men. He’s done this before. In the meantime, gain like-minded local alliances who are self-sufficient, clever, and well-protected.