Tag Archives: Condfederate

Bastard Sons of Confederate Veterans

This abominable photo was celebrated on the official Sons of Confederate Veterans Facebook page. Notice quality comments such as “THE SOUTH RUULLEESS!!!!!!!!!” and  “bad ass mother f in marines!!.”  Also notice the pornographic/perverted  “shocker” sign the murderer middle-right is holding up. GO USA!

In the conversation to your right, the SCV Admin tried to spin the photo as an a-political and benign picture of “Southern” men continuing the tradition of carrying the battle flag into (unjust) wars. But something in his ethical theory appeared askew when Christian Gray, Robert Fort and others noticed that in the picture’s caption the Admin was calling any man (without qualification) who serves in the US army “brave,” and wishing all the mercenary scum in the photo a happy Veterans Day. Just what was the SCV Admin celebrating by pointing to a picture of modern day Lincoln troops invading another innocent nation? read more