What Color Were The Israelites? A Study in Anti-White Hypocrisy

By Davis Carlton

The modern world is absolutely obsessed with “diversity.” In our Orwellian anti-white world the word diversity doesn’t mean acknowledging the unique characteristics of the various racial and ethnic groups throughout the world. Diversity invariably means non-white immigration to white countries, white families adopting non-white children, and interracially marrying, while at the same time praising non-white communities for their solidarity and resistance to ubiquitous white privilege, racism, and oppression. It’s been well-established that diversity is a euphemism for white genocide. Modern Christians are no less obsessed with this kind of diversity than their secular Western counterparts. read more

Aliens & Alienists: Why Christians Don’t Believe in Aliens — At Least Not From Outer Space

By Ehud Would

Full disclosure: I regard the present needfulness of redress on the subject of E.T.s  testament to nothing if not the bovine stupidity of the age.

But the impetus for this piece comes by way of the knucklehead plan to storm Area 51 in September. Which has already been endorsed by 1.5 million people.

I mean, really, of all things to inspire minuteman action against Leviathan — not the functional nullification of the Bill of Rights, taxation sans representation, nor the wholesale war on our faith and folk conducted by the feds, but the desperate wish that Star Trek was based on a true story? This is criminal insanity. Peak stupid. read more

The Pitiless and Multi-Faceted War Against All Sources of Strength and Comfort

By Colby Malsbury

The Scriptural presupposition for all psychology, as it relates to total depravity, is remarkably straightforward: ‘A double minded man is unstable in all his ways’ (James 1:8). And the veracity of this verse cannot be denied as we witness the entire societal fabric crumble before our glazed eyes. When we read that suicide levels among youngsters have reached levels not seen since WWII, particularly in the still-majority-white enclaves of the western and upper midwestern states, and this despite the fact that these pilgrims are supposedly reaping the benefits of the ‘greatest economy evah’, even the most mossbacked champion of American establishmentarianism must conclude that the situation on the ground is irrevocably Janusian. Assuming they first Googled what ‘Janusian’ means, of course. read more

Reverend Greg Johnson’s Confession Examined

By Enoch Powell

Read Greg Johnson’s original bit of self-justification here.

“I was not raised in a Church or a synagogue.” – Irreverent Greg Johnson, Sodomite PCA Pastard.

Why would any putative Christian put being raised in a synagogue on the same level as being raised in a Church? First sentence out of the man’s mouth in his pleading for accepting same-sex attracted members and already I’m scratching my head.

“I knew I was gay at age 11.” – Pastard Greg Johnson, Defending Same-Sex Attraction Status On the Floor of the Presbytery. read more

A Response To The CRCNA’s Condemnation of Kinism

By Davis Carlton

Recently the Christian Reformed Church, North America (CRCNA) has issued an overture condemning Kinism as a “grievous sin.” The CRCNA has outlined their objections to Kinism in their 2019 Agenda. I obviously disagree with the CRCNA’s condemnation, but I think that they have made a huge tactical blunder in the way that they have chosen to proceed. The overtures are filled with examples of tortuous and in many cases truly cringe-worthy interpretations of Biblical passages in making their case against Kinism. read more

‘The Peasants Are Revolting’: Five Reasons Why Homosexuals Constitute a Modern Aristocracy

By Colby Malsbury

Ho, ho, ho!!!! Merrrrrry Pride Month!!! And I’m not talking about a celebration of the musical stylings of Charley, either. It being June again, it’s time for the annual officially-sanctioned orgy: pederasts sauntering down crucial metropolitan trade routes dressed as schizophrenic peacocks, skoolz making a special effort before summer break to inculcate children into accepting the idea that the institution of slavery was built on a foundation of suppressed sodomic longing for virile Mandingosim, corporations incorporating rainbow colors into their copyrighted logos and doubtless securing a second copyright on the alteration, and so on and so forth down the sewer pipe. read more

Christian Morality and Its Application To Apologetics, Part 2: Preliminary Issues With How Atheists Use The Bible

By Davis Carlton

Read Part One here.

It seems like many Christian apologists try to deflect atheist accusations like the Bible’s endorsement of slavery by arguing that “Biblical slavery” was nothing like the horrific slavery practiced in North America and the American South in particular. I think that this is the wrong approach. There is no compelling reason to view Biblical slavery as substantially different from slavery as it was practiced in America. Atheists aren’t impressed by this argument because they will always point out that slaves were allowed to be corporally punished or beaten in Exodus 21. Another approach is to assert that Christians are no longer “under the law,” and this is understood to mean that the precepts of the Mosaic Law are no longer binding in any sense. This argument fails because slavery is also permitted by the Apostles in the New Testament, and the Bible teaches that God does not change in His attributes and character. The Mosaic Law accurately reflects God’s character so Christians ought to defend the character of God as it is revealed in the Law. read more

Christian Morality and Its Application To Apologetics: Are Atheists in a Position To Criticize The Morality of The Bible?

By Davis Carlton

Christianity is under severe attack, and the primary rival to Christianity is quickly becoming secular atheism. One of my favorite topics is Christian apologetics. I watch many debates between Christian apologists and atheists. My favorite is the famous debate between Greg Bahnsen and Gordon Stein. I’ve watched several other debates and I use them to sharpen my own sense of how I would defend the Christian faith. There are often many ways in which I disagree with particular Christian apologists in how they defend the faith. A major topic that is becoming extremely important in apologetics is the issue of Biblical morality. Most atheists are becoming well-versed in the moral precepts of the Bible as a means of undermining its authority in the minds of modern Western Europeans. read more

Western Agriculture is Shattered Beyond Repair. And That’s the Good News.

By Colby Malsbury

If print media is going the way of the dodo bird, agricultural newspapers and magazines are especially down to one or two specimens still known to exist. Should you chance to pick one up, though, you will find one ubiquitous feature: a puff piece of an article (almost guaranteed to be written by a young woman) featuring some variation on ‘Raising beef/pork/chickens/dairy/grain/etc is incredibly hard work….but sooooo totally worth it!!!!‘ A representative sample of such can be found here. read more

Poll Finds Nearly One-Third of PCA Ministers are Sexually Attracted to Roadkill

Tribal Theocrat recently teamed up with TGC to conduct a poll of over 4000 ministers ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America. The poll concerned their romantic, sexual, and gender identities, as well as their porn-watching habits. One surprising result: over 31% of all PCA ministers admit to being romantically and sexually attracted to roadkill. Some other interesting results, from respondents with roadkill attraction (RKA):

The poll asked for any commentary or personal testimonies that respondents would like to share. The following are a few of these comments: read more