Category Archives: Race & Reason

All The Lonely People: The Modern “Death Positive” Movement Progresses as Whites Embrace The Abyss

By Davis Carlton

We live in depressing times. There can be little doubt that things are getting worse rather than better, the juvenile protestations of the #datpostmil crowd notwithstanding. Many on the Right acknowledge this without entirely understanding how we got here or what to do to fix the problem. Problems in contemporary Western society have become so numerous that the future prospects for the average Millennial are truly terrifying. The secular optimism that typified the decades following the Second World War and continued into the 1960s and 70s with promises of peace and universal brotherhood has disappeared among younger generations. read more

Lamenting the Other: David Bahnsen’s Disgusting Elegy to Kobe Bryant

By Colby Malsbury

Did you ever know that you’re my hero
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings

So went the refrain to Bette Midler’s maudlin anthem, which nonetheless resonated with Baby Boomers to such an extent that it has become a popular hymn at their funerals thirty-some years after the song’s release. Boomer influence has been such as to allow no other outpouring of emotion than the turning on of waterworks and the fraudulent enthusiasm of excessive flattery whenever a death occurs, as I made mention of in a previous article. This is especially true when one mourns the death of a celebrity. And when the celebrity happens to be an uber A-lister like recently deceased basketball Baal Kobe Bryant, well, you might as well shut everything down and declare multiple months to follow to be official periods of mourning. The unceasing bewailing of images that once flickered on your tee vee screen has been decreed to be therapeutic, doncha know. read more

It Buttereth No Parsnips: The Myth of the Black Conservative

By Ehud Would

“What do you call a Black person at a Republican rally? The keynote speaker.”
~Everybody’s Grandfather

A popular trope of late among Fox News devotees and the Alt Lite is a mass #walkaway phenomenon among Blacks.

Granted, Trump has resonated with some Blacks. Whereas Blacks generally poll 95-98% Democrat (at most 5% Republican), the latest figures show them trending a whopping 30% for Trump.

Okay, that still amounts to a landslide for whatever Dem homunculus runs against him, but the Shapiros assure us it’s the passion of this groundswell that counts. read more

Keep a Candle in the Window: An Answer to an OPC Minister Concerning Claims from His Son’s Teacher

By Ehud Would

I recently received a private communique from an OPC minister grappling with the Marxist bent of his son’s “Christian school”. Yes, you read that right. Christian schools are now but another mouthpiece for Marxist zeitgeist. Incredible as that is.

Since my response reiterates the content of the pastor’s letter, I have here omitted the original in favor of my reply.

“I’m sorry to hear [your son] has this stuff coming his way. But I’m glad you’re not just rolling over to the secular narrative.
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Ever Heard Of the Tulsa Race Massacre? No? Well, You’re About To. Constantly.

By Colby Malsbury

Hey, everybody! Welcome to a brand-new decade!

What’s on tap for the Roaring Twenties 2.0? Given the latest hysterical historical revisionism making its way to the top of the Outrage Charts, more of the same manufactured SJW angst that made the previous ten years such a delight to endure. Weren’t we supposed to be having Disney cruises to Mars by now?

And just as the perceived entry of hundred year old books, songs, and movies into the public domain often elicits a renewed interest in their contents (though the actual time frame is ninety-five years), so too do the centenaries of past ‘injustices’ elicit a renewed outburst of indignation from professional meddlesome Care Bears. The only thing easier than pouring forth one’s heart towards ethnic strangers afar off is to do so towards ethnic strangers afar off and dead long before one’s grandparents were born. In that spirit, the closing months of 2019 saw the seedbed being prepared for a crop of poisonous forget-me-nots commemorating the Tulsa Race Massacre of May-June 1921. Interestingly enough, the event was better known as the Tulsa Race Riots for decades, but as blacks historically possess the unsavory proclivity towards anarchy during tense periods the moniker was duly altered to its current exploitative form. Doubtless the new name is also meant to covey impressions of that old paean to white inhumanity The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – especially given how Oklahoma is indistinguishable from Texas to your average Left Coaster. When the game is semantics, the play is always based on cutthroat poker rather than Go Fish. read more

Scapegoating Your Ancestors: A Response to Reed DePace

By Davis Carlton

The Gospel Coalition continues its agenda of blaming all of America’s problems, past and present, on the ubiquitous evils of white people. Ron Burns has posted an article authored by Presbyterian pastor Reed DePace on his congregation’s “repentance” for their evil racist past. Interestingly, DePace considers himself “Hispanic American,” so when he mentions the sins of “our forefathers” he’s really talking about your white forefathers. DePace pastors Historic First Presbyterian Church, founded in downtown Montgomery, Alabama in 1824 and now affiliated with the PCA. DePace describes the perennial success of the church which at its apogee in the 1920s reached a membership of 2,000 and maintained a membership of 1,100 as late as 1961. After this point the church experienced a precipitous decline and today only boasts about 50 active members. This naturally caused DePace and the leadership to inquire as to what has been going wrong. Why has God seemingly cursed their ministry efforts? read more

The Strangely Familiar Love of the WOKE Church

By Ehud Would

Time: the mid-1960s. Place: Southern California.

Middle Class Christian youth found themselves borne upon a revolutionary tide, the portents of which were more revolutionary still. A growing contingent of young women in particular found themselves groping for a more enlightened expression of Christ: a Christ free of all the old bigotries which had sullied Christendom from the beginning — one which announced social equality between genders, nations, and races. read more

Doug Wilson: Straddling the Fence, and Falling Off Both Sides at Once

By Bret McAtee

There are alternatives to Tribalism; whether we are talking about massive tribes of white liberals or micro tribes of city league bowlers in Topeka. On the secular side of things those alternatives would include massive Nationalist ideologies like “Nazism,” or Internationalist ideologies – Communism, which is the kind of thing that happens when tribalism tries to scale. Mass ideologies, like petty tribalism, demand loyalty and empathy and to hell with outsiders. The only real alternative to an insider vs. outsider mentality is the Christian faith. Because the claims of Christ are ultimate because He is the head of the Church these claims originate from outside the cosmos, which means His claims trump every other claim. I have a tighter bond with someone who is baptized in the Triune name but who lives in Tehran than I do with my next door neighbor who is not baptized. read more

Blackface For Me, But Not For Thee

By Colby Malsbury

Oh, joy. That Crazy Cucked Communist Commissar of all the Canadas – better known to some as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – is up to his antics again. It’s election season in the senior dominion, and the first shot across the bow has proven to be the leakage of a series of musty photos and videos depicting Mr. Dress-up with melted charcoal slathered all over his face. The pics of him in an extraordinarily twee Aladdin getup that wouldn’t be at all out of place at one of the Rothschilds’ infamous Hellfire club masked balls were bad enough, but an even more incendiary vid surfaced of him in an even darker shade of ochre dressed as some kind of Rastafarian hobo and shuckin’ and jivin’ like a kid getting down to the Lancelot Link theme song back in the day. Not the most auspicious start for a pol who has staked his entire reputation as being someone who might be incompetent and high as a kite on something illicit, but who nonetheless really really cares. read more

What is Treason?

By Davis Carlton

Steve Hays of Triablogue has posted a brief discussion on the concept of “race-traitors.” I find many of Hays’ writings on theological topics to be of interest, although I disagree with his rejection of Kinism. I thought I would offer my own thoughts in response to what he says in his brief post. Hays begins by noting, “The ‘race-traitor’ epithet is used both by (some) whites and blacks. Is that ever a legitimate category?”

To answer Hays’ rhetorical question: yes, race treason is a legitimate category. That the Bible condemns treason should be uncontroversial. Judas Iscariot is also identified as the traitor (Lk. 6:16), the Apostle Paul condemns traitors (2 Tim. 3:4), and Stephen accuses those who were about to stone him of being “betrayers and murderers” (Acts 7:52). Race is the broadest subcategory of mankind encompassing many people from similar ethnic backgrounds. The Bible uses many different designations that radiate outward from the basic social unit of the family. Several families comprise a clan, several clans comprise a tribe, and several tribes comprise a nation. Nations are hereditary and genealogical (1 Chr. 1-8, 9:1), and are typically named for a prominent patriarch. read more