The Strangely Familiar Love of the WOKE Church



By Ehud Would


Time: the mid-1960s. Place: Southern California.

Middle Class Christian youth found themselves borne upon a revolutionary tide, the portents of which were more revolutionary still. A growing contingent of young women in particular found themselves groping for a more enlightened expression of Christ: a Christ free of all the old bigotries which had sullied Christendom from the beginning — one which announced social equality between genders, nations, and races.

And so it was that providence raised up a young firebrand minister as conduit for this spirit — one Charlie Willis.

Calling for revival of apostolic faith, and emphasizing the imago dei in all people, Willis prophetically rebuked what he described as “the idols of this age”, Patriarchy, Familism, Racism, and Privilege.

His message concerning the domestic family was that allegiance to blood and kinship was in fact a seminal evil to be supplanted by true family, which is spiritual only.

One of his foremost students, Suzy, recalls Willis’s words which proved so compelling on this point:

“All your roots are cut. You are freed from your families and all their old hang-ups. You are cut loose into the now.”

So essential was this supersession of kinship by spirit that these idealists dubbed their communion “The Family”.

So devoted was Willis to equality that in the mid-60s he seems to have been the first WASP to walk the walk by taking his wife’s surname (Willis) as his own.

And Willis held this sublimation of kinship consonant with the emerging post-racial eschaton. A remarkable bit of consistency, really, he saw the abolition of race and hierarchy as synonymous with the abolition of physical family.

Albeit in a bit of familiar irony, their congregation turned out entirely White.

Nonetheless, they took the revolutionary route to stand foursquare for ‘social justice’. They championed the Amerind, the Mexican, and especially the Negro over against the scourge of their own WASP culture, and the White Man in general.

Ahead of their time in most every way, the Family repudiated law enforcement as systemic White Supremacy.

Mind you, the likes of Russell Moore, Al Mohler, Bo Marinov, and the whole “WOKE Church” movement would only come round to these positions some five or six decades later! And that only with palms greased by the likes of George Soros, James Riadi, and sundry NWO foundations; not to mention the wind of zeitgeist firmly at their backs.

Of course, Willis and the Family summed this theology up in terms purloined from a Beatles hit — ‘Helter Skelter’.

That’s right.

Charlie Willis’s birth name was Charles Milles Maddox, which shortly became Charles Milles Manson.

The apostle of egalitarianism.

It was only upon marriage to his first wife Rosalie Willis, and the bizarre Feminist assumption of her maiden name as his middle name, that he achieved a quasi-messianic reference: Charles Willis Manson (“Charles’s Will is Man’s Son”). Which was merely consistent with his own liberal doctrine of theosis.

Point being, if not for the Manson Family murders (actual violence backing up their egalitarian ideals), the Manson Family would have never been shoved in the closet by the broader Left. If not for their heavy hand in the implementation of those ideals, Manson & Co. would be venerated by the contemporary WOKE church just as they venerate MLK Jr. And as the latter’s legacy proves, neither copious drug use nor rampant promiscuity, nor even regular bouts of blasphemy and heresy would have been enough, on their own, to sully Manson’s legacy.

Parenthetically, it should also be noted that the same holds true for Manson’s contemporary, Jim Jones. If not for the mass suicide at Jonestown, the man would be revered in the modern church.

Seeing as the whole “Jesus Movement” of the 60s and 70s was predicated more on Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird than on the Bible, Chuck Manson and Chuck Smith were fellow travelers from the outset.

And these notions have since breached the inner wall of Christendom. Surreal as it is, even our once orthodox pulpits have come to preach what may rightly be called ‘Helter Skelter’ — the overthrow and erasure of White Christian Patriarchy by the egalitarian mass of minorities — as Kingdom come.

Moreover, as Antifa has congealed into a reified Manson Family movement the churches have, almost without exception, affirmed their vision (and in some cases, their actions) openly. Even when Antifa assaults traditional White Christians (their central target), our supposed Christian leadership only takes the opportunity to condemn the traditional Christians, but utter nary a word opposite the radical Left. What portion is cowardice, and what portion true zeal, I cannot say.

Either way, mainstream clergy now identify unreservedly with Antifa, going so far as to support them in print, and as we saw in Charlottesville, even marching in solidarity with them to have Christian monuments removed.

It still beggars the imagination of this writer but Leftward as things have slid in recent years, the only socio-political stances the ‘conservative’ churches rule out as anti-Christian are all the Conservative ones. Even on matters as essential as gender distinction and hierarchy, the commentary of supposed Reconstructionists is now indistinguishable from that of the most radical Third Wave Feminists.

All this in mind, it is apparent that neo-Christianity (not to be confused with actual Christianity) has surpassed all question of objectives. They are now only working themselves into an ever greater frenzy seeking any and all outlets for their new ethos — some way, any way, to strike at historic Christendom and its remnant. The catechumen of this emerging faith are therefore warming even to Manson’s methods. Their whelming threats of personal violence and promises to set feral POC against our families is nothing less than Helter Skelter in action.