By Davis Carlton
I’ve gone on record arguing that racial segregation is a practical solution to the increasingly hostile nature of race relations in the Western world. The past several months certainly haven’t changed this belief as the specter of all out violence continues to loom. The George Floyd/Derek Chauvin verdict managed to stay black violence at the expense of justice…at least justice as understood in the Anglo-Saxon Christian common law tradition. Calls from black California Congresswoman Maxine Waters for “confrontation” directed at BLM activists with a well-documented history of violence were blatant threats aimed at jurors and the city to render the “right” verdict. The threatening nature of Waters’ rhetoric was even noted by Judge Peter Cahill in the Floyd/Chauvin trial as a potential pretext for granting Chauvin a new trial. Add to this that one of the black jurors has been discovered to have participated in a BLM protest prior to the trial and who was clearly prejudiced (in the proper legal sense of the term) against Chauvin from the beginning.