Category Archives: Current Events

False Dichotomies: Kinism, Wokeness, and Indifferentism

WAR ON WORDS: Why Race Is NOT A Social Construct | IDEAS ON IDEAS

By Davis Carlton

The mainstream conservative response amidst the onslaught of “wokeness” now plaguing the West has been to call out liberals for their supposed hypocrisy on race or betraying the “dream” of their beloved Martin Luther King. Conservatives are aiming at preserving the fragile and unsteady status quo of the late twentieth century following the Civil Rights revolution which sought to detach America’s identity from her past rooted in European colonization of North America. The idea defended by most conservatives and Christians is that race is unimportant and shouldn’t matter. When conservatives defend principles of liberalism that are a mere few decades old, they vindicate R.L. Dabney’s powerful assessment of modern conservatives as “a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is to-day one of the accepted principles of conservatism.” read more

Exclusive: Our Interview With a Christian Proponent of Critical Race Theory

Hipster Youth Pastor Blank Template - Imgflip

By Colby Malsbury

Tribal Theocrat has been the beneficiary of white privilege for far too long now. After all, we couldn’t produce these articles without laptops and electricity, and that’s grotesquely unfair to those Wakandans living in the nether regions of Chad. To atone, we have agreed to be coerced into interviewing the charming Declan Whiteout (preferred pronouns to be released to us as soon as our funds are deposited in his account), recent graduate of Bayard Rustin Seminary and a self-described conservative, on the inerrancy, irrefutability, and just plain goodness of Critical Race Theory. Hey, it was either this or the rack. read more

Popular Entertainment as an Inversion of Reality: A Review of Amazon’s “Them”

Them (TV Series 2021– ) - IMDb

By Davis Carlton

I remember watching the movie Galaxy Quest when I was younger. The basic plot is that an alien race sends a representative to recruit the aging actors of an old space sci-fi television show to help them fend off an attack from an aggressive reptilian alien species. The aliens who are asking for help do so by mistaking the old television show for “historical documents” that chronicle actual history and the actors for real life combat veterans and heroes. Today, the consumers of streaming content don’t seem to have any more discernment than the naïve alien race featured in Galaxy Quest. Enter the new series available on Amazon Prime called Them, purportedly about the dystopian horror that was the black experience in 1950s America. read more

When the Right Finally Started to Make Inroads…and Then Promptly Blew It

Atlanta Unites with Israel - Atlanta Jewish Times

By Colby Malsbury

And things had been going so well.

The blatant usurpation of the US presidency by the forces boosting the first-ever Catholic Veep, combined with the continual metastasizing of the Covid LARP, seemed to light a large enough fire under the neo-Right’s sizable posterior for it to finally arise from its Barca-Lounger and get mad.

And their targets were big enough and juicy enough that a wide-eyed freshman seminary student inexplicably drafted into the Marine Corps could hit them his first day on the rifle range. read more

This Won’t End Well

Racial Unrest Impedes U.S. Bid to Counter China in Africa - Bloomberg

By Davis Carlton

I’ve gone on record arguing that racial segregation is a practical solution to the increasingly hostile nature of race relations in the Western world. The past several months certainly haven’t changed this belief as the specter of all out violence continues to loom. The George Floyd/Derek Chauvin verdict managed to stay black violence at the expense of justice…at least justice as understood in the Anglo-Saxon Christian common law tradition. Calls from black California Congresswoman Maxine Waters for “confrontation” directed at BLM activists with a well-documented history of violence were blatant threats aimed at jurors and the city to render the “right” verdict. The threatening nature of Waters’ rhetoric was even noted by Judge Peter Cahill in the Floyd/Chauvin trial as a potential pretext for granting Chauvin a new trial. Add to this that one of the black jurors has been discovered to have participated in a BLM protest prior to the trial and who was clearly prejudiced (in the proper legal sense of the term) against Chauvin from the beginning. read more

Clickbait Conspiracy: Or, the Death of Discernment Among the Right

Dangling this” drip torture, or the “poor man's clickbait” |  Multidisciplinary Reflectives

By Colby Malsbury

Things have been understandably quite tense around Pastor James Coates’s GraceLife Church, as reported here recently.

So it was with a mixture of horror and elation that conservatives read about a typical example of state overreach in which two hundred Royal Canadian Mounted Thugs attempted to strong-arm the church service being held outside the fenced-off church grounds on Sunday, April 11, moving in en masse to break up the gathering with brute force. Enraged congregants, pushed to the very limit by nwo diktats, stormed the fence and began breaking it up, just like East Berliners venting their frustrations on their anything-but-beloved Wall in 1989. Details remained sketchy, but no doubt massive arrests were made and onerous prison sentences were meted out to the participants. read more

Blessed Are Ye, When Men Shall Hate You: the Continuing Saga of Pastor James Coates

By Colby Malsbury

He might not be possessed with the eloquence of Jonathan Edwards.

He has not authored great theonomic treatises against the state, as per J. Gresham Machen.

He would be the first to admit that both Van Til and Clark would leave him in the dust in propounding systematic theology.

But none of that matters. By their fruits ye shall know them, and the fruits of Pastor James Coates have been bountiful indeed. When it comes to fidelity to the tenets of Christianity in the face of tremendous opposition, Pastor Coates can hold his head proudly beside the likes of R.L. Dabney. read more

Two Harry Red Men: Prince Harry as a Modern Day Esau

Every Handsome Prince Harry Moment From 2017 That You Need to Relive Right  Now | Handsome prince, Prince harry, Prince harry and megan

By Davis Carlton

The recent interview of Prince Harry and his mulatto wife Meghan Markle with Oprah Winfrey typifies Prince Harry as a modern day Esau. There are many striking comparisons between Harry and Esau. The first being that both men seem to be red heads (Gen. 25:25), accounting for the lame pun in the title. Other comparisons are more to the point. Esau is called a profane person who sold his birthright for a morsel of meat (Heb. 12:16). The same verse also calls Esau a fornicator; likely alluding to Esau’s marriages to Canaanite women (Gen. 26:34). Esau is given as an example of grossly misplaced priorities. Esau sold his birthright in order to satiate temporary hunger. Esau’s callous disregard for what was rightfully his is so stark that we are told that Esau “despised his birthright” (Gen. 25:30-34). As the oldest son Esau was the heir apparent to the wonderful covenant promises made to the patriarchs Abraham and Isaac, and yet he was willing to let all of that go in exchange for a full stomach. read more

Stuff It, HAL 9000: The Coming Backlash Against Tech in General

2018 May Bring The Rise Of The Anti-Tech Portfolio – Crunchbase News

By Colby Malsbury

Remember the entire GameStop imbroglio way back in that mystic age of January of this year? (In Scarybug World, one day seems to last a wormhole-ful of eternities.) I can think of worse ways to usher in a new year, myself. It gave the Elect a much-needed morale boost to see the short-selling mountebanks of Wall Street get their shirt handed to them over an obsolete video game-exchange franchise that, inexplicably, is still listed on the NYSE. Sure, it turned out to be little more than a temporary middle finger directed the Jewish financial cartel’s way, was quickly suppressed by said cartel’s very own Securities Exchange Commission, and will likely be actively usurped by said cartel in future broker plays of its own, but even a temporary discomfiture among our worst enemies is a rare gem indeed these days. read more

The SPLC’s Hatred of White Christians

By Ehud Would

Now that our Christian institutions have been bribed, threatened, or otherwise cajoled into conformity with all the shibboleths of Cultural Marxism, the Southern Poverty Law Center is zeroing in on the holdouts. As such, they have declared Christ the King Reformed Church a “White Nationalist Hate Group”.

Now, despite all airs of legitimacy your extorted tax dollars can buy, the antichrists at the SPLC have no actual authority in the Church. Or anywhere else for that matter, because they ardently oppose the Lordship of Christ, the rightful Ruler of all things. read more