Whoopi’s Whoopsie, Part 1: Hell May Have Just Frozen Over: Whoopi Goldberg Was Right

By Ehud Would

“Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and the commandments of men who turn from the truth.”
~Titus 1:14

I’m no fan of Whoopi Goldberg. She’s horrible on pretty much every issue. And I really couldn’t care less if she is ever allowed to return to that insipid Commie sewing circle, The View.

In fact, if justice prevailed in the land, the whole coven would be on trial for their sundry crimes against God, Man, and Nature.

But, moresthepity, Left and Right seem to have come to a hands-across-the-water moment condemning Whoopi – a moment which defined the hierarchy of political correctness: while Black women hold almost limitless PC credit, there is a limit. And Whoopi found it.

The trouble is – and I really hate to admit it – Whoopi had a point when she said that Hitler’s dealings with the Jews weren’t ultimately about a “Jewish race”.

How do we know? Well, to start with, Hitler said just that:

 “Our racial pride is not aggressive except in so far as the Jewish race is concerned. We use the term ‘Jewish race’ as a matter of convenience, for in reality, and from the genetic point of view, there is no such thing as the Jewish race. There does, however, exist a community, to which, in fact, the term can be applied and the existence of which is admitted by the Jews themselves. It is the spiritually homogeneous group, to membership of which all Jews throughout the world deliberately adhere, regardless of their whereabouts and of their country of domicile; and it to this group of human beings to which we give the title Jewish race.” ~Adolf Hitler, Feb. 13th, 1945, The Testament of Adolf Hitler (1945)

Of course, well-heeled Noachides, Left and Right, will dismiss this firsthand account from the man, himself. They’ll say he was simply lying. Because, c’mon, he’s Hitler.

Not that he was given to obfuscation anyway, but by ‘45 Hitler was done with all pleading and persuasion. In the homestretch of the war, he was preaching to the choir. The average German was principally opposed not to the existence of Jews as a supposed race, but Jewish ideology and behavior. And this position was reflected in not only his policies, but his private life.

With no apologies to Joy Behar or Ben Shapiro, let the record show that Hitler maintained deep relations with many Jews all the way up to the end of his life. Which, according to both the FBI and CIA, was probably in Argentina.

To begin with, it is a matter of public record that Hitler’s rise to power was bankrolled by Zionist Jews hot to make good on the promise of the Balfour Declaration, and effect a relocation of European Jewry to Palestine. Which, funny enough, would make Hitler a Zionist.

To this end, Bankhaus Mendelssohn & Co. in Amsterdam made two transfers to the German government in the early 30s. One for 10 million USD, and one for 15 million USD. These monies originated with Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of New York (the same banking house which, under Jacob Schiff, had bankrolled the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia), J P Morgan & Co. of New York, and Samuel & Samuel of London. And Royal Dutch Shell sent 10 million Guilders as late as 1937.

Hitler’s personal physicians throughout the war, doctors Kroner and Bloch, whom he trusted with his very life, were both Jews.

There were also thousands of Jews who, with the full knowledge and sanction of the German government, served as soldiers in the German military, including the officer corps.

Hitler even maintained close friendship with at least one Jewish family

In light of these facts, none can credibly dismiss Hitler’s stated position. Because, Hollywood aside, we see his private life was congruent with his policy. The German treatment of the Jews was, for the most part, relative to the ideology of individual Jews. But as Elie Wiesel told us in his holocaust* memoire, NIGHT, most every Jewish home in Germany and greater Europe, were but little outposts of Communism.

All of which is to say that Whoopi was not wrong. At least not entirely. The German’s beef with the Jew was not a matter of the Jew’s race (because they weren’t technically a race), but rather the fact that the Jews held the Germans’ culture, religion, and race in utter contempt, and were hellbent on destroying the German people. Which is to say that even if the German’s grievance with the Jew was not racial, the Jew’s grievance with the German was.

In this sense alone was it truly a racial conflict. But the Behars of the world aren’t about to accept that amendment from Whoopi. And far less so from any White Gentile.

At length, Whoopi was compelled to bend the knee and confess the one position which least comports with the facts. How do the Jews have this power to compel people to knowingly confess lies? They claim this totalistic power over peoples’ minds and consciences because, as they tell it, “they are the most persecuted people in history”. And if you doubt that, they say, “we will destroy you.”