School Shooting Ethics



n the aftermath of the recent Connecticut “school” shooting, many parents are wondering how to keep their children safe. Unfortunately, pretentious government and school officials, cop clowns, and sentimental reporters are offering the wrong advice – advice that makes you wonder about their complicity. The common refrains from all these groups are more school security, tighter gun legislation, and hug your kids. One parent lamented, “It just makes you wonder if our kids are safe anymore.”

Well, of course parents should wonder about their child’s safety if they’re sending them to a gun-free zone for 6-7 hours a day. In such zones there are no armed teachers or faculty who can draw a firearm and dispatch the shooter within five seconds. Parents, teachers/faculty, and children are at the mercy of the caprices of mass murderers and a 15-minute police response time. Whether it’s a movie theater in Aurora or a school in Newtown, gun-free facilities patently aid the guilty and thwart the innocent. And guess what? You don’t have to go there.

When legislators and business owners demand that your God-given right of self-preservation ceases when you cross their property, you can turn the other way. But if you proceed, I have a question for you after something goes amiss: Do you share culpability when you or your family member is injured or killed by the murderer who cared nothing for the gun restriction? We know lawmakers and business owners share some guilt for their senseless, pro-death policies, but what about the customer? The school parent?

These are the questions reporters, cops, and politicians won’t ask. Instead, you hear noisy claptrap like this:

“We ask our parents to talk to their children and reassure them that their bus driver, teacher, principal and other adults at their school are there to keep them safe,” said IPS Superintendent Dr. Eugene G. White.

What chutzpah! It’s precisely the gun-free policies (which Mr. White favors) that are largely responsible for such shootings. But it’s not as if these tax-parasite school officials are going to say, “We encourage parents to withdraw their children from public schools and to choose an educational model that protects them from armed intruders.” Ethically, that’s exactly what they should be saying, because, contrary to Mr. White’s claims, public school teachers, bus drivers, and principals have no firepower and thus can’t keep kids safe. But they choose an ethic which secures their tax-based salary and your child’s defenselessness.

I have another question for those more levelheaded public school supporters demanding armed teachers and faculty. Can we really call it really a “school” when it requires armed security in every room? That’s more like a prison. Yet, neither is it a school when a madman can enter and fire over 100 unchallenged rounds at innocent children – and then, almost in mockery of the policies that gave him the advantage, take his own life with privilege.

Government schools are not schools, but indoctrination centers where the risk of violent crime is actually higher than elsewhere. And while moving to a place like Newtown that is 92 percent white is a safe choice, it’s not enough if you’re following the deluded 90 percent of Christians who cage their kids for half of the day in these death zones. Private school parents, you too should ask yourself whether the educators you hired can protect your child not only from bad ideas but from bullets. I’m guessing they can’t. Homeschoolers, I can only remind you to review your armed defense tactics.

The establishment should be ashamed for discussing the “bravery” of the first responders, for praising the way school officials handled the emergency, and for urging us to fly our flags at half mast. Yes, it’s terribly sad that 10 days before 20 small children would unwrap Christmas presents, they were ruthlessly murdered at a so-called place of learning. But the establishment is still encouraging the lethal public school model and flattering the tax-thieving apparatus that supports it. And this is where shame turns to blame. No flag flies at half mast or otherwise for the 3,288 slaughtered daily in abortion clinics, nor for the many thousands abroad murdered on their home soil by our troops in unjust wars. No flag and no establishment voice.

As a parent, you can chose not to share responsibility for school shooting calamities. You don’t have to join the mother who wonders whether her children are safe at school. You can know they’re safe by educating them yourself, at home. Where your guns are.