Tag Archives: theonomist

Chutzpah: Or How Joe Carter Joined the Conspiracy of Silence To Debunk Conspiracy Theory

By Colby Malsbury

The post-WWII Church was a complacent beast towards encroaching federalism at the best of times, but as the Scaryvirus narrative refuses to wither and die on the vine the pandering unto Caesar is generating infinitely more nausea than the bug could ever hope to do.

Voluntarily closing the church doors long before the official diktat came down from on high, and volunteering to keep them shut into the foreseeable future? HAL-lelujah!

Enforcing counter-productive social distancing guidelines at the few (outdoors, yet!) church functions the elder board deigns to permit? GLOR-y be! read more

A Refutation of a Terrible Article on Why Biblical Arguments Against Borders Are Terrible

By Colby Malsbury

What’s Joel McDurmon been up to ever since leaving the equivalent of an unsavory piece of solid organic material floating in the swimming pool of American Vision? Well, as he’s a man on a mission, just like his erstwhile mentors the Blues Brothers, he had to find an alternate venue from which to make mock at his God and his forebears, so he concocted the Lamb’s Reign website, an aesthetically appealing forum (dig that panoramic mountain vid on the home page!), but one as devoid of Christian truth as any Communist front church organization of the 1930s. The leopard has not changed his spots one iota. Let’s hope the site is at least monetized, so McDurr can afford to buy comfy beanbag chairs to sulk in when the rest of us fail to appreciate his impetuous cutting edge genius. read more

From Gilded Age to Guilted Age: A Review of the 1927 Film, Children of Divorce

By Ehud Would

I recently viewed a remarkable film — Frank Lloyd’s Children of Divorce, a 1927 silent film now digitally restored and available free online. Definitely worth viewing.

Not to worry, this review avoids any significant spoilers.

Sure, modern cinephiles sneer at silent films, but cinematically, this one is quite well done. What’s more, it offers a rare gestalt with respect not just to divorce generally, but its central role in the fall of the WASP aristocracy, that linchpin presaging the internal collapse of broader WASP society. read more

Where Libertarianism Leads: Presbyterian Pastor Endorses Legalized Bestiality

By Davis Carlton

Few among us had the foresight to see this coming. I certainly didn’t imagine that I would be writing a response to an ostensibly orthodox Presbyterian pastor arguing for the legality of bestiality. Nevertheless, this is where things stand. We truly live in strange times. The comments that I am responding to are from a Twitter thread on the account of Rev. Chris Caughey, who is a Presbyterian pastor and hosts a podcast called Glory Cloud about the theology of Meredith Kline. Evidently Caughey is not a fan of patriarchy. He begins by alleging that “patriarchy is advocated not by men – not even by mice (what an insult to rodents!) – but by cockroaches who are utterly terrified when light is shined on the darkness of their teaching.” read more

Aliens & Alienists: Why Christians Don’t Believe in Aliens — At Least Not From Outer Space

By Ehud Would

Full disclosure: I regard the present needfulness of redress on the subject of E.T.s  testament to nothing if not the bovine stupidity of the age.

But the impetus for this piece comes by way of the knucklehead plan to storm Area 51 in September. Which has already been endorsed by 1.5 million people.

I mean, really, of all things to inspire minuteman action against Leviathan — not the functional nullification of the Bill of Rights, taxation sans representation, nor the wholesale war on our faith and folk conducted by the feds, but the desperate wish that Star Trek was based on a true story? This is criminal insanity. Peak stupid. read more

The Pitiless and Multi-Faceted War Against All Sources of Strength and Comfort

By Colby Malsbury

The Scriptural presupposition for all psychology, as it relates to total depravity, is remarkably straightforward: ‘A double minded man is unstable in all his ways’ (James 1:8). And the veracity of this verse cannot be denied as we witness the entire societal fabric crumble before our glazed eyes. When we read that suicide levels among youngsters have reached levels not seen since WWII, particularly in the still-majority-white enclaves of the western and upper midwestern states, and this despite the fact that these pilgrims are supposedly reaping the benefits of the ‘greatest economy evah’, even the most mossbacked champion of American establishmentarianism must conclude that the situation on the ground is irrevocably Janusian. Assuming they first Googled what ‘Janusian’ means, of course. read more

Guest Post from Joel McSherman: Satan, Flawed Social Justice Warrior


The following is a guest post by Dr. Joel McSherman, president of American Blindness, Secret Fellow with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and author of Grievance Mongering and Virtue Signaling: How To Build a Name for Yourself in the Age of Postmodern Millennials.

From a theological perspective, I could find a dozen ways to criticize Satan (and have done so). Today, I set those aside in order to praise him for two major examples of courage in the face of dangerous anti-egalitarian hatred. read more

God’s Law is the Rule of Life in All Spheres of Authority


The following was prompted by a discussion with a friend regarding the Westminster Confession of Faith’s treatment of the judicial/civil division of the Law, as well as the 1788 American revisions to WCF 23:3. Despite the digression at the end to focus on these specific issues, I hope it might serve as a general introduction to the continuing and general applicability of God’s Law in the modern world. ~ Mickey Henry

In order for a worldview to be a worldview, it must possess some conception of metaphysics (nature of reality: origins, mind/matter, time, causation, etc.), teleology (purpose/ultimate ends), and epistemology (how we know what we know), as well as a system of ethics; that is, a code of right behavior. The source of a worldview’s code of right behavior, its ethics/morals/law, is the ultimate authority of that worldview (i.e., its “god”). For example, if man or one of man’s institutions determines right behavior, then man is the ultimate authority of that worldview. Within any worldview, there are multiple spheres of authority: individual, family, church, civil government, association, business, etc. The nature of sphere authority, its source, order of precedence, degree of autonomy, and so forth, may be different from one worldview to the next, but these basic categories are inescapable for man (attempts by communists and other egalitarian revolutionaries to annihilate any one of these spheres has always ultimately resulted in failure). In a non-syncretic worldview, that is, one that is self-consistent, homogeneous, and stable, all authority spheres operate within the same ethical framework. While there is variability between authority spheres in emphasis as well as permissible penal sanctions, in a self-consistent worldview there is one law system for all. Since all ethical/legal systems, by nature, distinguish between should and should not, neutrality is a metaphysical impossibility. read more

DeMar’s Debacle on Slavery

Liberals love the myth of equality. They would probably die for it.

Fortunately for us they defend it in template fashion. The liberal emotionally distances himself from his opponent’s non-egalitarian view, which is evil prima facie. Such views are wicked not because Scripture and necessary inference denounce them, but because that is the category assigned to them by their other divided loyalty, political correctness (James 1:8; Matthew 6:24).  To the degree that the liberal actually argues against his opponent he only defends his disdain of a taboo position, usually a wishful straw man that he illogically connects to his opponent’s  actual position. Of course the liberal’s argumentation is only offered by way of backfill due to the visceral attachment he has already made against his opponent. Hence the reason egalitarian arguments are always emotive sound bites lacking any semblance of substance. It is also why, in the rare moments when the liberal properly identifies  his opponent’s thesis and posits an honest rebuttal, a beginning student of logic can quickly apply the appropriate fallacy. read more