Tag Archives: Kinism

A Response To Criticism of My Defense of Ethno-Nationalism

By Davis Carlton

A Facebook friend passed along some criticism of my article originally posted on Faith and Heritage, A Biblical Defense of Ethno-Nationalism. I would like to respond to this criticism. To my knowledge this has not been posted anywhere online and the author is currently anonymous, but I would still like to respond to some of the concerns that were raised.

Linguistic Issues

Objections were raised about my claims about Biblical concepts in their original languages. The objector notes that I and other Kinist writers aren’t linguists or Biblical scholars, and then expresses doubt about the accuracy of the claims that I make in the original article about the meaning of Biblical words and terms. He writes, “contrary to their ad hoc claim made in Carlton’s footnotes, a ‘nation as it is defined in Scripture’ is in fact not defined the same way in the Bible as it is ‘defined in the Sixth Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary…’ that is both an assumption, and patently false.” He continues, “It does not matter how many biblical proof texts a person cites when one doesn’t understand the meaning of the key words around which one builds-out an entire theological system.” read more

Coudenhove-Kalergi’s Vision of the New World Order

By Enos Powell

Also available on Iron Ink

“Notions of prisca theologia and philsophia perennis include the idea that there was a time before race, gender, and nationality; that sex was contained in an androgyne unity of opposites. If the process of moving to the perfected endpoint of history concerns the actualization of the perfected original form, then the process itself will demand a convergence of all things.

Think, for example, of the internationalist movements associated w/ the Left – the Communist International (Comintern), not to mention a global Caliphate. Perfectible futures that are equated with convergence demand that individual, individual groups, religious and national identity be converged (negated) as particular identities in order to realize the perfected universal form they will all find themselves sublimated into. read more

The Great New Mulatto Man

By Enos Powell

Read the original post at Iron Ink.

“The migration tsunami signifies the resolute, brutal and compelling commencement of the globalization of the world, which has been predicted for some time. It does not begin with the creation of a one world government, or the creation of a one world economic system or a unified global financial system (all of this is secondary), but with race mixing, the crossbreeding of races. Herein we see the confirmation of our thesis that the main objective of the globalists is not only wealth and power, but they also wish to change mankind, as a species, beyond recognition.” read more

Unraveling OPC Irrationality On Kinism

By Enos Powell

Over at the OPC website, we find this gem:


I don’t know long ago this was written, though I think somewhere around 2013. I don’t know who wrote it. I do know that I can provide quotes from Presbyterians in the last 50 years which will prove that whoever wrote this dreck should’ve stuck to his Church growth textbooks and not decided to delve into theology.

Begin OPC article:

Question and Answer

Is interracial marriage sinful?

Question: read more

Moses’ Ethiopian Wife

“Moses married an Ethiopian woman” is a common statement made in defense of interracial marriage.  The merits of this line of reasoning are examined herein, and the Biblical and profane record of Moses’ Ethiopian wife are explored.  An adequate treatment of this subject involves not only Biblical history, but also geography and chronology.  Few have the interest level or the patience for a full treatment, so I have tried to keep this as brief as possible while still covering the main points.  First, here’s the verse being referenced: read more

There’s Just No Reasoning with John Andrew Reasnor

By Davis Carlton

John Andrew Reasnor of The Kids Are All Blight fame has written an article on Lamb’s Reign suggesting that Christians ought to become thoroughly conformed to the image of this world and support the Black Lives Matter movement. I’m sure that Reasnor has a really good and well-articulated argument that is sure to convince skeptics. Actually no; he doesn’t. The sole reason that Reasnor gives for supporting Black Lives Matter is “It’s true.” In other words: Reasnor argues that Christians should support Black Lives Matter because black lives really do matter. If that doesn’t convince you I don’t know what possibly could. You must be an incorrigible bigot who simply hates black people. If you are one of those people and you have a few possible rejoinders in mind when you read Reasnor’s “argument,” don’t worry. Reasnor has already thought of your objections and provides very thorough explanations of why you’re wrong. The whole of Reasnor’s article is a response to potential counter-arguments to the BLM movement. read more

Joel McDurmon vs. Reality

By Davis Carlton

Joel McDurmon has recently decided to address crime statistics in the wake of the George Floyd race riots. Joel is disappointed that so many conservatives have used crime statistics as a means of discrediting the Black Lives Matter movement or to possibly assuage their obvious and undeniable guilt as privileged whites. On June 3 McDurmon posted an article attempting to address an infographic that is making the rounds on social media. McDurmon essentially gives away the farm at the very beginning of his response. He writes: “It’s all damaging propaganda. On the surface of it, in the simplistic, abstract way they are the presented, the stats are real. Overall, blacks do commit more crimes against whites than whites commit against blacks; and given that they are a smaller proportion of the population, the crime rate is even higher for blacks against whites.” read more

King Raz of Chaz and All That Jazz

By Colby Malsbury

As America’s seemingly perpetual double whammy of Covid Communism and Floyd Fanaticism causes life to resemble deleted footage from The Purge: Election Year, one can hardly expect the old established polities we have come to know and loathe to escape unscathed.

Of course, as Christians, we yearn and pray for societal regeneration in His image, but we aren’t quite there yet, to put it mildly.

So, in a rather perverse parody of the tenets of Kinism, we first must witness the hyper-atomization of society into a zillion demonic component parts, every man, woman, or genderfluid for itself, purportedly fighting under the umbrella of ‘racial justice’. Don’t look for Mary Poppins to come sailing in ebulliently under that canopy. However, you can look to every white libtard desperately trying to protect his/her/its precious career sinecure to proclaim this chaos progressively ducky. read more

A Practical Case For Segregation

By Davis Carlton

David Platt contemplates his next sermon at next year’s T4G Conference.

America is burning! The COVID-19 “plandemic” has been replaced in the mainstream media headlines as race riots have been set off by the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by a white police officer in what certainly appears to be an obvious case of police brutality…or then again maybe not. The official autopsy report concluded that Floyd didn’t die of asphyxiation or strangulation so the case against Chauvin isn’t air-tight. There are legitimate questions about how these riots were started and the role of the media and deep state in stoking the flames, but what is clear is that the riots are primarily an expression of deep-seated racial animosity of blacks towards whites for perceived historical and contemporary injustices. The media along with celebrities and politicians have managed to tacitly provoke a violent reaction that only manages to burn out intermittently until the flames of hatred are reignited again. My aim is to determine a workable solution for the mutual benefit for the whole of society. read more

Rebutting Gary North’s Abolitionist Argument

By Davis Carlton

Reading Joel McDurmon’s Lamb’s Reign blog gives the impression that the most pressing issue in the world that Christians ought to address is antebellum slavery and white racism. Virtually any problem of real importance is utterly ignored in favor of Joel’s persistent complaining about slavery. To this end Joel has re-posted his father-in-law Gary North’s essay about The Jubilee Year and Abolitionism which was originally published in Biblical Economics Today in 1988. The subject of this essay is to argue for the abolition of slavery on the grounds that the permanent servitude that was allowed in Lev. 25:44-46 has been abolished along with the entire Jubilee law in which this passage is found. read more