Tag Archives: egalitarian

Casting Out Demons By Beelzebub: Apologia Church’s Egalitarian Stand Against Abortion

By Davis Carlton

Recently several members of Apologia Church, based outside of Phoenix, Arizona, have lobbied the Phoenix city council to outlaw abortion. The church posted several clips of the speeches given by the church’s clergy and members before the council. This brief “highlight” video illustrates the underlying problem of the way that abortion is opposed by most modern Christians. The members of Apologia consistently argue against abortion on egalitarian grounds and perpetuate myths that have become fashionable in pro-life circles. Apologia argues on the basis that women and minorities are the victims of abortion…which has been foisted upon them by the ubiquitous specter of white supremacism. read more

What Made America Great?

By Davis Carlton

I recently watched a YouTube video by ‘Monsieur Z’ titled, Alternative History: What If America Stayed Great? The video is an exercise in counter-factual history featured on a channel that focuses on speculative “what-if” scenarios. The video’s creator is notably sympathetic with Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign and notes that Trump’s slogan is not without controversy. If America is to be made great again the question naturally arises as to when exactly America was great, and what was it that made America great? The premise of the video is that America was great during the 1950s and subsequently lost that greatness throughout the degeneracy of the 1960s and 70s. This degeneracy was actively promoted by the Communist Party that was secretly supported and funded by the USSR and thoroughly entrenched in Hollywood. The communist cabal was the fruit of seeds that had been planted on American soil by the Frankfurt school, a group of communists that had been expelled from Germany during the 1930s. read more

TT Live 30: Mickey Henry on Egalitarian Envy

envyMickey Henry will join us on 09-21-2013 @ 10pm EST to discuss the topic of envy.

Topics to be discussed include:

1) What Envy Is, and How it Differs from Jealousy

2) Racial Equality, Inferiority, and Superiority

3) Biblical Teaching on Envy

4) Destroying the Superior Through Envy

5) Envy-Avoidance and the Fear of Self-Improvement

6) Racial Envy as Necessitating Ethno-Nationalism

7) Envy as a Driver of Socialistic Wealth Redistribution

8) Black Magic, the Third World, Sibling Rivalry, and Other Topics read more