Tag Archives: American Christianity

Poll Finds Nearly One-Third of PCA Ministers are Sexually Attracted to Roadkill

Tribal Theocrat recently teamed up with TGC to conduct a poll of over 4000 ministers ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America. The poll concerned their romantic, sexual, and gender identities, as well as their porn-watching habits. One surprising result: over 31% of all PCA ministers admit to being romantically and sexually attracted to roadkill. Some other interesting results, from respondents with roadkill attraction (RKA):

The poll asked for any commentary or personal testimonies that respondents would like to share. The following are a few of these comments: read more

Orthodox Christianity vs. American Christianity

Christianity in contemporary America is ineffective and very much useless.

As a Christian, it gives me no joy to see a nation–so empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ at its colonial and Constitutional founding—permeated throughout with such a shallow and effeminate collection of churches and theology.

Modern Christianity, contrary to its popular self-perception, embodies very little of the ancient, orthodox faith. Modern Christianity is a synchronism of Biblical Christianity, New Age “feel-goodism,” and an unwavering devotion to the mythology which we can call "Americana." read more