By Colby Malsbury
2008 will be recorded in the annals of our Vanished Civilization as the most epochal single year of our demise, I believe. Yes, even more so than either 2001 or 2020.
Those of us who were fortunate enough to be in established career paths during that doleful year really cannot conceive of the hellscape that was awaiting the generation just emerging from the colleges and universities, fresh off the final vestige of financial optimism any of us are likely to ever witness again, enfeebled though it was. Just as Francis Fukuyama and his neocon ilk proclaimed an ‘end of history’ after the supposed demise of the Cold War, so too did the neolib proponents of unfettered global vulture capitalism begin to subtly champion a post-economic era in the hopelessly naive West, wherein jobs didn’t matter, deficits didn’t matter, the sustainability of fiat currencies didn’t matter, and so on and so forth, just as long as the entrenched managerial (((cabal))) managed to further feather their own nests. We were all relentlessly scolded to concentrate on ‘bigger’ things like global warming and racist police forces, and left to fend for ourselves to schlep together enough shekels to be able to attend a centralized Antifa happening in Portland or wherever. read more