TT Podcast 21: Scott Terry Speaks

ScottTerryCo-host Matt Parrott and I have a casual conversation with Scott Terry and Matt Heimbach about their recent media-worthy interactions at the CPAC conference.

Audio Archive

TT Live 18: Bobbi Leigh Swagger on Marxism & Pietism in Homeschooling

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homeschool.fwBobbi Leigh Swagger returns to discuss more bad homeschooling trends. Check out her last interview on Marxism and Statism in Homeschooling.

Contact Bobbi with your homeschooling questions.

Audio Archive


  1. Recapping last show
  2. Curriculum:  Who is selling us out?
    1. K12, Michael Milken
    2. Abeka
    Personalities:  Homeschooling Leaders and their Cults
    1. Voddie Baucham
    2. Doug Philips
    3. Ken Ham
    4. HSLDA – Their Wells Fargo connection
    The Colleges What has all of this brought? (Awesome rant) What to do
    1. Call
    2. Avoid
    3. Attack
    4. Replace

TT Live 16: Current Events Chat with Matt Parrott

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Join co-host Matt and me for a current events discussion. We’ll talk amnesty and the Republicans who kowtow to Mestizos while ignoring their primary kin base. We’ll also discuss the role Christianity should play in the solution to our multicultural, pluralistic nightmare. And many more topics…and possible guest caller(s).

When: Feb 23, 2013 @10pm EST

Show Notes:

Immigration Problem Promise Keepers apparently aware of the problem Current conservative estimates at $113 billion/ annually As high as $346 billion back in 08 $2 billion spent annually on medical bills alone annually –

Video where Negro moderates debate between Whitey and Latino read more

Kinism FAQ: Is Kinism Scriptural?

In this brief Kinism FAQ, Christian Gray discusses whether Kinism is scriptural.

  1. Nations in Scripture as distinct ethno states.
    1. Etymologically
    2. Lexically
    3. Analytically
    Bone of bone language in Gen 2:23-24 compared with other uses of bone of bone indicate that intra-racial marriages are normative. Fifth commandment
    1. Rechabites
    2. Polygamists
    3. Criminals
    New Testament texts
    1. 1 Tim. 5:8
    2. Romans 9: 1-4

Evangelism Gone Wild

In a recent Q&A video, John Piper exemplified how pastors rhetorically use emotion and circumlocution to avoid crucial questions so they can spend their time and their parishioners’ tithes on more spiritual things. Asked if Christians should keep guns in their homes to protect their families, Piper answers in the negative – albeit a contradictory negative. After hemming and hawing a bit – I’m not sure what shooting squirrels with a pellet gun as a kid has to do with whether I can lawfully take the life of a pagan who’s about to take mine and rape my wife – Piper draws upon the famous story of Christian missionaries who chose to sacrifice their lives rather than those of unbelievers. read more

Scott M Terry Interviews ‘Beyond Off Grid’ Filmmaker

Here’s some audio worth your time. It’s Scott M. Terry’s interview of Sean Tounn and Jason Matyas about Sean’s upcoming documentary film, Beyond Off Grid. What good is freedom of speech, guns and ammo, and a basement full of prepper supplies once your food runs out? We must beat the grid by replacing it, not by temporarily hiding from it.

Download the MP3

TT Live 15: Robert Fingolfin on Armed Bureaucrats vs Civilians

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Join us for a discussion on the failed American police and military models, and their threat to civilians.

Robert’s previous Tribal Theocrat Live interviews: One | Two

Outline (roughly speaking – many more goodies in the audio):

  • Chris Kyle’s funeral at Jerry’s World – Red State fascism and its love of militarism and cops.
  • Cop history
  • Rethinking law:  Big, theonomic law vs. Small, Talmudic law
    1. Solzhenitsyn’s 1978 Harvard commencement speech
    2. Problem with law in Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism.
    3. read more

  • TT Podcast 20: Thugs and Killers by Any Other Name…

    The podcast rants are back.

    Links Referenced: