Category Archives: Politics

Screeching to the Converted: The Great Sheep Cote Known as Twitter

By Colby Malsbury

I don’t want to offer a comment on the outrage du jour: the Nathan Phillips/Nick Sandmann confrontation.

Why, you ask?

Because the oh-so-edgy alt-right most assuredly has fully embraced the concept of an acceptable Overton window of discourse, and they have crafted an acceptable template for all its devotees to operate in if they wish to retain the privilege of wearing that vaunted MAGA hat. Skunky Injun Man bad. Smirking Lothario White Teenager good. CNN say the other way around, so be sure to change your avatar to SLWT to show your solidarity with the ’cause’, whatever that might be. Got it, bub? read more

Satan’s Conspiratorial War on Man


The foundation for comprehending a conspiratorial view of human events is a proper understanding of Satanology. The greatest trick Satan ever pulled was convincing people he doesn’t exist, and the modern church is complicit in this, having allowed the influence of anti-supernatural rationalism to make demonology and Satanology taboo topics. In the high churches, if mentioned at all, Satan has been abstracted to the level of irrelevance. In the low churches, where some mention does still occur, he has been demoted to a meddlesome provocateur of ordinary human sinfulness, and made a scapegoat thereof. read more

The Alliance Between International Finance And International Revolution

From Antony Sutton’s Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution:

From these unlikely seeds grew the modern internationalist movement, which included not only the financiers Carnegie, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, Bernard Baruch, and Herbert Hoover, but also the Carnegie Foundation and its progeny International Conciliation. The trustees of Carnegie were, as we have seen, prominent on the board of American International Corporation. In 1910 Carnegie donated $10 million to found the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and among those on the board of trustees were Elihu Root (Root Mission to Russia, 1917), Cleveland H. Dodge (a financial backer of President Wilson), George W. Perkins (Morgan partner), G. J. Balch (AIC and Amsinck), R. F. Herrick (AIC), H. W. Pritchett (AIC), and other Wall Street luminaries. Woodrow Wilson came under the powerful influence of — and indeed was financially indebted to — this group of internationalists. As Jennings C. Wise has written, “Historians must never forget that Woodrow Wilson… made it possible for Leon Trotsky to enter Russia with an American passport.” read more

The State Wants the Church to Bless its Acts and Define its Wars as Just

ElephantFlagCross“Before Marxists attained power in Russia and China, the proposition was widely believed, government likes religion. Wanting honesty and service, it hopes that religion helps to make honest men who serve. But government is ever aware that religion is unpredictable and that prophets are hard to control. To rule men needs compromise. In face of the sacred is always an unbendable will. Government likes religion to bless its acts, crown its dictators, sanction its laws, define its wars as just, be decorous master of national ceremonies. And since on grounds of religion religious men may criticize acts or laws or wars or modes of waging war, government prefers quietness and contemplation to excess of zeal. Though religion is important to government, it does not value excess of religion. It is happy with general morality, reasonable and moderate, but is uncomfortable with too much enthusiasm.” ~ Owen Chadwick in The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century read more

Facial Justice

Two_Face“[Thomas More’s Utopia] was followed for the next few centuries by other utopian socialist writers, who refined More’s basic outline in terms of a more consistent, thoroughly paganized, socialist vision. In general, no practical steps were suggested for alleviating the condition of the poor; the image of the suffering poor was simply dredged up in order to incite hatred and envy against the rich. The philosophers were explicit in their insistence upon complete standardization: increasingly, equality meant identity. They dreamed of the “inevitable” approach of the socialist ideal, of total equality under a total State, when language would become static and unchanging, reading (and eventually thinking) would atrophy, all days would be alike, and even facial appearances would be identical.” ~ David Chilton in Igor Shafarevich’s The Socialist Phenomenon read more

Happy MLK Day

As we celebrate the man who gets credit for the ubiquitously celebrated intrusion into the white man’s wallet, neighborhood, and payroll known as the Civil Rights laws, we pause to highlight the heroic content of Martin Luther King’s character, rather than judge him by the color of his skin.

Michael Eric Dyson, Professor of sociology at Georgetown University, has written a biography of MLK entitled “I May Not Get There with You: The True Martin Luther King, Jr.” In this book he documents many juicy details on King. read more

TT Live 10: John MacGregor on Conspiracies

Join us December 15th @ 10pm EST as we interview John MacGregor about conspiracies. We’ll discuss the essence of conspiracies, revisionist history, faith in establishment, a few significant conspiracies, and why you need to know about it all. Use the chat room at the bottom of your browser to participate.

Note: Our regular broadcast server is down, but our live show can be heard by going here and clicking Play on the flash player.

Choosing More Than Hats

Here’s another typically reckless post by a modern egalitarian Christian apologist who has jettisoned the rational defense the faith in preference for apologizing for the faith of our fathers. The matter of contention was the doctrine of Kinism, which, like many other true doctrines once universally embraced by Christendom, has been betrayed by the Church for the 30 silver pieces of trendiness and political correctness. It’s more important to align with and please liberals, Communists, Talmudists, homos, lesbians, liberals, and all other Bible thrashers than to agree with every elect soul that existed before 1960. read more

Another Clueless SCV Official

A controversy errupted in Michigan a few weeks ago over students wearing Confederate flag clothing to school. Support for the students that wore the gear was considerable, and a poll from the local news agency that ran the story reveals that 71 percent don’t think wearing Confederate flag items to school is a big deal. Still, confusion arose over such issues as whether the Civil War was fought over slavery and whether our country was founded on equality. An expert on each side of the debate weighed in here. read more

The Destruction of Innocence: The Joel Diekhoff Story

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For anyone watching the news over the past 2 weeks, you’ve probably heard of the evil racist that maliciously harassed a black man in Coeur d’Alene. As a result, the PC pundits of the area are applauding the CDA police for ridding the land of another racist hater. To hear their side, the conviction is guaranteed and we can all live with more peace of mind.

When the initial story broke I had to read a few times, thinking either it was satire or some of the poorest journalism I’d ever encountered. The gist was that a known Aryan Nation member had yelled racial slurs at a black man out jogging. At which point the black man showed up with a baseball bat, stepped onto the property of the white man, and threatened to bash his face in. read more