Category Archives: Kinism

Indian Graveyards, Black Anarchy, the White Predator Mythos & the Consequences

By Ehud Would

“Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” ~Psalm 2: 1-3

You may have heard of the rash of church burnings in Canada throughout 2021. Or maybe not, in light of the media blackout on the subject. Anything to cover for modern Indian war parties razing churches, I guess. read more

Refuting Tim Keller’s Tweets About “Structural Causes” of Poverty

By Davis Carlton

Tim Keller posted a tweet shortly after Christmas about his experiences with conservatives and liberals and their different understandings of the causes of poverty. In this tweet, Keller said, “I’ve worked w/conservatives and liberals in hands-on efforts to help poor families. The imbalances–conservatives over-stress personal irresponsibility and liberals over-stress structural causes—I’ve seen. These aren’t ‘straw men’. ‘There are more things in heaven and earth…’” read more

Sidney Poitier: The Smiling Clean-Cut Revolutionary Terrorist You Could Take Home To Meet Mom and Dad

Sidney Poitier, Oscar-winning actor and Hollywood's first Black movie star,  dies at 94 - CNN

By Colby Malsbury

Well, another year is upon us.

And you know what that means.

Yes, it’s time for that most gruesome of online traditions to get under way – the commencement of the 2022 Celebrity Death Watch Pool. With the withered old harridan Betty White deigning to open the festivities in the closing hours of last year, it promises to be a lucrative game indeed. Who had Bob Saget in the first two weeks of January, again?

Even these two luminaries, though, haven’t been able to top the (admittedly early) Grand Mack Daddy of all the Luciferian passings thus far, though – iconic black actor and honorary grand marshal of Wakanda’s Rose Bowl parade for half a century running Sidney Poitier, who died at age 94 on January 6th. It is unconfirmed whether or not he had been vaccinated, but it seems to be erring on the side of caution to presume that he indeed had been. But as that obviously has no bearing on anything whatsoever, just as fellow black demigod Hank Aaron’s vaccination did not, we shall move on. read more

Antisemitism Doesn’t Actually Exist; But Anti-Christs Do

By Ehud Would

“An Antisemite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.”
~Joe Sobran

“No one calls for justice, 

Nor does any plead for Truth. 

They trust in empty words and speak lies.” 

~Isaiah 59:4

“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.”
~Ephesians 5:6 

This is the circumstance common to all non-Christian socio-legal orders and the language which upholds them. But its present manifestation in the West is Political Correctness. And that, wrought through Humanist pseudo-sin categories: ‘empty words’. read more

How Should Conservative Blacks Respond to Research on Racial Differences?

7 Unwritten Rules Of A Black Family Thanksgiving – 100.3

By Davis Carlton

Recently Charles Murray has published a new book called Facing Reality: Two Truths about Race in America, and it is causing a bit of a stir while still largely being ignored. In this book Murray lays out a case for racial differences in intelligence and crime rates. Murray’s work builds upon the information provided by many other race realists, and provides opportunities for new discussions about what this data implies for race relations in America. Unsurprisingly black commentators haven’t spoken favorably about Murray’s research, even going so far as to question why someone would be so interested in doing this research in the first place. read more

False Dichotomies: Kinism, Wokeness, and Indifferentism

WAR ON WORDS: Why Race Is NOT A Social Construct | IDEAS ON IDEAS

By Davis Carlton

The mainstream conservative response amidst the onslaught of “wokeness” now plaguing the West has been to call out liberals for their supposed hypocrisy on race or betraying the “dream” of their beloved Martin Luther King. Conservatives are aiming at preserving the fragile and unsteady status quo of the late twentieth century following the Civil Rights revolution which sought to detach America’s identity from her past rooted in European colonization of North America. The idea defended by most conservatives and Christians is that race is unimportant and shouldn’t matter. When conservatives defend principles of liberalism that are a mere few decades old, they vindicate R.L. Dabney’s powerful assessment of modern conservatives as “a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is to-day one of the accepted principles of conservatism.” read more

Exclusive: Our Interview With a Christian Proponent of Critical Race Theory

Hipster Youth Pastor Blank Template - Imgflip

By Colby Malsbury

Tribal Theocrat has been the beneficiary of white privilege for far too long now. After all, we couldn’t produce these articles without laptops and electricity, and that’s grotesquely unfair to those Wakandans living in the nether regions of Chad. To atone, we have agreed to be coerced into interviewing the charming Declan Whiteout (preferred pronouns to be released to us as soon as our funds are deposited in his account), recent graduate of Bayard Rustin Seminary and a self-described conservative, on the inerrancy, irrefutability, and just plain goodness of Critical Race Theory. Hey, it was either this or the rack. read more

The Racial Correlation Between Marxism and the Current Year Church

Communism, religion and atheism

By Francis Samuels

One pursuit that has always been consistent as found among the Revolutionary guild is the dream of eliminating distinctions among races, ethnicities, and peoples.

This is not merely my opinion.

In a moment I will provide an avalanche of quotes that will prove this to be the case.

What I want to do now is tee these quotes up by pointing out the reality that it is the clergy and the church now who are hot in pursuit of the same thing. It is a preponderance in the clergy who are telling us that God loves inter-racial marriage and there is nothing in the slightest wrong with that. Indeed, it is to be preferred in order to break down preexisting barriers. Churches now that are people-group integrated are churches that are automatically superior to churches that are not people-group integrated. read more

Popular Entertainment as an Inversion of Reality: A Review of Amazon’s “Them”

Them (TV Series 2021– ) - IMDb

By Davis Carlton

I remember watching the movie Galaxy Quest when I was younger. The basic plot is that an alien race sends a representative to recruit the aging actors of an old space sci-fi television show to help them fend off an attack from an aggressive reptilian alien species. The aliens who are asking for help do so by mistaking the old television show for “historical documents” that chronicle actual history and the actors for real life combat veterans and heroes. Today, the consumers of streaming content don’t seem to have any more discernment than the naïve alien race featured in Galaxy Quest. Enter the new series available on Amazon Prime called Them, purportedly about the dystopian horror that was the black experience in 1950s America. read more

This Won’t End Well

Racial Unrest Impedes U.S. Bid to Counter China in Africa - Bloomberg

By Davis Carlton

I’ve gone on record arguing that racial segregation is a practical solution to the increasingly hostile nature of race relations in the Western world. The past several months certainly haven’t changed this belief as the specter of all out violence continues to loom. The George Floyd/Derek Chauvin verdict managed to stay black violence at the expense of justice…at least justice as understood in the Anglo-Saxon Christian common law tradition. Calls from black California Congresswoman Maxine Waters for “confrontation” directed at BLM activists with a well-documented history of violence were blatant threats aimed at jurors and the city to render the “right” verdict. The threatening nature of Waters’ rhetoric was even noted by Judge Peter Cahill in the Floyd/Chauvin trial as a potential pretext for granting Chauvin a new trial. Add to this that one of the black jurors has been discovered to have participated in a BLM protest prior to the trial and who was clearly prejudiced (in the proper legal sense of the term) against Chauvin from the beginning. read more