Category Archives: Current Events

Freedom Convoy 2022: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The 'Freedom Convoy' demonstration continues in Ottawa: Top stories in  Ottawa this week | CTV News

By Colby Malsbury

It shouldn’t come as a great shock to anybody that Canadians have had a long-standing reputation for being among the most servile populations in the world. A reputation that is entirely warranted, by the way. From the time after the Revolution when the United Empire Loyalists were cringingly grateful to Sir Guy Carleton after he treated them like whipped curs during their first starvation winter in their new Nova Scotia home, the resistance trajectory of this “country” has been in perpetual plateau, descending ever downward. Please check out my article on the historical Canadian character for further analysis on this score. read more

Sidney Poitier: The Smiling Clean-Cut Revolutionary Terrorist You Could Take Home To Meet Mom and Dad

Sidney Poitier, Oscar-winning actor and Hollywood's first Black movie star,  dies at 94 - CNN

By Colby Malsbury

Well, another year is upon us.

And you know what that means.

Yes, it’s time for that most gruesome of online traditions to get under way – the commencement of the 2022 Celebrity Death Watch Pool. With the withered old harridan Betty White deigning to open the festivities in the closing hours of last year, it promises to be a lucrative game indeed. Who had Bob Saget in the first two weeks of January, again?

Even these two luminaries, though, haven’t been able to top the (admittedly early) Grand Mack Daddy of all the Luciferian passings thus far, though – iconic black actor and honorary grand marshal of Wakanda’s Rose Bowl parade for half a century running Sidney Poitier, who died at age 94 on January 6th. It is unconfirmed whether or not he had been vaccinated, but it seems to be erring on the side of caution to presume that he indeed had been. But as that obviously has no bearing on anything whatsoever, just as fellow black demigod Hank Aaron’s vaccination did not, we shall move on. read more

When the Whole Internet Becomes Satirical, It’s the End of the Internet and Satire Both

How to Make a Meme (Free Template) - TechSmith Tutorials

By Colby Malsbury

I had an illuminating experience on Twitter not too long ago.

In keeping with the site’s ongoing mission to be your go-to source for 24/7/365 narrative incubation, I tweeted out the statement ‘I’ve never heard of Ivermectin causing a stroke or heart attack.’ Said entirely in earnest, mind. It was apparently received as such, as it garnered over a hundred likes, if that kind of facile approval means anything to you.

Well, an elderly woman took umbrage with that….though not in the way you might expect. read more

The End of Justice: Kyle Rittenhouse (and Western Man) on Trial

May be an image of 3 people and text that says '"At some point #B20z0 zozo you will have to stop running and take a stand. Either you, your children, or your grandchildren. Better you than them." -Wrath of Gnon'

By Davis Carlton

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is a microcosm of the injustice and lawlessness of the dying Western world. Rittenhouse is a 17 year old who shot and killed two assailants and wounded another on August 25, 2020. The incident took place during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin after the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man who pulled a knife on police serving an active arrest warrant for Blake, who was attempting to commit kidnapping and automobile theft. Blake survived the shooting, but the unrest that followed cost millions of dollars in damage and for some, their very lives. On Friday November 19th Rittenhouse was formally acquitted of all charges by the jury. read more

A Brief History of the 80s AIDS Pandemic…Modified For Current Year Sensibilities

AIDS Day: See the 1980s Posters That Raised Awareness | Time

By Colby Malsbury

Do you want to be woke? Sure, we all do. One cannot attain to this eminent domain without first being familiar with one of the epoch’s great genocides – the demise via HIV of a handful of outgoing ebullient types not too discriminating as to where they ground their gears forty years ago. But how can Gen-Z ever hope to relate to the lessons learned then? After all, the 80s was a notoriously troglodyte time, when Eddie Murphy and other notable racists held the zeitgeist in thrall, and refrigerators contained Freon, and people smoked, and all kinds of things. Perhaps it’s time we altered the historiography just a wee bit for modern comprehension. Pulping encyclopedias is a cathartic experience. read more

Spare Us Any More Buffoons Pretending To Be In-Your-Face Confrontational ‘Conservatives’, Please

Tensions build in Toronto ahead of public debate against anti-masker Chris  Sky

By Colby Malsbury

Many moons ago, I watched a gormy little 1970s movie called Stunt Rock.

The plot? Re-read the title, bro. That’s the plot. A stuntman plies his trade in Hollywood, engaging in many of the fads of the era (dig the hang-gliding scenes!) Because he’s established his awesome bonafides, he is allowed to hang around in his off hours with the rock group Sorcery, a banal combo that makes the Bay City Rollers look like Zeppelin. Their entire schtick is featuring a dude in a cheeseball Merlin costume onstage who causes fireballs to explode every time he waves his arms, because Lord of the Rings and Frank Frazetta were also yuge in the 70s. The entire movie consists of intercutting between Stunty’s stunts and Sorcery’s sorry excuses for prog-metal rock numbers. At the end, Stunty has to come cascading down on a zipline for some reason right into the midst of a Sorcery concert and Merlin really goes apespit hurling fireballs around on account of such audacity. Brilliant stuff. A veritable masterpiece. read more

False Dichotomies: Kinism, Wokeness, and Indifferentism

WAR ON WORDS: Why Race Is NOT A Social Construct | IDEAS ON IDEAS

By Davis Carlton

The mainstream conservative response amidst the onslaught of “wokeness” now plaguing the West has been to call out liberals for their supposed hypocrisy on race or betraying the “dream” of their beloved Martin Luther King. Conservatives are aiming at preserving the fragile and unsteady status quo of the late twentieth century following the Civil Rights revolution which sought to detach America’s identity from her past rooted in European colonization of North America. The idea defended by most conservatives and Christians is that race is unimportant and shouldn’t matter. When conservatives defend principles of liberalism that are a mere few decades old, they vindicate R.L. Dabney’s powerful assessment of modern conservatives as “a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is to-day one of the accepted principles of conservatism.” read more

Exclusive: Our Interview With a Christian Proponent of Critical Race Theory

Hipster Youth Pastor Blank Template - Imgflip

By Colby Malsbury

Tribal Theocrat has been the beneficiary of white privilege for far too long now. After all, we couldn’t produce these articles without laptops and electricity, and that’s grotesquely unfair to those Wakandans living in the nether regions of Chad. To atone, we have agreed to be coerced into interviewing the charming Declan Whiteout (preferred pronouns to be released to us as soon as our funds are deposited in his account), recent graduate of Bayard Rustin Seminary and a self-described conservative, on the inerrancy, irrefutability, and just plain goodness of Critical Race Theory. Hey, it was either this or the rack. read more

Popular Entertainment as an Inversion of Reality: A Review of Amazon’s “Them”

Them (TV Series 2021– ) - IMDb

By Davis Carlton

I remember watching the movie Galaxy Quest when I was younger. The basic plot is that an alien race sends a representative to recruit the aging actors of an old space sci-fi television show to help them fend off an attack from an aggressive reptilian alien species. The aliens who are asking for help do so by mistaking the old television show for “historical documents” that chronicle actual history and the actors for real life combat veterans and heroes. Today, the consumers of streaming content don’t seem to have any more discernment than the naïve alien race featured in Galaxy Quest. Enter the new series available on Amazon Prime called Them, purportedly about the dystopian horror that was the black experience in 1950s America. read more

When the Right Finally Started to Make Inroads…and Then Promptly Blew It

Atlanta Unites with Israel - Atlanta Jewish Times

By Colby Malsbury

And things had been going so well.

The blatant usurpation of the US presidency by the forces boosting the first-ever Catholic Veep, combined with the continual metastasizing of the Covid LARP, seemed to light a large enough fire under the neo-Right’s sizable posterior for it to finally arise from its Barca-Lounger and get mad.

And their targets were big enough and juicy enough that a wide-eyed freshman seminary student inexplicably drafted into the Marine Corps could hit them his first day on the rifle range. read more