Category Archives: Current Events

God’s Meticulous Providence: the Mysterious Case of Rachel Held Evans

By Colby Malsbury

Who is Rachel Held Evans?

Woke ‘Christian’ females of a strongly antinomian bent: please don’t jump down my throat at the question. I wasn’t being facetious. I honestly had never heard of her before reading the news of her death, aged 37, this week. It might shock some of you fair maidens to know that I can’t name a single song from Ariana Grande, either. Some of us don’t live our lives saturated in the modern.

Well, whoever she was, I can’t say the tribute thread set up in her honor on Facebook appears too promising. All kinds of female emotional vomit about how profound and meaningful HER words were, how courageous SHE was, how SHE brought so much meaning into THEIR lives and how SHE made THEM better people, blah blah blah. If God is mentioned at all, it’s with the veiled threat that He had better receive her joyously, fantastic person that she was. I dunno – remind me again why women ought not to preach? read more

Natural Consequences: Kinist Thoughts on the Chabad Synagogue Shooting

By Davis Carlton

The April 27th shooting at the Chabad synagogue in Poway, California is noteworthy given the identity and motivations of the shooter, John Earnest. Earnest is a 19 year old white man and a member of the Escondido Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Earnest managed to kill a 60 year old woman named Lori Gilbert-Kaye and wounded three others. What makes Earnest particularly interesting is that he seems to be a committed Christian who adheres to orthodox Christian and Reformed teachings. PCA pastor Duke Kwon acknowledged, “you actually hear a frighteningly clear articulation of Christian theology in certain sentences and paragraphs. He has, in some ways, been well taught in the church” read more

Many Protestants Are Enthused About the Burning of Notre Dame. I Am Not One of Them.

By Colby Malsbury

Just as we were getting ready to pop the champagne on April 15th to ring in the anniversary of Lincoln’s assassination, our ardor was dampened by the tragic news coming from Paris that the ancient landmark Notre Dame was ablaze, with its wooden medieval latticework and trademark spire completely gone at a minimum, along with who knows what else in the way of decor within. Perhaps a sadly apt metaphor as, of course, April 15th was also Tax Day in the US.

The initial story being put forth is, unsurprisingly, that the fire was entirely accidental. Sure, why not? I was born yesterday. The incongruities regarding this line of reasoning began piling up almost immediately. The gamut ranged from an immediate moanfest from the Jewish Daily Forward lamenting all the treasure the Tribe lost in this holocaust to the amazingly ‘coincidental’ flurry of other iconic buildings that also mysteriously caught fire the last few days – from Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque to Brazil’s premier natural history museum to an attempted arson on St. Patrick’s Cathedral . It seems clear that this event was a major acceleration of the current meta-narrative regarding church desecration (and equally simulated ‘Christian’ reactions to same) in order to foment the chaos required for a phoenix of pagan internationalism to arise from the ashes. Indeed, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there is indeed a concerted push on now to transform Notre Dame into a modern-day French Revolution-era Temple of Reason… of which the Torch of Liberty was its most defining characteristic. Aren’t Cryptocratic riddles wonderful? read more

The Government Outlawed Christianity and Nobody’s Talking About It Because They Are Afraid

By Ehud Would

Columnist Peter Heck has thrown caution to the wind with a recent forecast: “Criminalization of Christianity is on America’s horizon”.  And others in the American Redoubt movement have launched a fictional serial based on the same proposition of a dystopian future. At which every Evangelical GOPer reassures himself, clutching tight his Scofield bible and reciting to himself Lee Greenwood’s refrain, “And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free!” read more

Casting Out Demons By Beelzebub: Apologia Church’s Egalitarian Stand Against Abortion

By Davis Carlton

Recently several members of Apologia Church, based outside of Phoenix, Arizona, have lobbied the Phoenix city council to outlaw abortion. The church posted several clips of the speeches given by the church’s clergy and members before the council. This brief “highlight” video illustrates the underlying problem of the way that abortion is opposed by most modern Christians. The members of Apologia consistently argue against abortion on egalitarian grounds and perpetuate myths that have become fashionable in pro-life circles. Apologia argues on the basis that women and minorities are the victims of abortion…which has been foisted upon them by the ubiquitous specter of white supremacism. read more

Fare Thee Well, Joel McDurmon – But Not Too Well

By Colby Malsbury

As in a physical war, the Christian cultural wars have an approximate 5 to 1 ratio of dreary marching down uncertain roads to bursts of action. And those bursts of action more often than not can seem like pointless scrimmages. It can get to be disheartening to keep putting one foot in front of the other in a situation that can seem like a stalemate, if not an outright retreat at times.

But then….every once in a while along the salient, you garner a victory and are reminded that being a soldier in the army of the true, unreconstructed Christ is a most worthy calling indeed. They are to be savored all the more for their exceeding rarity. The last such one of significant magnitude occurred six years ago with the rather spectacular downfall of Vision Forum poobah Doug Phillips, whose poisonous brand of radically egalitarian patriarchy was rendered irrelevant by infidelity with his Mexican maid. read more

Will Robert Kraft Be Banned By The NFL?

By Davis Carlton

Recently Robert Kraft, principal owner of the New England Patriots since 1994, was arrested on prostitution charges in Florida as part of a human sex trafficking sting. Kraft was arrested after being filmed receiving sexual favors from two women at a notorious “rub and tug” massage parlor. Kraft does not deny that he did indeed engage in sexual activity with women at the massage parlor, but only denies that he engaged in any “illegal activity.” The story is continuing to develop and the full story is not entirely clear, but from what it seems, Kraft did in fact engage in what would at least be considered solicitation. read more

Six Reasons Why Continuing To Fervently Support Trump is Effeminate

By Colby Malsbury

Trump is magical. He can declare a global jihad against homophobia. He can do what no former president has ever done before (such boldness!): declare anti-semitism a death penalty offence, and bolster this affirmation with the appointment of a meddlesome ‘hate’ envoy, doubtless with near-cabinet rank. He can mouth off meaningless statistics about how ‘bigly’ his majestic border wall is going to be, while simultaneously destroying the prototypes that are the only trace of construction to be seen thus far – and no doubt is planning on saying ‘But don’t you see?? The wall was in your hearts all along!!!’ on the very last day of his presidency. And yet for all these stark betrayals, the ranks of his boosters seem to be as committed as ever they were, continuing to lionize him as a secular Charlemagne laying the foundation for a Holy Murikan Empire dedicated to the establishment of a freedom of a noticeably orange hue. read more

Want to End Abortion? Easy: Revoke Women’s & Minority Voting Privileges

By Ehud Would

So we’ve all heard the news. Cuomo signed a bill sanctioning the murder of children at birth in the state of New York. And immediately, as if coordinated aforehand, Kathy Tran led the Virginia democrats in sponsorship of a like bill. For the foreseeable future, the trajectory seems set. The unthinkable has, in short order, gone from accepted to celebrated. And they are literally celebrating. More, as ritual celebration, it is patently religious in nature; in essence, a public Black Mass. read more

Screeching to the Converted: The Great Sheep Cote Known as Twitter

By Colby Malsbury

I don’t want to offer a comment on the outrage du jour: the Nathan Phillips/Nick Sandmann confrontation.

Why, you ask?

Because the oh-so-edgy alt-right most assuredly has fully embraced the concept of an acceptable Overton window of discourse, and they have crafted an acceptable template for all its devotees to operate in if they wish to retain the privilege of wearing that vaunted MAGA hat. Skunky Injun Man bad. Smirking Lothario White Teenager good. CNN say the other way around, so be sure to change your avatar to SLWT to show your solidarity with the ’cause’, whatever that might be. Got it, bub? read more