Category Archives: Christianity

Christian Morality and Its Application To Apologetics, Part 2: Preliminary Issues With How Atheists Use The Bible

By Davis Carlton

Read Part One here.

It seems like many Christian apologists try to deflect atheist accusations like the Bible’s endorsement of slavery by arguing that “Biblical slavery” was nothing like the horrific slavery practiced in North America and the American South in particular. I think that this is the wrong approach. There is no compelling reason to view Biblical slavery as substantially different from slavery as it was practiced in America. Atheists aren’t impressed by this argument because they will always point out that slaves were allowed to be corporally punished or beaten in Exodus 21. Another approach is to assert that Christians are no longer “under the law,” and this is understood to mean that the precepts of the Mosaic Law are no longer binding in any sense. This argument fails because slavery is also permitted by the Apostles in the New Testament, and the Bible teaches that God does not change in His attributes and character. The Mosaic Law accurately reflects God’s character so Christians ought to defend the character of God as it is revealed in the Law. read more

Christian Morality and Its Application To Apologetics: Are Atheists in a Position To Criticize The Morality of The Bible?

By Davis Carlton

Christianity is under severe attack, and the primary rival to Christianity is quickly becoming secular atheism. One of my favorite topics is Christian apologetics. I watch many debates between Christian apologists and atheists. My favorite is the famous debate between Greg Bahnsen and Gordon Stein. I’ve watched several other debates and I use them to sharpen my own sense of how I would defend the Christian faith. There are often many ways in which I disagree with particular Christian apologists in how they defend the faith. A major topic that is becoming extremely important in apologetics is the issue of Biblical morality. Most atheists are becoming well-versed in the moral precepts of the Bible as a means of undermining its authority in the minds of modern Western Europeans. read more

Western Agriculture is Shattered Beyond Repair. And That’s the Good News.

By Colby Malsbury

If print media is going the way of the dodo bird, agricultural newspapers and magazines are especially down to one or two specimens still known to exist. Should you chance to pick one up, though, you will find one ubiquitous feature: a puff piece of an article (almost guaranteed to be written by a young woman) featuring some variation on ‘Raising beef/pork/chickens/dairy/grain/etc is incredibly hard work….but sooooo totally worth it!!!!‘ A representative sample of such can be found here. read more

Poll Finds Nearly One-Third of PCA Ministers are Sexually Attracted to Roadkill

Tribal Theocrat recently teamed up with TGC to conduct a poll of over 4000 ministers ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America. The poll concerned their romantic, sexual, and gender identities, as well as their porn-watching habits. One surprising result: over 31% of all PCA ministers admit to being romantically and sexually attracted to roadkill. Some other interesting results, from respondents with roadkill attraction (RKA):

The poll asked for any commentary or personal testimonies that respondents would like to share. The following are a few of these comments: read more

Natural Consequences: Kinist Thoughts on The Chabad Synagogue Shooting, Part 3

By Davis Carlton

Part 1 can be read here.

Part 2 can be read here.

The Utter Betrayal of Institutional Christianity

What motivates someone like John Earnest to do what he did? The standard pat answers are that Earnest was motivated by fear, hatred, bigotry, or some other worn out buzzword. The solution is naturally more generous helpings of diversity, sensitivity training, and tolerance. What follows are sweeping denunciations of “white supremacy” and the all too predictable pleas for gun control. But what really motivates someone like John Earnest? I would argue that John Earnest was motivated by a sense of desperation that was fueled by the betrayal of his future by his nation, by mass culture, and especially by institutional Christianity. I sympathize with many of Earnest’s concerns even if I don’t agree with the actions that he took. The response of Joe Carter of The Gospel Coalition provides insight to why John Earnest has abandoned all hope of a peaceful resolution to our current conflict. read more

God’s Meticulous Providence: the Mysterious Case of Rachel Held Evans

By Colby Malsbury

Who is Rachel Held Evans?

Woke ‘Christian’ females of a strongly antinomian bent: please don’t jump down my throat at the question. I wasn’t being facetious. I honestly had never heard of her before reading the news of her death, aged 37, this week. It might shock some of you fair maidens to know that I can’t name a single song from Ariana Grande, either. Some of us don’t live our lives saturated in the modern.

Well, whoever she was, I can’t say the tribute thread set up in her honor on Facebook appears too promising. All kinds of female emotional vomit about how profound and meaningful HER words were, how courageous SHE was, how SHE brought so much meaning into THEIR lives and how SHE made THEM better people, blah blah blah. If God is mentioned at all, it’s with the veiled threat that He had better receive her joyously, fantastic person that she was. I dunno – remind me again why women ought not to preach? read more

Many Protestants Are Enthused About the Burning of Notre Dame. I Am Not One of Them.

By Colby Malsbury

Just as we were getting ready to pop the champagne on April 15th to ring in the anniversary of Lincoln’s assassination, our ardor was dampened by the tragic news coming from Paris that the ancient landmark Notre Dame was ablaze, with its wooden medieval latticework and trademark spire completely gone at a minimum, along with who knows what else in the way of decor within. Perhaps a sadly apt metaphor as, of course, April 15th was also Tax Day in the US.

The initial story being put forth is, unsurprisingly, that the fire was entirely accidental. Sure, why not? I was born yesterday. The incongruities regarding this line of reasoning began piling up almost immediately. The gamut ranged from an immediate moanfest from the Jewish Daily Forward lamenting all the treasure the Tribe lost in this holocaust to the amazingly ‘coincidental’ flurry of other iconic buildings that also mysteriously caught fire the last few days – from Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque to Brazil’s premier natural history museum to an attempted arson on St. Patrick’s Cathedral . It seems clear that this event was a major acceleration of the current meta-narrative regarding church desecration (and equally simulated ‘Christian’ reactions to same) in order to foment the chaos required for a phoenix of pagan internationalism to arise from the ashes. Indeed, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there is indeed a concerted push on now to transform Notre Dame into a modern-day French Revolution-era Temple of Reason… of which the Torch of Liberty was its most defining characteristic. Aren’t Cryptocratic riddles wonderful? read more

Two Penitential Psalms For Good Friday


By Davis Carlton

For a long time I have deeply appreciated the significance of what is traditionally known as Holy Week, which spans from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. It always amazed me how quickly the crowds gathered in Jerusalem turned from proclaiming Jesus as the anointed Messiah come to save them to calling for his Crucifixion within less than one week. Lately I’ve been struggling to overcome a melancholy sense that I’m witnessing the final stages of the collapse of Western Civilization. The fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris this Monday only reinforced these feelings of helplessness in the face of overwhelming opposition. I’ve known for a long time that true Christian values have long since departed from America and other countries of the West. The magnificent churches and other works of art produced by white Christians have only served to testify of what was once held dear by our ancestors. Now even these reminders seem to be vanishing amidst the dual onslaught of secularism and false religions. It’s all quite depressing to ruminate upon. read more

A Pictorial Manifestation of The Death of The Christian West

By Davis Carlton

Traditional orthodox Christianity is a mostly dead faith. It absolutely pains me to admit as much, but there can be no doubt Christianity is on the steep decline as we witness mass apostasy that has rendered us worthy of divine judgment. This judgment is apparent in a number of ways: the mass exodus of people from any form of organized Christianity, the abandonment of traditional Christian doctrines and morals by professed Christian clergy, the banishment of Christian symbols from public life and the rise of anti-Christian symbols like rainbow flags and satanic sculptures in places of prominence. There is also the sad spectacle of the demolition of beautiful architecture, especially historic and beautiful churches. read more

God Deliver Us From the Scourge of Transcalvinism

By Colby Malsbury

Hal Lindsey once informed us there’s a new world coming. The band Queen let us know in no uncertain terms that they wanted it all, and they wanted it now. The church of today, never much concerned about doctrinal incongruities when an opportunity to appear hip and woke presented itself, has amalgamated these two noble aspirations and made the resulting cake all their own.

For years now, we kinists have grouped all Reformed advocates of such a church malignant under the doctrine of ‘alienism’. Yet lately we have had cause to revisit our thoughts on this matter. Useful as it is in highlighting our adversaries’ adulation of the Other – not to mention its suggestion of pre-WWII Freudian psychobabble which our adversaries are also unknowingly in thrall to – the term remains an arcane one, and one that does not deliver the desired gut-punch that a battle for hearts and minds as we are engaged in requires. Ergo, allow me to introduce an alternate term of approbation: Transcalvinism. read more