Category Archives: Christianity

Thinking About Divine Providence and The Trump Presidency

Analysis: Two Experts Envision Trade Under President Trump — Goodbye,  Wal-Mart

By Davis Carlton

The conclusion of Donald Trump’s tenure as President of the United States has given me an opportunity to contemplate God’s purposes in providentially bringing recent events to pass. By way of personal background I was enthused by Donald Trump’s success in overturning the GOP establishment during the 2016 primaries and Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election. Many of Donald Trump’s positions were untenable: chiefly his endorsement of homosexual “rights” and his promotion of the gay agenda abroad. Nevertheless, these were not the issues that made him successful during the 2016 campaign. Donald Trump, for all of his many personal flaws, demonstrated that the populist platform that he borrowed (or pilfered) from Pat Buchanan could motivate tremendous loyalty and support from many in the American heartland. read more

Darrow’s Triumph: All-Pervading Scientism and the Death of the West

By Colby Malsbury

In more than one respect, the centuries-old Christian culture war suffered a major setback in the little town of Dayton, TN, in the summer of 1925.

Oh, sure, John Scopes might have been found guilty of teaching evolution and charged a nominal fine – that was later overturned – but that was hardly the point of what would go on to constitute the most infamous misdemeanor trial in all of history. Nay, as almost all of the trial’s participants would later admit – including those local power-brokers who found it politic to align themselves with the prosecution – the whole spectacle was a bit of theater designed, in best 1920s small-town ‘booster’ fashion, to put their economically dwindling whistle stop on the map and reap a few out-of-county bucks from the proceedings.1 And if the money’s talking loud and clear…why, sure, those nominal Christians would have had no problem allowing magistrate-with-a-mission Clarence Darrow to get on his soapbox and deliver his trademark militant atheistic (‘agnostic’, my ass) rhetoric to a print media already mesmerized by rationalism in all its hideous glory: read more

Calling Evil Good: John Piper, Pope Francis, and The Collapse of Justice

By Davis Carlton

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20

Our age is rapidly becoming one of mass apostasy in which any profession of Christian faith is being abandoned. Characteristic of apostasy is how many Christian leaders have adopted the egalitarian principles of anti-Christian “justice” while attempting to couch these concepts in Christian terminology. What is interesting is the extent to which many Christians seem perfectly unaware that they have adopted radical, anti-Christian meanings given to formerly Biblical concepts like justice. This is particularly pervasive among the many outwardly conservative Christians who constitute what is affectionately known as “Big Eva” or the evangelical establishment. This is striking considering that evangelicals are supposed to be committed to a Biblical worldview, which necessarily requires understanding the meaning of words and concepts used in the Bible in their original historical context in order to understand the actual meaning of what the Bible says. read more

Covid’s Very Own Levitical Priesthood: the Modern Medical Profession


By Colby Malsbury

Dr. Anthony Fauci is Jim Jones.

Don’t believe me? Let’s look at the facts. Both commanded/command unwarranted total adherence (not untouched with grievous fear) from a mighty congregation that, to be blunt, was/is not overly bright. Both were/are courted by progressive municipal pols eager to be associated with such great humanitarians. Both could/can proffer any socialist heterodoxy they wanted as ‘received wisdom’ and not be questioned about it. Both had/have needless humiliations and deaths on their resumes that they will be answering for on that great and wonderful Day. And both had/have execrable taste in eyeglasses. read more

The Great New Mulatto Man


By Enos Powell

Read the original post at Iron Ink.

“The migration tsunami signifies the resolute, brutal and compelling commencement of the globalization of the world, which has been predicted for some time. It does not begin with the creation of a one world government, or the creation of a one world economic system or a unified global financial system (all of this is secondary), but with race mixing, the crossbreeding of races. Herein we see the confirmation of our thesis that the main objective of the globalists is not only wealth and power, but they also wish to change mankind, as a species, beyond recognition.” read more

Unraveling OPC Irrationality On Kinism


By Enos Powell

Over at the OPC website, we find this gem:

I don’t know long ago this was written, though I think somewhere around 2013. I don’t know who wrote it. I do know that I can provide quotes from Presbyterians in the last 50 years which will prove that whoever wrote this dreck should’ve stuck to his Church growth textbooks and not decided to delve into theology. read more

Five Reasons Why Wearing a Mask Does Not Constitute ‘Loving Thy Neighbor’


By Colby Malsbury

Ya know, I don’t even care that much anymore that the Scarybug LARP has gone just a wee little bit over the proscribed ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’. Governments being composed exclusively of sociopathic tapeworms, they’re gonna lie. It’s what they do.

What gets my gander up these days is the plethora of people who treat their voluntary mask servitude as some kind of overweening civic duty and who will make damn good and certain you fully understand the levels of martyrdom they inflict upon themselves. ‘I wear this mask so you won’t get sick!!’ Gee, thanks, Marcus Welby. If I had a hero cookie, I’d give it to you, but I doubt the cloth barrier draping your big mouth would be able to allow you to enjoy it. read more

Chutzpah: Or How Joe Carter Joined the Conspiracy of Silence To Debunk Conspiracy Theory


By Colby Malsbury

The post-WWII Church was a complacent beast towards encroaching federalism at the best of times, but as the Scaryvirus narrative refuses to wither and die on the vine the pandering unto Caesar is generating infinitely more nausea than the bug could ever hope to do.

Voluntarily closing the church doors long before the official diktat came down from on high, and volunteering to keep them shut into the foreseeable future? HAL-lelujah!

Enforcing counter-productive social distancing guidelines at the few (outdoors, yet!) church functions the elder board deigns to permit? GLOR-y be! read more

Rebutting Gary North’s Abolitionist Argument


By Davis Carlton

Reading Joel McDurmon’s Lamb’s Reign blog gives the impression that the most pressing issue in the world that Christians ought to address is antebellum slavery and white racism. Virtually any problem of real importance is utterly ignored in favor of Joel’s persistent complaining about slavery. To this end Joel has re-posted his father-in-law Gary North’s essay about The Jubilee Year and Abolitionism which was originally published in Biblical Economics Today in 1988. The subject of this essay is to argue for the abolition of slavery on the grounds that the permanent servitude that was allowed in Lev. 25:44-46 has been abolished along with the entire Jubilee law in which this passage is found. read more

Mandatory Vaccines: William Tell’s Answer


By Ehud Would

As MSM-generated hysteria mounts around the pandemic that wasn’t, Gates and Fauci are talking about mandatory “Immunity ID cards” and/or “immunization tattoos”; without which you won’t be allowed to travel, attend school, or work. And top analysts in government, finance, and investment foresee a mandatory vaccination program on the near horizon. So does Dr. Paul.

And there’s plenty of indication that this has been the plan for a long time.  From early in the 20th century folks like Bertrand Russell were telling us “Diet, injections, and injunctions [would soon be used to render criticism of the elite] psychologically impossible.”

(Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, p.50)

‘Diet’? Think of the Veganism pushed by the elite these last few years and being gradually implemented de facto by implication of the present lockdowns. ‘Injections’? That’s the whole discussion just now. And ‘injunctions’? Look around.

All indications are that my friend Marcus Thalamum’s assessment is correct:

“1. Kung-Flu far less deadly than predicted.

2. Why? Because of the lockdown and precautions taken.

3. Lockdowns removed BUT with warnings that it is against the advice of all the experts. read more