Author Archives: kirk

Jared Taylor on the Jewish Question


any white advocates are grateful for the work of Jared Taylor. He’s at the forefront of racial realism as a researcher, writer, conference speaker, and leader. His American Renaissance magazine and website enjoy widespread respect among white advocates. But as white advocacy work is at some level invariably involved with the Jewish Question, many in the movement wonder why Taylor is not. What are this forerunner’s views about the racial group that is at the forefront in stifling white advocacy? read more

Another Clueless SCV Official

A controversy errupted in Michigan a few weeks ago over students wearing Confederate flag clothing to school. Support for the students that wore the gear was considerable, and a poll from the local news agency that ran the story reveals that 71 percent don’t think wearing Confederate flag items to school is a big deal. Still, confusion arose over such issues as whether the Civil War was fought over slavery and whether our country was founded on equality. An expert on each side of the debate weighed in here. read more

John Piper Is Still a Racist


ohn Piper continues to use his notable Christian influence to encourage believers to stamp out the racial diversity God created, and in particular to promote white genocide by interracial marriage and adoption. He has posted an excerpt from his book Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian in AntiChristianity Today. The piece is called John Piper: I Was Racist with the tag line, How the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church went from a self-described racist to an adoptive father of an African American. read more

The Destruction of Innocence: The Joel Diekhoff Story

Click to Support Joel Diekhoff!

For anyone watching the news over the past 2 weeks, you’ve probably heard of the evil racist that maliciously harassed a black man in Coeur d’Alene. As a result, the PC pundits of the area are applauding the CDA police for ridding the land of another racist hater. To hear their side, the conviction is guaranteed and we can all live with more peace of mind.

When the initial story broke I had to read a few times, thinking either it was satire or some of the poorest journalism I’d ever encountered. The gist was that a known Aryan Nation member had yelled racial slurs at a black man out jogging. At which point the black man showed up with a baseball bat, stepped onto the property of the white man, and threatened to bash his face in. read more

Bastard Sons of Confederate Veterans

This abominable photo was celebrated on the official Sons of Confederate Veterans Facebook page. Notice quality comments such as “THE SOUTH RUULLEESS!!!!!!!!!” and  “bad ass mother f in marines!!.”  Also notice the pornographic/perverted  “shocker” sign the murderer middle-right is holding up. GO USA!

In the conversation to your right, the SCV Admin tried to spin the photo as an a-political and benign picture of “Southern” men continuing the tradition of carrying the battle flag into (unjust) wars. But something in his ethical theory appeared askew when Christian Gray, Robert Fort and others noticed that in the picture’s caption the Admin was calling any man (without qualification) who serves in the US army “brave,” and wishing all the mercenary scum in the photo a happy Veterans Day. Just what was the SCV Admin celebrating by pointing to a picture of modern day Lincoln troops invading another innocent nation? read more

A Practical Comparison: Christians vs. Pagans

It’s remarkable today to compare those who are Christ lovers with those who are Christ haters.

Christians Pagans
Theological Creed Jesus is Lord Jesus is not Lord
Children Education Method Godless, covenant-breaking Government school Godless, covenant-breaking Government school
Lady’s Clothing Choices Seductive, tight,  skin-revealing Seductive, tight,  skin-revealing
Mother’s Vocation Outside the home/Corporate W-2 wage slave Outside the home/Corporate W-2 wage slave
View on Sabbath That’s Old Testament; Sunday is a second Saturday! That’s Old Testament; Sunday is a second Saturday!
View on Jews/Israel God’s people/Support our only Middle East ally God’s people/Support our only Middle East ally
TV/Pop Culture Love it/5 hours a day Love it/ 5 hours a day
View on Race Race is social construct; miscegenation (race genocide) is OK Race is social construct; miscegenation (race genocide) is OK
View on Black/Hispanic/Jewish/Asian Solidarity Unity, Love, Strength, Hope, Education, Celebration Unity, Love, Strength, Hope, Education, Celebration
View on White Solidarity Racism, Hate, Hitler, KKK, Bigotry, Ignorance Racism, Hate, Hitler, KKK, Bigotry, Ignorance
Evaluation of MLK Hero Hero
Evaluation of Lincoln Hero Hero
View on (unjust) War on Terror/US Military Kill the terrorists/Go USA! Kill the terrorists/Go USA!
The Abortifacient Pill Awesome; Gives women time, space and freedom Awesome; Gives women time, space, and freedom
Abortion ProLife ProChoice

As you can see, Christians believe in Jesus and love life.

Rev. Paul T. McCain: Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

In this utterly ignorant Facebook Note (blog post here), Pastor Paul McCain showcases why the Church is dead. His asinine State school propaganda and bourgeois Fox News style rhetoric can be pursued on your own time. The issue here transcends his grade school view of Lincoln’s war; it is about a type of treason and cowardice which can only displayed in learned “ministers” of the gospel.

You see, if the church is the ground and pillar of truth, the salt and light of the world, then we expect all Elders of Christ’s church to be at the forefront of exposing and challenging the tyranny that assaults their sheep. Precisely because the shepherd of souls has this weighty responsibility, James says that not many should become teachers as such will bear stricter judgment (James 3:1). Pulling down strongholds and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ is the line of work that wins you scars, not friends. read more

The Leo Frank Murder: Semitism Birthing Anti-Semitism


Time Line
Date Event
4/27/1913 Mary Phagan found dead in the National Pencil Factory of Atlanta, Georgia.
5/24/1913 Leo Frank indicted by grand jury for murder.
7/28/1913 Trial begins before Judge L. S. Roan.
8/22/1913 Solicitor-General Hugh Dorsey begins 3-day closing address.
8/25/1913 Jury finds Frank guilty.
8/26/1913 Frank sentenced to hang on October 10, 1913; Defense moves for new trial.
10/31/1913 Judge Roan denies motion for new trial; Execution date moved to April 17, 1914; Defense appeals to Supreme Court of Georgia.
2/17/1914 Supreme Court of Georgia unanimously overrules motion for rehearing.
4/6/1914 Defense files motion to set aside guilty verdict to Fulton County Superior Court; Execution moved to January 22, 1915.
6/6/1914 Fulton County Superior Court denied the motion to set aside the verdict.
2/25/1915 US Supreme Court hears arguments on Leo Frank’s appeal.
4/19/1915 US Supreme Court overrules motion for rehearing by vote of 7-2; Execution later moved to June 22, 1915.
6/20/1915 Governor Slaton commutes Frank’s sentence to life in prison.
8/16/1915 25 armed men take Frank from State Prison.
8/17/1915 Frank hanged.
Cheat Sheet
Name Significance
Adolph S. Ochs “Non-Jewish” Jew turned explicit Jewish advocate; publisher of NY Times; probably responsible for Frank’s lynching and the resurrection of the Klan.
Albert Lasker Jew; Head of Chicago public relation firm, orchestrated public opinion to get Frank case overturned.
Christopher Powell Connolly Irish Catholic Northerner, Launched quote: “Kill the Jew or we’ll kill you”
David Marx Jew Rabbi in Atlanta who heads to New York to gain support from wealthy Jews. Said the Frank case was a modern “Dreyfus” case, that evidence against Frank was prejudice and perjury and jury was intimidated.
Hugh Dorsey State Prosecutor; questioned Frank’s moral character on trial and was town hero after court victory.
Jacob Schiff Most powerful Jew in America; helped fund and launch national anti-South and pro-Frank propaganda. Note: Funded the Russian Revolution; Al Gore’s daughter married into this family.
John Marshall Slaton Georgia governor; bombarded by Jew-engineered letter campaign from Senators and Governors and other notables to commute the sentence of Frank; Member of same law firm with one of Frank’s lawyers; Eventually commutes Frank’s sentence to life in prison.
Judge L.S. Roan Frank’s trial judge; moved by Dorsey’s case; sentenced Frank to hang and denied motion for new trial.
Louis B. Marshall Jew; President of American Jewish Committee. Strong Jewish advocate who helped fund and launch national anti-South and pro-Frank propaganda. Note: In 1911 persuaded US to abrogate treaty with Russia which prevented American Jews from freely conducting business with Russia (weapons and money).
Luther Z. Rosser Jew; Frank’s Attorney. Called negro Conley to race baiter. Called Conley alying ,dirty nigger whose big nose had sniffed much cocaine.
Rae Frank Leo Frank’s mother; Calls Dorsey a Christian dog in court.
Ruben R. Arnold Jew; Frank’s attorney. Race baiter. Called for mistrial due to jury intimidation.
The Augusta Chronicle Local Paper that opposed Watson’s rhetoric, but also opposed Jewish propaganda and slander of South.
The Georgian Initially objective paper, but reversed previous position upon Jewish demands and asked for retrial. Owned by Hearst and became dedicatedly pro-Frank.
The Jeffersonian Atlanta paper. Small circulation at beginning of trial. Spoke for the people. Spoke out about the bribes.
The New York Times Jew paper that caved into Jew pressure to nationally campaign for Jewish advocasy and Frank’s acquittal/pardon.
Tom Watson Editor of Jeffersonian; wrote for the people, stongly opposed and called out the Jews for engineering/funding pro-Frank campaign.
William J. Burns Highest paid detective in the country; used Jew money to bribe witnesses to get Frank released.
William Randolph Hearst Owner of the Georgian who sold out to Atlanta Jews and changed editorials to portray Frank as victim .
“Kill the Jew or we’ll kill you” Lie made up by press in attempt to exonerate Frank. Originated by Connolly
“The Truth is on the March” Propaganda slogan began appearing across the country, allegedly originating from of Frank.

[/donotprint] Print Timeline and Cheat Sheet

The Leo Frank case is little known to the average American, though its political and practical effects are felt daily. The Frank incident is microcosmic in that the events surrounding and following the trial typify a negative pattern of Jewish enculturation on European soil and the reasonable but castigated reactions by the settlers. It is hoped that greater familiarity with this seemingly diminutive part of American history will do more but not less than illumine the ignorant and the goad the inert. read more

The Talmud and Judeo-Christianity

Babylonian Talmud Set

Linked below is a document that includes scanned pages from the Talmud which teach Jewish supremacy, sexual perversions, and blasphemies of Jesus Christ. After reading some of the texts you should wonder:

  • Why do so many know about the ugly Koran teachings and not the ugly Talmudic ones?
  • Why hasn’t your MDiv-trained pastor told you this?
  • Why isn’t this stuff taught in seminary apologetics classes?
  • Why are the giant para-church ministries silent about this?
  • Why does our Gentile country continue to give billions in annual foreign aid to Israel without demanding an explanation?
  • Is it logical to worry over radical Muslims when their influence in US mass media, legislation, and education greatly pales in comparison to Jewish influence?
  • read more

    The Most Politically Incorrect Passage In the Bible

    Genesis 24:2-4

    And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh: And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell: But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac.


  • Righteous Abraham owned slaves. Not good.  Slave holding is bad.
  • Righteous Abraham treated his slave well. This too is bad.  Surely every slave holder in history must have beat his slave and deprived him of basic human rights, so that slavery may be decried as a moral evil.  How dare Abe put this slave in charge of all that he had?
  • Righteous Abraham opposed woman’s suffrage. Abe’s arrangement of his son’s marriage deprives the poor gal of  her right to choose her own groom. Boy and girl are supposed to meat at a coffee shop on mutual terms, footing their own lattes. They are not to meet by a tribal patriarch’s slave delegation.
  • Righteous Abraham opposed miscegenation. Abe did not want his daughter-in-law to be of another tribe. Rather he demanded that his son’s bride be of his kindred.
  • Righteous Abraham REALLY opposed miscegenation. Righteous Abraham made his slave swear to God not to bring back a racial foreigner.
  • Righteous Abraham’s criteria for his son’s bride elevated race above faith. His kindred were pagans. Better consanguinity than a mixed marriage.
  • Righteous Abraham’s tribe had its own country. Indeed, his country was precisely defined by his tribe.  Didn’t’ Hitler try that?
  • read more