Author Archives: cmalsbury

Stuff It, HAL 9000: The Coming Backlash Against Tech in General

2018 May Bring The Rise Of The Anti-Tech Portfolio – Crunchbase News

By Colby Malsbury

Remember the entire GameStop imbroglio way back in that mystic age of January of this year? (In Scarybug World, one day seems to last a wormhole-ful of eternities.) I can think of worse ways to usher in a new year, myself. It gave the Elect a much-needed morale boost to see the short-selling mountebanks of Wall Street get their shirt handed to them over an obsolete video game-exchange franchise that, inexplicably, is still listed on the NYSE. Sure, it turned out to be little more than a temporary middle finger directed the Jewish financial cartel’s way, was quickly suppressed by said cartel’s very own Securities Exchange Commission, and will likely be actively usurped by said cartel in future broker plays of its own, but even a temporary discomfiture among our worst enemies is a rare gem indeed these days. read more

Academia Takes Aim at Classical Antiquity

An Overview of Classical Antiquity – Brewminate

By Davis Carlton

The academic tradition of the West is thoroughly steeped in the study of classical literature, architecture, music, and philosophy. The Christianization of the West allowed Europeans to view their classical heritage through the lens of a Christian worldview, which necessarily resulted in a rejection of certain aspects of classical philosophy as well as pagan polytheism. Nevertheless, there remained a ubiquitous understanding of the classics as the common heritage of the West that was indispensable to our identity. read more

The SPLC’s Hatred of White Christians

By Ehud Would

Now that our Christian institutions have been bribed, threatened, or otherwise cajoled into conformity with all the shibboleths of Cultural Marxism, the Southern Poverty Law Center is zeroing in on the holdouts. As such, they have declared Christ the King Reformed Church a “White Nationalist Hate Group”.

Now, despite all airs of legitimacy your extorted tax dollars can buy, the antichrists at the SPLC have no actual authority in the Church. Or anywhere else for that matter, because they ardently oppose the Lordship of Christ, the rightful Ruler of all things. read more

Golden Oldie … Nationalism & Christianity

The Ancient Christian Countries - Xenivoyage

By Enos Powell

Originally posted on Iron Ink.

“When evangelicals embrace an America-first nationalism, the gospel is co-opted and betrayed.”

“… Nationalism gives pride of place to ourselves, to regional or national assertions of primacy and the quest for power and success, control and dominance, legitimizing violence and pressing for victory.  Nationalism reveals that we have mis-ordered worship. Religiously motivated nationalism simply turns God into our “godling,” a deity subject to our bidding.” read more

One of Our Own Gets Called Out By the SPLC. We Couldn’t Be Prouder.

By Colby Malsbury

“You have enemies? Why it is the story of every man who has done a great deed or created a new idea. It is the cloud which thunders around everything that shines. Fame must have enemies, as light must have gnats. Do not bother yourself about it; disdain. Keep your mind serene as you keep your life clear.”

Victor Hugo

It can be a genuinely mixed blessing in these interesting times to be noticed. On the one hand, it’s heartening to know that our modest endeavors can still be construed as enough of a threat to the power structure to garner attention. On the other, the potential for serious persecution at the hands of Zog is very real. Paul, for one, never sugarcoated his privations and attempts on his life, though knowing full well it was all done for God’s glory. read more

Thinking About Divine Providence and The Trump Presidency

Analysis: Two Experts Envision Trade Under President Trump — Goodbye,  Wal-Mart

By Davis Carlton

The conclusion of Donald Trump’s tenure as President of the United States has given me an opportunity to contemplate God’s purposes in providentially bringing recent events to pass. By way of personal background I was enthused by Donald Trump’s success in overturning the GOP establishment during the 2016 primaries and Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election. Many of Donald Trump’s positions were untenable: chiefly his endorsement of homosexual “rights” and his promotion of the gay agenda abroad. Nevertheless, these were not the issues that made him successful during the 2016 campaign. Donald Trump, for all of his many personal flaws, demonstrated that the populist platform that he borrowed (or pilfered) from Pat Buchanan could motivate tremendous loyalty and support from many in the American heartland. read more

Darrow’s Triumph: All-Pervading Scientism and the Death of the West

By Colby Malsbury

In more than one respect, the centuries-old Christian culture war suffered a major setback in the little town of Dayton, TN, in the summer of 1925.

Oh, sure, John Scopes might have been found guilty of teaching evolution and charged a nominal fine – that was later overturned – but that was hardly the point of what would go on to constitute the most infamous misdemeanor trial in all of history. Nay, as almost all of the trial’s participants would later admit – including those local power-brokers who found it politic to align themselves with the prosecution – the whole spectacle was a bit of theater designed, in best 1920s small-town ‘booster’ fashion, to put their economically dwindling whistle stop on the map and reap a few out-of-county bucks from the proceedings.1 And if the money’s talking loud and clear…why, sure, those nominal Christians would have had no problem allowing magistrate-with-a-mission Clarence Darrow to get on his soapbox and deliver his trademark militant atheistic (‘agnostic’, my ass) rhetoric to a print media already mesmerized by rationalism in all its hideous glory: read more

A Few Rejoinders to Doug Wilson’s Trending Vid ‘Racism and Slavery in the West’

By C. Merle Davidson

If you can stomach it, watch the apologetic here.

Problem #1 — Race is reduced solely to “skin color” as if differing melanin levels is the only thing that constitutes “race.”

Problem #2 — He says his hero in this subject matter is Thomas Sowell. Thomas Sowell is a Libertarian and as a Libertarian Sowell is thus going to edge towards humans as a blank slate and therefore deny real genetic differences.

Problem #3 — Wilson characterizes those who disagree with him as being beholden to Darwin and evolutionary theories of race. Though doubtless this may sometimes be true, it certainly isn’t always true. I don’t need to believe in Darwin and can still conclude that genetics matter and that some inferiorities and superiorities run through all races in differing fashions. read more

Calling Evil Good: John Piper, Pope Francis, and The Collapse of Justice

By Davis Carlton

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20

Our age is rapidly becoming one of mass apostasy in which any profession of Christian faith is being abandoned. Characteristic of apostasy is how many Christian leaders have adopted the egalitarian principles of anti-Christian “justice” while attempting to couch these concepts in Christian terminology. What is interesting is the extent to which many Christians seem perfectly unaware that they have adopted radical, anti-Christian meanings given to formerly Biblical concepts like justice. This is particularly pervasive among the many outwardly conservative Christians who constitute what is affectionately known as “Big Eva” or the evangelical establishment. This is striking considering that evangelicals are supposed to be committed to a Biblical worldview, which necessarily requires understanding the meaning of words and concepts used in the Bible in their original historical context in order to understand the actual meaning of what the Bible says. read more

A Visit From St. Nicholas 2020, Or ‘Twas a Mighty Sore Christmas

By Colby Malsbury

Twas Christmas Eve ’20, and all through the pad

Not a creature was stirring, they were all so sad.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

But the family had Covid, so no doubt they’re still there.

The children were terrified to arise from bed

Due to the terror implanted in their heads

By mamma in her face mask, and pop in the same.

Fending off sure death is certainly no game!

Then out on the lawn there arose such a ruckus

Pop moaned aloud ‘Oh, this is just our luckus!!’ read more