Author Archives: cmalsbury

Five Ways In Which the Online Right is Amateurish

By Colby Malsbury

Ah, those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. You can thank Canada for the ‘hazy’ part. When a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of….

….online clout.

And, really, why wouldn’t it? Isn’t there an exceedingly memeable culture war to be waged out there, and isn’t Captain Normie Conn, Web Warrior Extraordinaire all set to deploy? It’s not like he managed to land a job back in June, anyway. There is a plethora of fronts out there for him to open a salvo upon: The continuing incongruity on a meta scale of the entire Barbenheimer phenomenon, the championing of former gun control advocate Jason Aldean’s artificially intelligent anti-woke anthem ‘Try That in a Small Town’, the inevitable jeering against the said Aldean after his inevitable capitulation to the tender mercies of the woke mob, a flurry of interest in the sudden separation of globalist god Justin Trudeau from his stage prop Sophie and the Rite’s hypocritical bleating refrain of ‘let us forbear casting stones against our enemy during this difficult time of his’…..oh, the possibilities are endless. read more

The Doxxing of Pedro Gonzalez

By Davis Carlton

Pedro Gonzalez is a right-wing pundit who has recently been “doxxed” on Breitbart as a “racist” and “anti-Semite.” Screenshots of private conversations that Gonzalez had with others years ago were posted in order to reveal that Gonzalez should be “canceled” given that his opinions of non-whites and Jews are to be considered beyond the pale of acceptable opinion. Gonzalez has become a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump and alleges that the leaks were made by former friends that are upset about Gonzalez leaving the “Trump Train” for good. Gonzalez is now a supporter of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. read more

Let’s Stop Pretending That Russell Moore is Christian

By Davis Carlton

Russell Moore’s atrocious but sadly all too predictable response to Uganda’s criminalizing of sodomy demands a response.

Uganda has recently taken steps to prohibit sodomy by punishing promoters of the same with jail and applying the death penalty for those who are guilty of “aggravated homosexuality.” This just doesn’t sit right with Christianity Today editor-in-chief Russell Moore, who is certain that this type of “authoritarianism” puts one on the “wrong side of Jesus.” Moore penned an op-ed published in “Christianity Astray” to voice his sore displeasure over Christians who would dare to voice their support for measures aimed at keeping people from their God-given right to pursue all manner of degenerate sexual gratification. If you think that I’m reading Moore uncharitably, then buckle up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. read more

“To Serve Man” by Tucker Carlson: It’s a Cookbook

By Ehud Would

I was as disgusted as anyone else when Fox issued Tucker his walking papers, because it amounted to a purge of the last  Paleo/Populist sentiments from what is otherwise a total Commie wasteland of mainstream media. But his Twitter debut leaves me suspicious that his termination might not be what it seems. Because he used his widely viewed Twitter comeback to push the existence of little green men, one wonders if he was released from Fox for that very purpose – to create the appearance of a Truthteller unleashed. And thereby shift the opinion of his audience, who are otherwise the least inclined to belief in ETs, into the cosmology of the Left and their pointless fantasies. read more

Tim Keller: 1950-2023. Too Unpalatable For Laodicea.

By Colby Malsbury

The Rev. Timothy Keller, Pioneering Manhattan Evangelist, Dies at 72

Shunning fire and brimstone, he became a best-selling author and founded Redeemer Presbyterian Church, which drew young New Yorkers.

So lamented the headline of that most august bastion of our Christian civilization, The New York Times. There was much, much more, but as the Paper of Record hides behind an especially obnoxious paywall, I’m not about to plunk down drachmas to read any further. Suffice it to say that a Times obit is valued among modernist cosmopolitan Presbyterian sorts like Keller every bit as much as that precious bowl of pottage was to Esau. Hope that’s a comfort to Timmy where he is now. read more

“Go Woke, Go Broke?” Nope. Here’s Why.

By Colby Malsbury

It was the Schlock Heard Round the World.

Professing themselves as competent to read the prevailing zeitgeist as an Egyptologist is to decipher hieroglyphics, the linguists at Anheuser-Busch decided it was time to pep up their most recognizable yet faltering legacy brand, Bud Light. And what better way to display relevancy than to dig through the sewer of YouTube and come across an especially egregious example of clickbait narcissism to use in an upcoming ad campaign? Behold – if you can stomach it – one Dylan Mulvaney, a repellent flaming cross-dresser who would have had to eke out a living haunting public washrooms at 4 in the morning in a better time, but who now does the whole transgenderism bit on a lark and rakes in filthy lucre by the score as a ‘social media influencer’. What better spokesthing could one hope to find for a low-grade but traditionally blue collar brew? Little wonder that the Saints have trouble getting up in the morning these days. read more

Online Monetization and the Culture Wars Work at Cross-Purposes To Each Other. Here’s Why.

By Colby Malsbury

2008 will be recorded in the annals of our Vanished Civilization as the most epochal single year of our demise, I believe. Yes, even more so than either 2001 or 2020.

Those of us who were fortunate enough to be in established career paths during that doleful year really cannot conceive of the hellscape that was awaiting the generation just emerging from the colleges and universities, fresh off the final vestige of financial optimism any of us are likely to ever witness again, enfeebled though it was. Just as Francis Fukuyama and his neocon ilk proclaimed an ‘end of history’ after the supposed demise of the Cold War, so too did the neolib proponents of unfettered global vulture capitalism begin to subtly champion a post-economic era in the hopelessly naive West, wherein jobs didn’t matter, deficits didn’t matter, the sustainability of fiat currencies didn’t matter, and so on and so forth, just as long as the entrenched managerial (((cabal))) managed to further feather their own nests. We were all relentlessly scolded to concentrate on ‘bigger’ things like global warming and racist police forces, and left to fend for ourselves to schlep together enough shekels to be able to attend a centralized Antifa happening in Portland or wherever. read more

Mass Migration Won’t Save Us: A Response to Tim Keller

By Davis Carlton

Tim Keller has decided to formally endorse the Great Replacement as a means of bringing about “revival” in American Christianity. Keller is by no means alone. Recently Joel Berry of the Babylon Bee suggested that “mass immigration could save this country” and that we could prevent them from becoming “a permanent underclass voting bloc” by simply “assimilating them.” Apparently this was not intended as satire. Keller argues that Christians must acknowledge and even embrace the demographic shift that can only accurately be described as white genocide in order to grow the American Christian church and stem the tide of secularism. Keller believes that the emerging nonwhite population of America could embrace a version of Christianity that is concerned with advocating for “social justice” as a main priority. read more

Joe Carter of The Gospel Coalition Endorses “Non-Sexual” Gay Civil Unions

By Davis Carlton

The title is unfortunately not satire. Though even I am surprised at how quickly mainstream conservative evangelicalism has become conformed to the world. Joe Carter, or Joke Harder as he is affectionately known in our circles, begins by noting the recent endorsement of gay marriage by David French. Carter admits that French’s position has received “considerable backlash” and seeks to articulate a tenable alternative while addressing French’s concern, which is that he wants “gay couples to enjoy marriage-equivalent legal protections but without changing the legal definition of marriage.” read more

Responding To Neil Shenvi’s Objections To Christian Nationalism

By Davis Carlton

Neil Shenvi has written a multi-part review of Stephen Wolfe’s Defense of Christian Nationalism. I found a link to Shenvi’s review from an article by Kevin DeYoung on The Gospel Coalition denouncing “right-wing wokeism.” There is much in DeYoung’s article that needs to be addressed, but for now I wanted to address Shenvi’s objections to Christian nationalism because many within the evangelical mainstream admire DeYoung. Shenvi offers three objections to Christian nationalism as it is presented by Stephen Wolfe. Wolfe is ambiguous about the meaning of a nation. Wolfe is also ambiguous about the meaning and application of ethnicity. Finally, Wolfe wrongly assumes that national identity would have developed irrespective of the Fall. I don’t intend to speak on Stephen Wolfe’s behalf. He is more than capable of responding to his own critics, but I do think that I can provide a Kinist perspective on these issues. read more