Author Archives: cmalsbury

King Raz of Chaz and All That Jazz

By Colby Malsbury

As America’s seemingly perpetual double whammy of Covid Communism and Floyd Fanaticism causes life to resemble deleted footage from The Purge: Election Year, one can hardly expect the old established polities we have come to know and loathe to escape unscathed.

Of course, as Christians, we yearn and pray for societal regeneration in His image, but we aren’t quite there yet, to put it mildly.

So, in a rather perverse parody of the tenets of Kinism, we first must witness the hyper-atomization of society into a zillion demonic component parts, every man, woman, or genderfluid for itself, purportedly fighting under the umbrella of ‘racial justice’. Don’t look for Mary Poppins to come sailing in ebulliently under that canopy. However, you can look to every white libtard desperately trying to protect his/her/its precious career sinecure to proclaim this chaos progressively ducky. read more

A Practical Case For Segregation

By Davis Carlton

David Platt contemplates his next sermon at next year’s T4G Conference.

America is burning! The COVID-19 “plandemic” has been replaced in the mainstream media headlines as race riots have been set off by the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by a white police officer in what certainly appears to be an obvious case of police brutality…or then again maybe not. The official autopsy report concluded that Floyd didn’t die of asphyxiation or strangulation so the case against Chauvin isn’t air-tight. There are legitimate questions about how these riots were started and the role of the media and deep state in stoking the flames, but what is clear is that the riots are primarily an expression of deep-seated racial animosity of blacks towards whites for perceived historical and contemporary injustices. The media along with celebrities and politicians have managed to tacitly provoke a violent reaction that only manages to burn out intermittently until the flames of hatred are reignited again. My aim is to determine a workable solution for the mutual benefit for the whole of society. read more

Chutzpah: Or How Joe Carter Joined the Conspiracy of Silence To Debunk Conspiracy Theory

By Colby Malsbury

The post-WWII Church was a complacent beast towards encroaching federalism at the best of times, but as the Scaryvirus narrative refuses to wither and die on the vine the pandering unto Caesar is generating infinitely more nausea than the bug could ever hope to do.

Voluntarily closing the church doors long before the official diktat came down from on high, and volunteering to keep them shut into the foreseeable future? HAL-lelujah!

Enforcing counter-productive social distancing guidelines at the few (outdoors, yet!) church functions the elder board deigns to permit? GLOR-y be! read more

Kneel Before the The Experts: the Philosopher Kings of PBS Demand Your Obedience

By Ehud Would

“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”
~Romans 1:21-22

Amidst the Coronavirus lockdown PBS has done something shockingly uncharacteristic, and at just the right time: they have actually addressed the philosophical crux of the matter — the question of authority.

Even so, because they draw precisely the wrong conclusion, it may be the most insidious thing they’ve ever broadcast. read more

Rebutting Gary North’s Abolitionist Argument

By Davis Carlton

Reading Joel McDurmon’s Lamb’s Reign blog gives the impression that the most pressing issue in the world that Christians ought to address is antebellum slavery and white racism. Virtually any problem of real importance is utterly ignored in favor of Joel’s persistent complaining about slavery. To this end Joel has re-posted his father-in-law Gary North’s essay about The Jubilee Year and Abolitionism which was originally published in Biblical Economics Today in 1988. The subject of this essay is to argue for the abolition of slavery on the grounds that the permanent servitude that was allowed in Lev. 25:44-46 has been abolished along with the entire Jubilee law in which this passage is found. read more

Mandatory Vaccines: William Tell’s Answer

By Ehud Would

As MSM-generated hysteria mounts around the pandemic that wasn’t, Gates and Fauci are talking about mandatory “Immunity ID cards” and/or “immunization tattoos”; without which you won’t be allowed to travel, attend school, or work. And top analysts in government, finance, and investment foresee a mandatory vaccination program on the near horizon. So does Dr. Paul.

And there’s plenty of indication that this has been the plan for a long time.  From early in the 20th century folks like Bertrand Russell were telling us “Diet, injections, and injunctions [would soon be used to render criticism of the elite] psychologically impossible.” read more

Joel McDurmon: Criticizing Social Justice is Worse Than Blasphemy!

By Davis Carlton

Joel McDurmon never misses an opportunity to be wrong on virtually any relevant topic. It’s quite astonishing how McDurmon manages to face plant on issues that should be easy to get right. A recent example is a brief response he gave to James White who commented on a blasphemous “communion service” intended to commemorate the “Crucifixion” of Trayvon Martin! White commented in response to a tweet showcasing this blasphemous commemoration of a fake martyr: “Want to see how ‘social justice’ replaces the heart of the Christian faith with something else? Here’s quite the example.” read more

Covid-19 and the Rise of the Karens

By Colby Malsbury

Simone de Beauvoir, the lesbian Stalinist who bedded Jean-Paul Sartre whenever there was nothing sufficiently sapphic around for her liking, once said ‘one is not born, but rather becomes a woman.’ Even in such a pithy statement, we can perceive the special kind of tyranny that the female is especially capable of, and culpable for – not as a mere agent of ‘destiny’, whatever that might mean, but as an active participant in and, if not a creator, then a domineering influencer of said destiny, all done for everyone else’s good and not as a vulgar patriarchal power grubber, of course. If the squeaky wheel gets the grease, then the squeaking caterwauling of feminism has garnered its denizens an entire chain of Minit Lube franchises over the past century. read more

Aboard the Pequod: American Literature’s Bounty on the White Christ

By Ehud Would

“The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” 

~George Orwell

Narrative is central to cultural identity. The story of a nation as told by its members, and handed down to posterity, is determinative of its character, purpose, and continued existence. A folk without memory or love of their own history will not identify with their own saga. And if not, neither will they feel any particular onus to perpetuate their civilization. read more

Joe Carter Informs on The CARES Stimulus Bill

By Davis Carlton

Joe Carter of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has written an article informing readers about the implications for individuals and churches given the recently passed CARES Stimulus package aimed at relieving Americans who are suffering financial hardships under the current COVID-19 lockdown. The article seems a somewhat strange read given that it appears on The Gospel Coalition website. It reads like something that a tax attorney or accounting firm would post on its website for the benefits of current or prospective clients, and yet it’s posted on The Gospel Coalition. read more