You Will Be Silent, O Chattering Class: Why a Revolt Against the Mainstream Media Must Be in Deadly Earnest


By Colby Malsbury

You know what? I’m feeling uninformed today. Let’s remedy that by going to Twitter and checking out some breaking news stories.

Trump fatigue is setting in hard at the worst moment for his campaign.– MSNBC

Sam Elliott narrates Biden ad premiering during the World Series: ‘There is only one America.’– The Hill

Obama trolls Trump saying ‘his TV ratings are down’ while campaigning for Biden at drive-in rally in Miami.– The Daily Mail US

“Mispronouncing “Kamala”: Accident or message?” – The Washington Post

“Daily Covid-19 cases will hit six digits soon, expert warns.” – CNN

And I can’t overlook this abortion, also courtesy of CNN – your most trusted name in Jews:

You know what? Not only am I even more uninformed than I was before, I’m also now mortally depressed. Let’s never do this again, shall we?

‘So what? Everybody knows the media is left-wing. That’s no breaking news. Lame. What’s on tee vee?’ So respond the chronically defeated who apparently harbor fond memories of Brokaw/Rather/Jennings for some inexplicable reason. Their ennui helps in large part to explain why the dinosaur print media and the only slightly less fossilized talking head troupe have become thoroughly insufferable. A more venal, corrupt, and demanding institution you are not going to find, except for the equally venal, corrupt, and demanding western governments that prop up their favored elderly prostitutes, that they might wheeze out hosannas to their glory twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. It’s like the most depressing Irish wake ever, except Ireland is rayciss and thus must be cancelled.

And just as any dirty rotten tyrant ill-deservedly secured by tenure will be the picture of condescension, the Filth Estate is no exception. Pundits have always possessed delusions of Solomonic grandeur, but as their encroaching senility has dumbed them way down they now see fit to dictate to our volk as though we’re seven years old, and have just emerged from the Village of the Damned to boot. The media’s never-ending neurosis regarding Scarybug has been an inexorable help in this regard, as nothing ensures a permanent state of juvenile imbecility quite like chronic panic will. I mean, c’mon man – in what world populated by grownups would Kamala Harris’s weird Converse sneaker fetish ever constitute the stuff that journalism is made of? Or what preeminent cable news network – a staple of captive audiences in airport terminals the world over – would ever think a symposium against racism hosted by the puppets of Sesame Street a legitimate forum of ideas in a non-clown world? Are Christians not supposed to put away childish things in their maturity, as per 1 Corinthians 13:11? Is this perverse generation not permitted to face any harsh truth whatsoever, as they are of their father the devil? Why do we allow such domineering regression to have access to our homes?

And in their hidebound complacency, just like Stalin in 1949 or Mao in 1966, the media have taken it upon themselves to issue fatwas against specific ordinary individuals they cannot abide, all but calling for their blood to be splattered over the lintels of their doorways. A prescient example is NPR’s obsessive campaign against the Dorr clan of Iowa, whose strict Biblical worldview and organizational skills have made them the bane of tinpot despots at the municipal, state, and federal levels, and have earned them the concomitant wrath of the one media outlet forced to admit that it depends on monies levied from Caesar for its very survival. The campaign hit an especially disgusting pitch recently, as Tribal Theocrat’s very own Enos Powell, on that same broadcast, was publicly called out on NPR for using that oh-so-Nazified term ‘Lugenpresse’ to aptly describe their public show trial….and then, not satisfied with that low blow, NPR reached for the wallows by gloating about how the Dorr matriarch was struck down with COVID and offered the least sincere ‘hopes’ for a ‘recovery’ I’ve ever had the displeasure to hear. You can listen to the entire opprobrium here, beginning at the 42:10 mark.

These aren’t even the faux-civilized New World Order machinations of a media that at least tried to be as urbane as the Council on Foreign Relations half a century ago. These are the ravenings of a feral Bolshevik Beast – a Khmer Rouge provided as part of your basic cable and/or satellite package. Now on livestream, too!!!

Regardless of the format, they are pure evil and warrant utter ruination.

So what can we do?

Above all else, starve the beast. Cancel your cable subscriptions, that CNN/Fox/MSNBC/The Big Three’s reach might be all the less. Eschew re-posting threads from mainstream news outlets whenever possible, and if you merely want to call attention to an outrageous headline, never ever ever click on the article itself – deprive them of that bit of revenue. Let them slouch towards Bankruptcy to be re-born as full-fledged trustees of the state – let’s face it, they’re that already, but why not force them to proclaim themselves so? If they survive on government finesse for a few decades longer, oh well. As Solzhenitsyn had it: “You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.” We are under no obligation to make our self-anointed educators’ job any easier.

Don’t be led down Primrose Lane by the occasional ‘rogue agent’ who seemingly slips through the cracks and sticks it to the Man where it hurts most, while still drawing his paycheck from that same compromised medium as the hacks are. Good examples of such being Lou Dobbs on CNN (remember him?) and Tucker Carlson on Fox. It is extremely disheartening to see conservatives falling under the enchantment of the latter, considering it wasn’t too many years removed that he was one of the Iraq War’s preeminent pimps. And lest you respond with ‘People can change!’, ask his opinion on the legitimacy of Zionism or 9/11 truth and see what kind of a response you get. Had he been a true blue rabble-rouser Fox would have turfed him years ago, and ratings be damned. Recollect the warning of William Tyndale: (they) ‘simule discord among themselves when they are most agreed.’1 The Dems and Reps have been playing this game for decades, and the supposed ‘warring factions’ within the MSM are no different.

Above all, make a concerted effort to rebuke their worldview consistently and constantly. Presume everything that emanates from their punditry is the most damnable of lies, offered with anything but ‘good intentions’. Go on the offensive. Call out their falsehood as publicly and as savagely as God grants you power to do. Should some asshat with a PRESS card in his fedora sidle up to you as the old serpent did to Eve, don’t so much as deign to acknowledge his presence. The entire media strategy is the promotion of mass white suicide – and I don’t mean the graduated zero birth-rate Kalergi plan type of suicide that has been in place for our entire lifetimes and our fathers’ before us, but the good old fashioned overdose/fabricated noose/jump out of a twentieth floor window variety. The introductory rolling out of the ghoulishly vaunted Great Reset by periodicals with all the modern relevance of the Saturday Evening Post should help attain this laudable goal most effectively. Will you be a party to such a Fleet Street Holodomor?

Not too long ago on Twitter, Vox Day spelled it out plainly: “Don’t ever provide any support to those who hate you, your faith, or your nation.” Let that be our credo. If the MSM wishes to work on the seedy level of clickbait, well, we still aren’t compelled to support such ephemera via our web searching.

1William Tyndale, Obedience of a Christian Man, Penguin Classics edition, 200, pg. 189.