
By Colby Malsbury
So, as of this writing (Nov. 17, 2020), it appears to be president-in-waiting Kamala Harris, is it?
Well, color me pleasantly surprised.
Oh, please don’t get me wrong. It’s hard to comprehend a more unmitigated disaster for the country at large than Joe Biden, a man who should have been retired to the old folks’ home a decade ago and who, when asked to pick his cabinet, likely will opt for an oak-paneled one that contains lots of extra space to store booze and children in. But that is exactly what we both require and deserve at this point in time. Anything that has the potential to entirely disabuse the Right of the idiotic notion that casting a lot in an electoral system so putrid that it would make Boss Tweed eschew politics in favor of missionary work in the Congo is worth their time, money, and efforts can only work to our good. A ‘record turnout’ this election? If you care about the future of your children and your volk, that stat can only depress you. We’ll only know that our clans have finally clued in as to what ‘illegitimacy’ entails when voter turnout degenerates into the single digits, at least among whites. Assuming there ever is another election, anywhere in the western world. And never say never.
Following the reign of FDR, the trouncing of Strom Thurmond’s States Rights party in 1948, and the blatant bouncing of nominee-in-waiting Robert Taft off the GOP ticket in favor of the internationalist Eisenhower in 1952, the Right had almost conceded the futility of engaging in presidential politics, until Goldwater’s big splashy 1964 campaign succeeded in reclaiming ‘their’ party of Lincoln from the hands of the progressive eastern establishment. From winning that pennant, they went on to win the presidential World Series with ‘their’ Gipper in 1980, and their newfound infatuation with power politics was sealed forevermore. Alas, postwar conservatives are nothing if not credulous, and their newfound faith in the system made them the ideal patsies for manipulations within the GOP and machinations without, whenever the (((Powers))) That Be decided it was time to give their Jackass puppets a shot at power for a while and relegated their Pachyderm puppets to a stint on the opposition benches. But, hey – the disestablishment of Pat Buchanan from the 1992 primaries was well worth the effort considering that by 2000, thanks to a friendly court, they were able to finally take advantage of a manipulated system to their own benefit, and we got eight years of the Zany Adventures of Halliburton Dubya as a result.
And thus, we come to the present state of affairs, wherein after deluding themselves that Trump was elected rather than selected four years ago, Repubs act outraged that the current year election could have been so ham-fistedly stolen from underneath their noses.
Know something? I have no use for people who are easily outraged anymore. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and if the Right wants to exact revenge they’d better cultivate a mien of embittered cynicism instead. It’s far more efficacious for strategic thinking, and that’s what we require now.
Whichever way the charade ultimately goes, one battleground the right needs to prepare for is over the electoral college. The push will be on to abandon it as an ‘antiquated’ and ‘regressive’ institution that dates from the dreadful time when holders of landed property actually had the temerity to draft national constitutions that protected their interests. Even before Nov. 3, a September poll in Forbes found a whopping 89% of Democrats and 68% of Independents favored its elimination, as opposed to a mere 23% of Republicans. And as a poll is the purest representation of democracy in a moment of time, well….. What will replace it? A massive national plebiscite of personal presidential preference based on the most fickle of emotional whims. Needless to say, women, sodomites, Negroes, and seminarians will turn out to this political equivalent of Snapchat upvoting in droves. Also needless to say, you will be able to cast your preference in any ol’ way your heart, or your chi, or your life force, or whatever, desires. Do you self-identify as someone who feels the need to cast forty-seven ballots at once? Well, we certainly must respect that, according to federal comfort law. Will you be marking said ballots in pencil, pen, magic marker, electronic time stamp, or urine?
Most needless of all to say, of course: when mob rule reigns supreme, it’s no great shakes for a few well-placed agitators to sway the great baying behemoth into stampeding into any direction said agitators so desire. As a rancher, I can attest to this first hand. It’s far, far easier to get an entire herd of cattle pointed and running towards the gate you want them to go through than attempting to steer one solitary headstrong old cuss with her own ideas about freedom through that selfsame gate. And the Cryptocracy looks at us as having decidedly less of an underlying telos than cows do. Perhaps they’re on to something there.
When the Rite is not leading the charge to abolish the electoral college themselves (probably to make the whole process more palatable to Hispanics – who, after all, are ‘natural social conservatives’), they are engaging in a bit of even more odious logic: telling their base to take heart because the GOP will come back bigger, badder, and more accommodating than ever in 2024!!!
These people are either morons or Mossad agents.
They are willing to participate in an electoral system dominated by easily hackable voting machines provided by the likes of Dominion Systems and ES&S – the latter of which a recent article said was ‘owned by the McCarthy Group, a private equity firm, and thus its financial records — revenue, profits, salaries — are not public’? That right there should have disqualified this company from participating in any political process. They have a built-in conflict of interest. Left unchallenged, they will only be encouraged in their fraud and continue apace.
They are willing to participate in an electoral system that blatantly registers people born in the nineteenth century as having voted? One can only hope that at least a handful of these Dem-picked 170 year olds were black.
They are willing to participate in an electoral system that was aptly (if rather inconveniently, now) described by newly-minted chief of staff appointee Ron Klain thus, a mere seven years ago?

And this during the Dem’s halcyon days of the Obama regime, besides. The Cryptocracy reveals all its machinations, but who will listen?
Most damning of all, by being willing participants in such an electoral system, they reveal themselves to be clueless as to the higher motivation the state desires from an election. Whether Zippy the Chimp or Chippy the Zimp wins the grand prize is immaterial. What matters is that every election is ultimately a referendum on the inherent soundness of the whole political process, and O, how the state craves rock-bound legitimacy above all else! Thus, in the diseased mind of your typical Juden globalist, casting a vote in a ‘democracy’ constitutes tacit consent to be engorged in the gaping maws of said democracy with no hope of ever escaping the resulting mastication. It’s not unlike how they view birth certificates as a lien against your soul, come to think of it.
For Christians to boost democracy is particularly appalling, given its unabashedly pagan origins in ancient Athens, the Twitter forum of its era. When the Jacobins of revolutionary France bellowed forth ‘the voice of the people is the voice of God!’, they were in deadly, deadly earnest. Even Alexis de Toqueville, that great champion of egalitarianism in the Americas (hey, he didn’t have to live anywhere close to its implementation) made no bones about the inherent heathenism a state of pure democracy would eventually lead to. From an article originally featured in Deseret News:
In the second volume of “Democracy in America,” Alexis de Tocqueville discerns a radical danger on democracy’s horizon. “Pantheism” is Tocqueville’s name for the condition in which democracy becomes its own God. At the end of the democratic dispensation, the mind becomes obsessed with unity; all true diversity, all heterogeneity and rank order, which necessarily appeal to some reality beyond the self-enclosed humanistic system, and therefore all true individualism, must be laid low; there must be no permanent, authoritative pillars of order, no mediating representations between the all-too-human and the divine. All that still stands is “an immense being which alone remains eternal in the midst of the continual change and incessant transformation of all that composes it.”
Little wonder that societal levellers of all political stripes blather on about the sanctity of democracy, isn’t it? Their end goal is to have us amalgamated into one gigantic wad of grey chewing gum that somehow manages to emanate light. Yes, that sounds perfectly reasonable and scientifically sound to me. I can only marvel at the reticence Paul showed at that ultimate in democratic process – the Athenian Mars Hill. How tempting it would be to call down fire and brimstone upon the lot of those idle chatterers.
And it’s not as though there was never any hint of a warning that this could ever come down the pike. The contested results of the 2016 election were chaotic enough, and the more historically minded among the Rite might have recollected the 2000 electoral snafu as well, and how in hindsight it served as a battle between opposing New World Order factions to see who would steer the rudder of Greatest Democracy Evuh in the aftermath of 9/11. Had it not been for the mass Scarybug distraction, no doubt memories of the now all but forgotten glitchfest that crashed the Iowa Democratic primaries way, way back in January of this year would have been at the forefront of more than a few eager-beaver voters’ minds.1 Of course, that should have been at the forefront of everyone’s mind long before Joe Biden – aka C’mon Man – became the ‘surprise’ Democratic nominee, but we were all kinda busy wondering what Marvel superhero or sports team logo we should get embossed on our masks at the time.
‘Well, we’ll protest the results!!!’ Yeah, you do that. Go out marching in the streets without Soros money to grease the palms of the police and the news networks, and we’ll see just how far your populist endeavors get you. And that’s leaving aside the fact that protesting in DC because the election was rigged is like protesting in Hollywood because Old Yeller died at the end of his film. Why waste time and energy on a script? It’s time to start treating voting in these federal spectacles as nothing short of treason – a delusional endeavor that inculcates in rather thick minds the notion that the process in DC can at all be reformed. It cannot.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, taking all this into consideration we can only reach one logical conclusion: democracy sucks. Fortunately, it seems with each passing election the whitewash peels a little more forthrightly from the wall. Usually, when the rabble vote themselves the treasury, next time around they vote to cease voting because there isn’t a second treasury appearing on the horizon. May the day hasten! Hopefully we aren’t too elderly to organize ourselves into Wolverine packs yet.
1Incidentally, just try to find any mention of the January nightmare in Iowa in a Google search now. Best of luck to you! Perhaps there’s an op-ed on the subject buried on the 27th page of results, but who knows.
Things are happening. This is a time for prayer, not for blackpilling.
Whether things are happening or not does not change the inherently pagan nature of democracy, which this article was trying to get across.
I could support voting if:
– the franchise was strictly limited to educated (not indoctrinated), native born citizens, who are Christian heads-of-households who own real-estate and/or their own business. No resident alien would vote, ever. No govt. employee would vote. No ‘oppressed’ vagabond wastrel would vote. And above all, no damn school teacher (supposing a public school system persists) would EVER vote again.
– the counting of those votes was not entrusted to computers.
– office holding was strictly limited to men of sufficient age and experience who were native born, and qualified to vote themselves.
– Barring any of that, I would greatly prefer being ruled by an aristocracy (of merit, not birth) restrained by a constitution that is aligned with God’s Law and applying to the rest of us that same divine moral law. May God hasten that day.