Tag Archives: Slavery

Rebutting Gary North’s Abolitionist Argument

By Davis Carlton

Reading Joel McDurmon’s Lamb’s Reign blog gives the impression that the most pressing issue in the world that Christians ought to address is antebellum slavery and white racism. Virtually any problem of real importance is utterly ignored in favor of Joel’s persistent complaining about slavery. To this end Joel has re-posted his father-in-law Gary North’s essay about The Jubilee Year and Abolitionism which was originally published in Biblical Economics Today in 1988. The subject of this essay is to argue for the abolition of slavery on the grounds that the permanent servitude that was allowed in Lev. 25:44-46 has been abolished along with the entire Jubilee law in which this passage is found. read more

Joel McDurmon’s Bizarre Take on Arabic Enslavement of Africans

By Davis Carlton

Joel McDurmon has taken umbrage at Larry Elder’s comments about the way that slavery is taught as a component of black history. Larry Elder complains that the role of Arabic Muslim slave trading is often ignored in the discussion of slavery during “Black History Month.” Elder is an articulate and intelligent black man who simply points out the oft-ignored reality of Arabic Muslim enslavement of black Africans to put slavery as it was practiced in America into some historical context. One would think that Elder’s comments would be pretty non-controversial. Even mainstream leftists could feign at least token appreciation for Elder’s point without surrendering their disapproval of white America over the question of slavery. But Joel McDurmon is no mainstream leftist. Joel’s anarcho-Marxist tendencies won’t allow him to pass up the opportunity to virtue signal against the “racism” of American slavery in comparison to the rest of the world. read more

Keep a Candle in the Window: An Answer to an OPC Minister Concerning Claims from His Son’s Teacher

By Ehud Would

I recently received a private communique from an OPC minister grappling with the Marxist bent of his son’s “Christian school”. Yes, you read that right. Christian schools are now but another mouthpiece for Marxist zeitgeist. Incredible as that is.

Since my response reiterates the content of the pastor’s letter, I have here omitted the original in favor of my reply.

“I’m sorry to hear [your son] has this stuff coming his way. But I’m glad you’re not just rolling over to the secular narrative.
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The Most Politically Incorrect Passage In the Bible

Genesis 24:2-4

And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh: And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell: But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac.


  • Righteous Abraham owned slaves. Not good.  Slave holding is bad.
  • Righteous Abraham treated his slave well. This too is bad.  Surely every slave holder in history must have beat his slave and deprived him of basic human rights, so that slavery may be decried as a moral evil.  How dare Abe put this slave in charge of all that he had?
  • Righteous Abraham opposed woman’s suffrage. Abe’s arrangement of his son’s marriage deprives the poor gal of  her right to choose her own groom. Boy and girl are supposed to meat at a coffee shop on mutual terms, footing their own lattes. They are not to meet by a tribal patriarch’s slave delegation.
  • Righteous Abraham opposed miscegenation. Abe did not want his daughter-in-law to be of another tribe. Rather he demanded that his son’s bride be of his kindred.
  • Righteous Abraham REALLY opposed miscegenation. Righteous Abraham made his slave swear to God not to bring back a racial foreigner.
  • Righteous Abraham’s criteria for his son’s bride elevated race above faith. His kindred were pagans. Better consanguinity than a mixed marriage.
  • Righteous Abraham’s tribe had its own country. Indeed, his country was precisely defined by his tribe.  Didn’t’ Hitler try that?
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    DeMar’s Debacle on Slavery

    Liberals love the myth of equality. They would probably die for it.

    Fortunately for us they defend it in template fashion. The liberal emotionally distances himself from his opponent’s non-egalitarian view, which is evil prima facie. Such views are wicked not because Scripture and necessary inference denounce them, but because that is the category assigned to them by their other divided loyalty, political correctness (James 1:8; Matthew 6:24).  To the degree that the liberal actually argues against his opponent he only defends his disdain of a taboo position, usually a wishful straw man that he illogically connects to his opponent’s  actual position. Of course the liberal’s argumentation is only offered by way of backfill due to the visceral attachment he has already made against his opponent. Hence the reason egalitarian arguments are always emotive sound bites lacking any semblance of substance. It is also why, in the rare moments when the liberal properly identifies  his opponent’s thesis and posits an honest rebuttal, a beginning student of logic can quickly apply the appropriate fallacy. read more