Blast from the Past: Integration Communist Inspired



The following is an extract from a letter by Dr. D. M. Nelson, President of Mississippi College, a Christian university located in Clinton, Mississippi.  It was republished in the October 1955 edition of The Citizen’s Council.

The big word today…which is Communist inspired, is not evolution, but “integration”. As the evolutionist would unify life by reducing it to a common origin, the cell, so the integrationist would break down all racial barriers and merge all classes and nationalities and races into one huge mass of humanity. This is what the Communists have been attempting to do for almost half a century. Integration is the big word in their vocabulary. And whereas the weight of Christian thought and action was directed against the acceptance of the theory of organic evolution, much of it is being used today to accelerate the coming of a classless society and a raceless world. Such a position finds as little support in the Scripture as the theory of evolution. And in nature, the handiwork of God, variety and difference and distinction are found everywhere. No two flowers on the same bush are alike. No two leaves on the same tree are identical. Finger printing is possible because the palm of every hand is different. The sensitive feelings of some people are hurt when the terms inferiority and superiority are used in speaking of different races, but the fact remains that races are different, radically different, and man is not responsible for this difference, but God. And for a people not to recognize and respect these racial characteristics and dissimilarities, but attempt to merge them in the crucible of miscegenation, expecting therefrom an improved race, is the height of blasphemy.