Monthly Archives: November 2011

Jared Taylor on the Jewish Question


any white advocates are grateful for the work of Jared Taylor. He’s at the forefront of racial realism as a researcher, writer, conference speaker, and leader. His American Renaissance magazine and website enjoy widespread respect among white advocates. But as white advocacy work is at some level invariably involved with the Jewish Question, many in the movement wonder why Taylor is not. What are this forerunner’s views about the racial group that is at the forefront in stifling white advocacy? read more

Another Clueless SCV Official

A controversy errupted in Michigan a few weeks ago over students wearing Confederate flag clothing to school. Support for the students that wore the gear was considerable, and a poll from the local news agency that ran the story reveals that 71 percent don’t think wearing Confederate flag items to school is a big deal. Still, confusion arose over such issues as whether the Civil War was fought over slavery and whether our country was founded on equality. An expert on each side of the debate weighed in here. read more