Tag Archives: occult

Occult Symbolism of the Feminist Pussyhat

Symbolism is Not Entirely Subjective

I’m no expert on the occult, so this post is simply intended to provoke thought.  Additionally, frank talk regarding the occult use of phallic and yonic symbolism is unavoidable for any worthwhile discussion of this subject matter.  I have sought to address this in the most modest and dignified manner possible, and have pixilated portions of one particularly salacious image.

It is commonly noted that modern urban Christians find the agricultural illustrations of Scripture to be foreign and obscure.  What is less commonly appreciated is that most Christians today live, eat, and breathe in an Enlightenment atmosphere, having received the materialist worldview they were taught in government schools as an unexamined first principle.  Thus, things like the necessity of blood atonement, the dedication of first fruits, the supernatural role in fecundity, etc., matters once understood on an implicit level, now seem strange and mystifying.  Such also is the case with rightly comprehending symbolism. read more

A Taxonomy for Comprehending the Occult

Non-Christian thought is a bottomless pit, and one can easily consume himself in its study. Nevertheless, while it is better to comprehend the truth, it is foolhardy to remain ignorant of our enemies. Towards that end, I’ve found the following to be an extremely useful guide when comparing esoteric traditions like Freemasonry, Theosophy, the New Age movement, Kabbalahism, Mormonism, etc. From The Western Esoteric Traditions, by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke:

Taking the Renaissance concordance of Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, and Kabbalah, along with astrology, alchemy, and magic, Faivre deduced six fundamental characteristics of esoteric spirituality. The first four of these he described as intrinsic in the sense of all being necessary for a spirituality to be defined as esoteric. To these he added two more characteristics, which although not necessary, are frequently found together with the others in esoteric traditions. read more