Secrets of the Federal Reserve

If there is a single reason why our nation is bankrupt, it is the insidious, ungodly, and unconstitutional Federal Reserve System (and the Jewish international bankers that run it). If there is a single topic avoided by your pastor and politician (save Ron Paul) regarding our economic problems it is the Federal Reserve System. They keep telling you to pay your taxes, encouraging you to invest in assets backed by our falling,  fiat dollar, and cautioning you against buying precious metals. The Inflation Calculator data notwithstanding, there  is no problem with the Magical Money Machine. Just trust them. read more

DeMar’s Debacle on Slavery

Liberals love the myth of equality. They would probably die for it.

Fortunately for us they defend it in template fashion. The liberal emotionally distances himself from his opponent’s non-egalitarian view, which is evil prima facie. Such views are wicked not because Scripture and necessary inference denounce them, but because that is the category assigned to them by their other divided loyalty, political correctness (James 1:8; Matthew 6:24).  To the degree that the liberal actually argues against his opponent he only defends his disdain of a taboo position, usually a wishful straw man that he illogically connects to his opponent’s  actual position. Of course the liberal’s argumentation is only offered by way of backfill due to the visceral attachment he has already made against his opponent. Hence the reason egalitarian arguments are always emotive sound bites lacking any semblance of substance. It is also why, in the rare moments when the liberal properly identifies  his opponent’s thesis and posits an honest rebuttal, a beginning student of logic can quickly apply the appropriate fallacy. read more

Soliciting for Jesus in Haiti: Mark Driscoll & James McDonald

“Pastors” Mark Driscol and James McDonald have given us three videos to sort though as we thumb through our checkbooks:

  1. “Rioting is ready to ensue.” In the San Fransisco earthquake of 1906, was there rioting? Murder? Looting? No? Why not?
  2. A  destroyed church is what Pastor Jimmy came to see.  Yeah, and though you can’t physically see it you can vicariously experience it because it’s your responsibility to rebuild a Haiti church: “When do God’s people roll up their sleeves and open up their checkbooks and give with their whole hearts to rebuild the church of Jesus Christ; that’s our responsibility. That’s the challenge we’re bringing.”
  3. How many instances of appeal to pity can you find here? But it’s not a fallacy when you’re doing the Lord’s work.  At least Driscol gave us his reason for being there: “We’re moving as fast as we can…throughout the city to show you the need that is so great for churches to help churches.  So we would love you to give.” One thing is for sure: “We’re doing what we can.”

Another thing–probably the most important thing– is to ponder how many times  “Christian community” is referenced.  Look for words like:

  • pastor
  • Christians
  • worship leader
  • church
  • faith
  • Jesus
  • God’s people

Now what’s the big deal about appealing to Christians to help Christians?

Well, Haiti has a notorious history of self- destruction, anti-Christ behavior, voodoo, and murdering whites in so barbarous a manner that it’s difficult to repeat. After the blacks butchered every white soul on the island, they reverted to their African satanic ways, transforming what was under French rule the “gem of the West Indies” into a dusty rat whole. read more

It's Not a Baby or Anything Like That

Watch this inside peek at a Planned Parenthood clinic. A pregnant woman walks in (with a secret camera) to ask a nurse and a doctor what exactly is insider her. Then read my commentary.

Simply outrageous.

Note: The nurse says it becomes a baby at “birth”, the doctor says about  “6-7 months pregnant”.

Advice to abortion clinic staff: You might want to pin down a uniform answer to a question that pertains to killing a baby vs. removing a fetus.

Actually, you might want to start wearing bullet proof vests. read more

The Manhattan Delcaration

Many have written about this new declaration on ecumenical social action. I thought I would give some useful rhetorical and provocative thoughts. I’ll be using the short version, but occasionally drawing on points from the larger.

Family First

Christians, when they have lived up to the highest ideals of their faith, have defended the weak and vulnerable and worked tirelessly to protect and strengthen vital institutions of civil society, beginning with the family.

Excellent, and true. For example, for the better part of  two millennia Christian women worked in the home rearing children and didn’t dare split the solidarity of the family by attempting to vote along side their husband, whether in church or state elections. read more

The Pill: Killing Babies For Jesus

Click for entire booklet on PDF

Many newly married Christians think they should wait to have kids. That is, they wait several years until they’ve traveled the world and got their fill of an over-extended life of singleness. Some have even decided they don’t want kids. Yet, they all want the joys of sex–understandably. What to do, what to do…

Well, condoms are no fun, so many turn to the pill.

The Pill as Abortifacient

Turns out the pill does more than prevent the release of eggs and poisoning unwanted, life-carrying sperm. It poisons the uterine wall making it difficult for a renegade baby (a fertilized egg) to attach to the uterus and thrive. Of course, this last-ditch-effort of the pill is plain murder. So if you take the pill and are sexually active with your husband you will never know if Plan B kicked in. read more

Ben Stein: To the Jew First

Ben Stein gave many Christian leaders warm fuzzies when he launched Expelled, a documentary about the academic conspiracy to keep “intelligent design” (not design by the Triune God of Scripture) out of the lab and classroom. Watch R. C. Sproul and Stein blather about it here. Joining forces with Stein is a double success for the Christian because it adds a special bonus to the cause of getting “a” nebulous but intelligent creator back in anti-Christ schools: the nobility of working with a Jew. read more

How To Field Your Mullato Kid’s Questions

Child: What race am I?

Father: There’s no such thing as race, child. There is only the human race.

Child: Well, why don’t I look like you or mommy?

Father: Well, there are differences in color which some like to call race.

Child: Why am I of a different color than you or mommy?

Father: Well, you are actually like both of us. You have both colors, honey.

Child: But you don’t have both colors, only one? Neither does mommy?

Father: Well we all have multiple colors, some more or less than others. read more

Christian Modesty: A Relic

General Immodesty

You know your church service is an epic fail when the pastor’s wife wears yoga pants. Good old, spiritual, bible-study-attending, church chicks these days either where tight clothing (showing every curve and crevice) or skin-revealing clothing (literally showing every crevice).

I would like to ask you men, fathers, and husbands of such hooker-wannabees–WHY? How can you have no shame (Jeremiah 8:12)?

Possible answers:

  1. They like to show off their prize. Which means they have a twisted sense of loyalty to their wife. I don’t want any man seeing my wife in that way but me. I have a jealous love for my wife. You unfaithful prize-toting boys apparently have a lusty love for yours—one that you like sharing with us. But no thanks. Your “wife” couldn’t handle the duties my wife has.
  2. They’re ignorant of modest standards. Then turn your TV off, quit looking at porn online, and your sensibilities will eventually return. You’ll soon rebuke your wife for dressing like a hooker. And you’ll actually appreciate her in a way that no other man can.
  3. They’re aware of modest standards, but showing cleavage and tight cheeks are fair game. Same advice as above.

Pregnant Immodesty

What is up with pregnant women showing the bare belly in photographs? This would be pornographic in any other context. If anything, this stuff is more pornographic because it brings into the equation an innocent baby. What is up with you people? read more