TT Podcast 19: Kevin Swanson Gets to the Core of the Trayvon Case

Swanson in studio getting to the core of race issues

We don’t normally record two podcasts on the same white-genocidal, maniacal Christian Pastor, but Kevin Swanson decided to get to “the core” of the case. In this second podcast on Swanson (hear the first), we get to the core of his hatred of his own race. Below are the links mentioned in the podcast. Enjoy.

Kevin Swanson Riding the Trayvon Martin Story to Belch Forth More Egalitarian Stupidity 

Swanson on Churches and Adoption read more

TT Podcast 18: Justin Cotrrell, Author of Rise of the Black Serial Killer

[display_podcast]In this episode, Christian Gray inteviews Justin Cottrell about his new book, Rise of the Black Serial Killer.

Learn more about Justin and his work at Sons of Japeth Publishing where you can preview the Table of Contents and read the first chapter for free. Don’t forget to check out a trailer for the book below.

Empty Tomb Books, Great Book Discount

Judiasm's Strange Gods

If you haven’t checked out Empty Tomb Books, you’re in for a treat. The online book store is dedicated to expanding the audience for important books of Christian thought that have been ignored, forgotten, or suppressed.

And as a thank you to Tribal Theocrat readers and listeners, Empty Tomb Books owner Mickey Henry is offering a 15% discount on ‘Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded’ if you order by January 5st. Just enter this coupon code at checkout: TT-JSG read more

TT Podcast 14: Kinsim and White Nationalism

  1. Kinism Definition
    1. Generic
    2. Restrictive
    Christian Arguments
    1. Bone and Flesh Marriage Model
    2. Fifth Commandment
    3. Historic Faith
    Are Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, CI, etc, Kinists?
    1. Reformed Pedigree
    2. My Position
    Excursus: Theonomists and Kinists Shared Arguments
    1. Right to Exist
    2. Universalized Miscegenation
    White National Differences and Pitfalls
    1. Definition and Difference from Kinists
    2. Flawed Ethical Theory
      1. Low Birthrate
      2. Faggots
      3. Career Moms
      4. State Worship
      5. Corporate America vs. Agrarianism
      White Nationalism Praises
      1. Awareness
      2. Complete Separation from Hostile Races
      3. Organization

Jared Taylor on the Jewish Question


any white advocates are grateful for the work of Jared Taylor. He’s at the forefront of racial realism as a researcher, writer, conference speaker, and leader. His American Renaissance magazine and website enjoy widespread respect among white advocates. But as white advocacy work is at some level invariably involved with the Jewish Question, many in the movement wonder why Taylor is not. What are this forerunner’s views about the racial group that is at the forefront in stifling white advocacy? read more

Another Clueless SCV Official

A controversy errupted in Michigan a few weeks ago over students wearing Confederate flag clothing to school. Support for the students that wore the gear was considerable, and a poll from the local news agency that ran the story reveals that 71 percent don’t think wearing Confederate flag items to school is a big deal. Still, confusion arose over such issues as whether the Civil War was fought over slavery and whether our country was founded on equality. An expert on each side of the debate weighed in here. read more

John Piper Is Still a Racist


ohn Piper continues to use his notable Christian influence to encourage believers to stamp out the racial diversity God created, and in particular to promote white genocide by interracial marriage and adoption. He has posted an excerpt from his book Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian in AntiChristianity Today. The piece is called John Piper: I Was Racist with the tag line, How the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church went from a self-described racist to an adoptive father of an African American. read more

The Destruction of Innocence: The Joel Diekhoff Story

Click to Support Joel Diekhoff!

For anyone watching the news over the past 2 weeks, you’ve probably heard of the evil racist that maliciously harassed a black man in Coeur d’Alene. As a result, the PC pundits of the area are applauding the CDA police for ridding the land of another racist hater. To hear their side, the conviction is guaranteed and we can all live with more peace of mind.

When the initial story broke I had to read a few times, thinking either it was satire or some of the poorest journalism I’d ever encountered. The gist was that a known Aryan Nation member had yelled racial slurs at a black man out jogging. At which point the black man showed up with a baseball bat, stepped onto the property of the white man, and threatened to bash his face in. read more

Bastard Sons of Confederate Veterans

This abominable photo was celebrated on the official Sons of Confederate Veterans Facebook page. Notice quality comments such as “THE SOUTH RUULLEESS!!!!!!!!!” and  “bad ass mother f in marines!!.”  Also notice the pornographic/perverted  “shocker” sign the murderer middle-right is holding up. GO USA!

In the conversation to your right, the SCV Admin tried to spin the photo as an a-political and benign picture of “Southern” men continuing the tradition of carrying the battle flag into (unjust) wars. But something in his ethical theory appeared askew when Christian Gray, Robert Fort and others noticed that in the picture’s caption the Admin was calling any man (without qualification) who serves in the US army “brave,” and wishing all the mercenary scum in the photo a happy Veterans Day. Just what was the SCV Admin celebrating by pointing to a picture of modern day Lincoln troops invading another innocent nation? read more