TT Live 14: Mickey Henry on Firearms and Self-Defense

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Mickey Henry from Empty Tomb Books joins us again on February 2 to discuss the all-important topic of firearms and self-defense. Join us at 10pm EST for another great interview, and be sure to hear his last one here.


  • Mickey’s Interest and Expertise in the Subject
  • Theology of Self-Defense and Firearms
    1. Second Amendment
    2. Human Rights Problems
    3. Theology of the Death Penalty
    4. Theology of Self-Defense
    5. Doctrine of Kinsman-Redeemer
    6. Doctrine of Authority
    7. Putting God to a Foolish Test
    8. Christian View of Weapons
    9. Jewish View of Gun Control
    10. Unbeliever’s View of Gun Control
    11. read more

  • Vigilantism is Arming and Trusting Yourself Rather Than Cops

    An honest sheriff . Sort of.

    With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option.

    On the contrary, Sheriff Clarke, 911 is hardly ever our best option when the average police response time is 15 minutes as opposed to the five seconds it takes an armed citizen to draw and fire.

    You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We’re partners now. Can I count on you?

    Doesn’t matter. We sovereign citizens have always been our own first responders and the primary protectors of our families. You count on yourself to protect your family, and I’ll count on myself to protect mine. Got it? The real question is whether we can trust you tax-parasites who take orders and enforce capricious public policy for a living.  I don’t want to be partners with such people. read more

    Soldiers Concerned About Second Amendment, Threat of Tyranny


  • How did this “hero” fight for our country and for our second amendment when he and every U.S. solider since Lincoln’s War have only fought for Israel and U.S. global-imperial interests?
  • Why in the world is this soldier concerned with “the threat of tyranny” when he signed up to kill for the most tyrannical country on the planet?
  • Has a U.S. solider in a hundred years ever dispatched someone that actually attacked our
    soil or our liberties?
  • How do soldier boys go from those earning a living as members of the President’s abroad kill force, to those worried about the President’s domestic kill force? Isn’t tyranny tyranny? Unjust killing unjust killing?
  • If these men freely signed up for a criminal syndicate to invade, murder, and occupy indigenous innocents, is it not a bit disingenuous for them now to cry freedom as their former boss threatens to commission the new guard to perform their old vocation upon us?
  • Given the recent decades of blood these soldiers have shed for our gun rights, you’d think the second amendment would be our most secure freedom. Why then does it appear so volatile under today’s violent assaults?
  • More poignantly, how is it even possible that our second amendment is under attack from the same government that ordered these soldier boys to fight so zealously for it?
  • Have you ever wondered why these soldiers aren’t fighting for these
  • read more

    Cop Threatens to Murder Innocent Gun Owner, Worse to Come

    In the video below, Florida Deputy Sheriff Andy Cox typifies the role of current cops: Armed Revenue-Collecting Bully.

    Stopped for not having the correct sticker on his license plate, the driver exits his large truck and is asked for his drivers license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. When the driver reaches back into his truck to look for his papers, here’s basically how the encounter ensued:

    Cop: Why are you carrying a gun?

    Civilian: I always carry it.

    Cop: Put your hands on the vehicle or I’ll shoot you in the f*cking back! read more

    Happy MLK Day

    As we celebrate the man who gets credit for the ubiquitously celebrated intrusion into the white man’s wallet, neighborhood, and payroll known as the Civil Rights laws, we pause to highlight the heroic content of Martin Luther King’s character, rather than judge him by the color of his skin.

    Michael Eric Dyson, Professor of sociology at Georgetown University, has written a biography of MLK entitled “I May Not Get There with You: The True Martin Luther King, Jr.” In this book he documents many juicy details on King. read more

    Kinism FAQ: Is Christianity Jewish?

    In this brief Kinism FAQ, Christian Gray discusses typical White Nationalist criticisms of Christianity.

    1. Jesus was Jewish
    2. Christianity comes from Judaism
    3. Ethical objections: Christianity seems to teach things that are Judaistic
      1. Pray, have faith, don’t worry about our enemies
      2. Don’t judge
      3. Love your enemies, pray for persecutors, turn the other cheek
      4. Give up all your possessions
      5. Put God before family
      6. Jew worship
      Christianity’s evangelistic inclusion of Jews and blacks poses threats to European communities.

    TT Live 13: Current Events with Co-Host Scott Terry

    Christian Gray and Scott Terry are joined by Matthew Heimback and Justin Cottrell to discuss  current events, mostly centered around recent second amendment attacks.

    Likely topics:

    1. Another White Nationalist objection to Kinism
    2. Obama’s Executive Orders
    3. Piers Morgan getting smacked around by Larry Pratt and Alex Jones
    4. Lew Rockwell Interview on government and recent gun legislation
    5. Matthew Heimbach and Cottrell join the discussion in the second half.

      Audio Archive

    TT Live 12: John Friend on Media PSYOPS

    Join us for a special show at a special time. This show broadcasts live on Monday, Jan 7, 2013 @ 11pm EST (8pm PST). Yes, this is late for the east coasters, but should be a treat for the west coasters and mountain zoners who usually miss our live show due to evening activities.

    Our guest is John Friend, and we’ll be discussing how our enemies use Media PSYOPS to control the masses. John is a young, articulate blogger and radio show host whose truth seeking/telling passion is contagious. He’s been interviewed on various shows and we’re proud to have him on ours. read more

    School Shooting Ethics



    n the aftermath of the recent Connecticut “school” shooting, many parents are wondering how to keep their children safe. Unfortunately, pretentious government and school officials, cop clowns, and sentimental reporters are offering the wrong advice – advice that makes you wonder about their complicity. The common refrains from all these groups are more school security, tighter gun legislation, and hug your kids. One parent lamented, “It just makes you wonder if our kids are safe anymore.” read more

    TT Live 11: Tom Hingest on National Socialism, Third Reich

    Tune in for our first show of 2013 on January 5th @ 10pm EST as we interview the author of FirstWord.US about National Socialism and the Third Reich. We’ll discuss truth and lies about Hitler’s rule as Führer of Germany. As always, the chat room will be open for your questions.

    Audio Archive