TT Live 25: Jann and Adi on a Theological Understanding of the Political History of the Boers in South Africa

saflagListen to two (father/son) Boer/Afrikaners discuss the political history of the Boer people from a Christian covenantal perspective.

General show outline:

  • Introduction – The contemporary political situation of the Boers as a Covenantal Curse (Adi)
  • Providence and the Historical Origins of the Boer people (Jann)
  • The 19th century Boer Republics as the first white African states (Adi)
  • The 20th century: International Relations and Separate Development (Jann)
  • Conclusion – Quo Vadis? (Jann & Adi)
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    TT Live 24: Jaymie Dobb on Orania, South Africa

    Flag_of_OraniaTune in June 15 @ 10PM EST for an interview with Jaymie Dobb about his visit to Orania, South Africa.


    1. My Journey to South Africa/Experiences in SA
    2. The History of the Afrikaner
    3. Life in Apartheid South Africa
    4. Portugal’s African Adventures
    5. Rhodesia/Zimbabwe
    6. British Israel World Federation
    7. Israel/South African ‘Alliance’
    8. My Trip to Orania
    9. Siener van Rensburg
    10. Future of the Afrikaner

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    TT Live 23: Jaymie Dobb on UK Happenings

    UK-Flag-Wallpapers-6Tune in June 1 @ 10PM EST for an interview with Jaymie Dobb from Nottingham, UK. He’ll give us an update on what’s happening across the pond.

    Show Notes:

  • Brief introduction
  • Political situation in Britain
  • Discussion on the EU and future of Britain relating to this
  • Discussion on Britain’s military status
  • Discussion on the Monarchy
  • Economics
  • Discussion on mass immigration and the impending demographic changes to Britain
  • Other Topics: Syria, UK Police, chat room questions, etc.
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    Kinism FAQ: Is Kinism Historical?

    kinismIn this Kinism FAQ, Christian Gray discusses the historical case for Kinism.


  • Kinism the universal practice of recorded history
    • Objection: Just because something was widely practiced doesn’t mean it’s normative
    • Response
    • Anti-Kinists respond with Marxist tactics
  • That which is said about us can be said of our ancestors
    • Example: Retarded OPC pastor
  • Where are the Creeds?
    • Lack of evidence strong support for Kinism
    • Southern Agrarians
    • Westminster Question 127: What is the honor that inferiors owe to their superiors?
    • Other references
  • America founded as Kinist country
  • What happened?
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    TT Live 22: KPaul on the Cause of the Confederacy


    For the LORD shall judge his people, and have compassion on his servants, when he sees that their power is gone, and there is none left, slave or free. -Deuteronomy 32:36

    Join us Saturday, May 11th at 10pm EST as KPaul and Christian Gray discuss the cause of the Confederacy. We’ll chat about the reasons for the war, Mississippi life during forced integration, and why the South must rise again.

    Links mentioned:

    Yonderfield Blog Lincoln: A brief introduction

    King Lincoln Archive from Lew Rockwell read more

    Orthodox Christianity vs. American Christianity

    Christianity in contemporary America is ineffective and very much useless.

    As a Christian, it gives me no joy to see a nation–so empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ at its colonial and Constitutional founding—permeated throughout with such a shallow and effeminate collection of churches and theology.

    Modern Christianity, contrary to its popular self-perception, embodies very little of the ancient, orthodox faith. Modern Christianity is a synchronism of Biblical Christianity, New Age “feel-goodism,” and an unwavering devotion to the mythology which we can call "Americana." read more

    TT Live 21: May Day Recap

    There will be special Tribal Theocrat Live tonight (10pm, EST) where Matt Parrot and I will interview Matthew Heimbach, Scott Terry, and Paddy Dorton about their recent tangle with degenerate Marxist scum at the May Day event.

    Towson White Student Union

    Scott Terry’s blog about May Day

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    America or Jesus

    “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” St. Matthew 6:24

    The America that we want to believe in is dead. Gone and not coming back anytime soon. The Left won and the only people who seem to not be able to recognize this are the defeated, which is the American Church.

    Without a doubt, at one time America was a nation chosen by God to accomplish the original intent of Manifest Destiny and capture North America in the name of Jesus Christ for his holy Church. However, the times have radically shifted against the Church and now the very enemy that once was so greatly feared is now our overlord. Therefore, Christians need to do away with the idea that America is “God’s chosen” nation. read more

    TT Live 20: AmRen 2013 Recap, Thomas Buhls

    Join our live broadcast Sat, April 13th as we recap all the fun and festivities from the recent AmRen conference in Nashville. Guest are Matt Parrott, Scott Terry, and Matthew Heimbach. Also, special guest Thomas Buhls appears at 10:30 to recount his local encounters with Antifa. We’ll broadcast at the usual time: 10:00pm, EST.

    Podcast: Greg Johnson, Matt Parrott, & Michael Polignano American Renaissance 2013 & the New Mantra 

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