The Tim Keller Cult, commonly known as the Presbyterian Church in America, held its 43rd General Assembly (GA) last week. Several social justice warriors/teaching elders (SJW/TE) presented a resolution that the PCA repent of its role in St. Paul’s failure to demand the immediate manumission of Onesimus in his famous letter to the vile slave owner Philemon.
SJW/TE J. Ligon Bonhoeffer explained to his fellow delegates, “It’s been over nineteen centuries, but we are called to repent for the sins of other Christians, no matter how long ago they occurred. Clearly, St. Paul was guilty of the inexcusable sin of racism, wickedly believed in the moral permissibility of slavery, spent much of his ministry microaggressing against women, and heinously insulted LGBTQ persons on more than one occasion. Who knows? If he were alive today, he may have even been guilty of the grievous sin of Holocaust trivialization. He made nasty racist generalizations about the Cretans (Titus 1:12-13), shockingly defined ‘his’ people by race rather than creed (Romans 9:3), and claimed that we have a greater responsibility to our blood relatives than to poor, starving people in Haiti and Nepal (1 Timothy 5:8). I won’t even tell you how long Caitlyn Jenner cried after she read Romans 1. The PCA must disassociate itself from this man’s hurtful words!” He received a standing ovation and many a “Hear, hear!” Numerous delegates quietly relayed to Tribal Theocrat that they’d privately held this conviction for some time, and were greatly encouraged that “the Ligster” was brave enough to publicly come out of the closet against St. Paul’s racism and hate.