Category Archives: TT Live

Tribal Theocrat Live

TT Interview 33: Shout At The Devil, Not With The Devil – And Other False Ideas About Hard Rock And Heavy Metal, Part II


Interviewer John MacGregor and guest Robert Fingolfin have over eighty years between them of being fans of heavy metal and hard rock dating back to the mid-1970s. John has extensive experience as a serious guitar player, music theorist, and maintains a vast archival collection of music (numbering in the thousands of CDs). Robert functioned as a radio broadcast disc jockey for The Total Rock Hour program which used to air on an East Texas radio station and tried out for the lead vocalist position of a heavy metal band near Tyler, TX (and failed spectacularly). read more

TT Interview 32: Shout At The Devil, Not With The Devil – And Other False Ideas About Hard Rock And Heavy Metal, Part I


Interviewer John MacGregor and guest Robert Fingolfin have over eighty years between them of being fans of heavy metal and hard rock dating back to the mid-1970s. John has extensive experience as a serious guitar player, music theorist, and maintains a vast archival collection of music (numbering in the thousands of CDs). Robert functioned as a radio broadcast disc jockey for The Total Rock Hour program which used to air on an East Texas radio station and tried out for the lead vocalist position of a heavy metal band near Tyler, TX (and failed spectacularly). read more

TT Live 31: Robert Fingolfin on Special Forces and Operations


Join us on October 5th at 10pm, EST as Robert Fingolfin lays out everything you need to know about special forces and operations.

Robert’s previous Tribal Theocrat Live interviews:
One | Two | Three | Four

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TT Live 30: Mickey Henry on Egalitarian Envy

envyMickey Henry will join us on 09-21-2013 @ 10pm EST to discuss the topic of envy.

Topics to be discussed include:

1) What Envy Is, and How it Differs from Jealousy

2) Racial Equality, Inferiority, and Superiority

3) Biblical Teaching on Envy

4) Destroying the Superior Through Envy

5) Envy-Avoidance and the Fear of Self-Improvement

6) Racial Envy as Necessitating Ethno-Nationalism

7) Envy as a Driver of Socialistic Wealth Redistribution

8) Black Magic, the Third World, Sibling Rivalry, and Other Topics read more

TT Live 29: Tim Harris on the Holy Catholic Church

NuenenTune in on September 7, 2013 @10pm EST as Tim Harris discusses the real Holy Catholic Church and our duty to it.

  • Which protestant churches are formally legit and which are dead branches?
  • What makes one legit: proper succession, orders, “marks” of the church
  • The process of leaving a church: (i.e., elders being booted out for gospel orthodoxy)
  • What is are duty to a corrupt, valid church?
  • Was Protestantism a Jewish revolution/subversion?
  • Is Eastern Orthodox part of the HCC?

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TT Live 28: Robert Fingolfin on Intelligence Agencies


Robert Fingolfin discusses Intelligence. He’ll return this Fall to discuss Special Ops and more.

Robert’s previous Tribal Theocrat Live interviews:
One | Two | Three

TT Live 27: Wheeler MacPherson

My special guest Wheeler MacPherson and I discuss many important topics. We chat theology, Jews, literature, music, self-defense, the state of the church, “Justice” for Trayvon, his new book, and much more. A fun, barn-burner show, folks.

Warning: spicy pub language in parts.

Check out his blog.

Show Outline: 

  1. Guest intro
    1. Yonderfield blog
    2. Theological Journey
    3. Autobiographical
      1. Music & Literature
      2. Violence/self defense
      3. The state of the church and its future
      Current events

      1. Justice for Trayvon
      2. Paula Dean
      3. read more

TT Live 26: Laurel Loflund on Kinist Resources


Join us July 20th at 10pm EST as Laurel Loflund discusses some excellent Kinist resources you’ll want to explore. Laurel is a moderator at the forums where she has compiled and archived many outstanding Christian resources on education, agrarianism, health, and many other aspects of the good Kinist life. Forums are available at:

Kinist Resources are available here:

Stickied within that are the following areas: read more

TT Live 25: Jann and Adi on a Theological Understanding of the Political History of the Boers in South Africa

saflagListen to two (father/son) Boer/Afrikaners discuss the political history of the Boer people from a Christian covenantal perspective.

General show outline:

  • Introduction – The contemporary political situation of the Boers as a Covenantal Curse (Adi)
  • Providence and the Historical Origins of the Boer people (Jann)
  • The 19th century Boer Republics as the first white African states (Adi)
  • The 20th century: International Relations and Separate Development (Jann)
  • Conclusion – Quo Vadis? (Jann & Adi)
  • read more

    TT Live 24: Jaymie Dobb on Orania, South Africa

    Flag_of_OraniaTune in June 15 @ 10PM EST for an interview with Jaymie Dobb about his visit to Orania, South Africa.


    1. My Journey to South Africa/Experiences in SA
    2. The History of the Afrikaner
    3. Life in Apartheid South Africa
    4. Portugal’s African Adventures
    5. Rhodesia/Zimbabwe
    6. British Israel World Federation
    7. Israel/South African ‘Alliance’
    8. My Trip to Orania
    9. Siener van Rensburg
    10. Future of the Afrikaner

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