Category Archives: Race & Reason

Doug Wilson’s Obfuscation on the Post-War Consensus

By Davis Carlton

Doug Wilson recently posted a video on his Blog & Mablog YouTube channel called Epistemological Impudence and The Post-War Consensus. He has a real knack for coming up with titles that just roll off the tongue. The thesis advanced by Wilson is that World War II set the stage for the zeitgeist of relativism. The secular elites adopted relativism because they came to believe that deeply held beliefs and dogmas were the cause of war with all of its accompanying atrocities. The solution was: mix in some relativistic “paint thinner” with our convictions to make sure that the evils that brought about the world wars could be avoided in the future. Wilson recalls a rancorous classroom discussion in the 1970s in which a young woman complained about how the deep seated convictions of Christians made them “just like the Nazis.” read more

Meet the New Boss – Same As the Old Boss. Quite Literally. Some Kinist Views On the Electioncapades

By Colby Malsbury

You might have noticed a recurring theme on the redpilled substrata of social media this past little while. To wit:

Hot diggedy doo, aren’t the wokie libs just exhaling the copium in exhilarating waves of failure since November 5th? This is some world-class salt, fam! Why, the blue-haired lesbian element on TikTok is threatening to never sleep with another man as long as they live LOL LMAO good job getting your neighbors out to vote with promises of beer and pizza on your Mastercard afterwards, everybody! This is what winning looks like, and I’m not tired of it yet! Have you ever seen such amazing 33rd degree chess being played before??? read more

The Good Samaritan Fallacy

By Ehud Would

You can also read the following article at Ehud’s blog by clicking here.

Dr. Romberg famously identified Galatians 3:28 as the most abused passage in scripture, but Luke 10:25-37 is close competition. The parable of The Good Samaritan is a favored prooftext of the New Age religion masquerading as Christianity today. Alienists interpret it to say that all men of non-White races are naturally good by way of the imago dei (a Latinism that incidentally came into vogue only in the Post-War Consensus civil rights revolution) while White Christians are innately corrupt by way of “Privilege,” “Whiteness,” and “Supremacy”; and any Whites still concerned with proximate duties of the law such as patriotism, border security, or natural family are deemed reprobate. The only escape from that damnation for Whites is to lay down our lives, our country, and our children, for any man of a foreign race irrespective of his attitude toward us or our King.  read more

David Platt Lies About Acts 17 and Mass Migration

By Davis Carlton

David Platt has recently spoken up once again in order to shill for mass migration. In a recent interview Platt says that “there is a problem when Christians in the United States are the most resistant to refugees in our communities.” Platt continues by stating, “We believe in Acts chapter 17…God orchestrates the movements of peoples among the nations that they might be found by Him.” Platt then goes on to comment about how God is bringing people here from places in the world that have “little to no access to the Gospel.” The implication being that Christians must support mass migration and refugee resettlement in order to fulfill the Great Commission. read more

The Shimmering Unreality of Doug Wilson’s Thought Experiments

By Davis Carlton

Rev. Michael Spangler’s series on race realism posted at the Pactum Institute has prompted a response from Doug Wilson in which he purports to demonstrate “The Shimmering Unreality of Race Realism.” Wilson’s response to Spangler is mostly an exercise in various thought experiments that are supposed to demonstrate how Spangler’s stance regarding the reality of race is incorrect. Wilson takes Spangler to task for stating that racial differences are “relatively permanent,” and that “for all practical purposes, race is immutable.” Wilson claims that there is “extreme mutability of what Spangler is calling race.” He uses this thought experiment to illustrate what he is talking about: read more

In Defense of White Men’s Clubs: Following Up on MLB’s Integration of the Record Books

By Davis Carlton

A few years ago Major League Baseball announced their plan to acknowledge the long-defunct Negro Leagues as full-fledged “major leagues” and planned on integrating Negro League statistics into official MLB records. I wrote a response when this was announced, and I believe my observations at the time are just as valid and relevant today. The MLB just announced that it has completed a three year study of the Negro Leagues and is now ready to officially integrate their records. The results are not without controversy, with many questioning the legitimacy of the comparisons between Negro League statistics with the traditional Major Leagues on several grounds. read more

Doug Wilson Defines Ethnicity

By Davis Carlton

Doug Wilson has recently produced a video on his Blog & Mablog YouTube channel in which he undertakes a definition of ethnicity. As a Kinist or ethno-nationalist I believe that ethnicity is essential to national identity. This means that understanding ethnicity is critical to understanding the Biblical approach to national identity. I made this case when I noted that the simple question: What is a nation? is able to show the clear problems with those who reject a Kinist understanding of nationhood. Many who reject Kinism will say that they also reject globalism as an opposing extreme while tacitly accepting globalist principles and undercutting any real basis for national distinctions based upon their false, half-baked definitions of nationhood. I applaud Wilson’s efforts at defining ethnicity because, as I mentioned before, this is the direction that the conversation needs to take. Unfortunately, I find Wilson’s rhetoric only continues to muddy the waters rather than providing needed clarity. read more

Some Kinist Musings on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Version 20.0 or Whatever

By Colby Malsbury

It would be hilarious if it weren’t so painfully obvious and stilted.

Not even a week after national security adviser/amateur soothsayer Jake Sullivan cooed that the Middle East was at its quietest since 9/11, Israel engaged in the utterly thinkable and wrought yet another botched attempt to drive Amalek – whom you might be better acquainted with as ‘Palestine’ – into the sea. It’s a generational rite of passage at this point in history, emerging like clockwork every ten years like a Red Sox pennant race or a Rothschild-financed ‘grassroots protest movement’ that’s gonna topple the existing globalist regime for one and all times. read more

The Doxxing of Pedro Gonzalez

By Davis Carlton

Pedro Gonzalez is a right-wing pundit who has recently been “doxxed” on Breitbart as a “racist” and “anti-Semite.” Screenshots of private conversations that Gonzalez had with others years ago were posted in order to reveal that Gonzalez should be “canceled” given that his opinions of non-whites and Jews are to be considered beyond the pale of acceptable opinion. Gonzalez has become a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump and alleges that the leaks were made by former friends that are upset about Gonzalez leaving the “Trump Train” for good. Gonzalez is now a supporter of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. read more

Mass Migration Won’t Save Us: A Response to Tim Keller

By Davis Carlton

Tim Keller has decided to formally endorse the Great Replacement as a means of bringing about “revival” in American Christianity. Keller is by no means alone. Recently Joel Berry of the Babylon Bee suggested that “mass immigration could save this country” and that we could prevent them from becoming “a permanent underclass voting bloc” by simply “assimilating them.” Apparently this was not intended as satire. Keller argues that Christians must acknowledge and even embrace the demographic shift that can only accurately be described as white genocide in order to grow the American Christian church and stem the tide of secularism. Keller believes that the emerging nonwhite population of America could embrace a version of Christianity that is concerned with advocating for “social justice” as a main priority. read more