Category Archives: Current Events

The Whimper of the Sheltered Saxon

(With apologies to Rudyard Kipling.)

The virus was not in their blood,
It came to America very late,
With fear and panic that was no good,
When the Saxon sheltered in place.

They were all easily moved,
They were impatient – unwilling to wait,
And didn’t care if it could be proved,
When the Saxon sheltered in place.

Their credulity high and suspicions low,
With glazed eyes and resigned to their fate,
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon sheltered in place.

The media preached it to the crowd.
It was taught by the State.
The pundits all spoke it aloud.
When the Saxon the sheltered in place. read more

Some Random Kinist Thoughts on the Coronavirus Rodeo

By Colby Malsbury

Have you been able to make hide or hair out of the dizzying speed with which we have transformed from encroaching Fabian-style Socialism to the galloping-upon-the-ramparts Bolshevik variant within the past few weeks? If so, you’re a better man than me. As events have come upon us seemingly at random, I see no reason to adopt anything but a random structure to address the modern sheltered antiseptic mindset regarding the Black Plague – Current Year Edition:

We Warrant a Far Worse Judgment read more

The Fall of The Boy Scouts

By Ehud Would

It’s a sad and sordid story, the fall of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).

The Scouting movement was founded by Englishman Robert Baden-Powell in 1907. He described it as “Christianity applied”, a phrase later conspicuously reappropriated to  Theonomy. And Baden-Powell’s first Scouting Handbook stated uncannily, “No man is good unless he believes in God and obeys His laws.” Typical of our institutions, the Boy Scouts began as a self-consciously Christian enterprise. read more

All The Lonely People: The Modern “Death Positive” Movement Progresses as Whites Embrace The Abyss

By Davis Carlton

We live in depressing times. There can be little doubt that things are getting worse rather than better, the juvenile protestations of the #datpostmil crowd notwithstanding. Many on the Right acknowledge this without entirely understanding how we got here or what to do to fix the problem. Problems in contemporary Western society have become so numerous that the future prospects for the average Millennial are truly terrifying. The secular optimism that typified the decades following the Second World War and continued into the 1960s and 70s with promises of peace and universal brotherhood has disappeared among younger generations. read more

Lamenting the Other: David Bahnsen’s Disgusting Elegy to Kobe Bryant

By Colby Malsbury

Did you ever know that you’re my hero
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings

So went the refrain to Bette Midler’s maudlin anthem, which nonetheless resonated with Baby Boomers to such an extent that it has become a popular hymn at their funerals thirty-some years after the song’s release. Boomer influence has been such as to allow no other outpouring of emotion than the turning on of waterworks and the fraudulent enthusiasm of excessive flattery whenever a death occurs, as I made mention of in a previous article. This is especially true when one mourns the death of a celebrity. And when the celebrity happens to be an uber A-lister like recently deceased basketball Baal Kobe Bryant, well, you might as well shut everything down and declare multiple months to follow to be official periods of mourning. The unceasing bewailing of images that once flickered on your tee vee screen has been decreed to be therapeutic, doncha know. read more

Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s Gay Compromise

On Tuesday, I had the displeasure of attending the Christmas Eve service at Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s gigantic Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas, an extremely affluent northern suburb of Dallas.  It’s within easy driving distance, and they have an incredible pipe organ, choir, and instrumentalists, so I thought it would be an evening of beautiful music for my family.  Unfortunately, the string quartet felt a little threadbare in such a massive space, and the choir was on vacation, for which the passionless voices of over 3000 mumbling yuppies was no substitute. read more

The Frivolous Factionalism of ‘Shut Up, Millennial!’ ‘OK, Boomer!’

By Colby Malsbury

(Author’s note: the following article does not represent individual Boomers or Millennials who are committed Christians – both of whom I count as valuable kith and kin.)

Hey kids!

Did you know that baby boomers are a generation of grubby parasites who had the world handed to them on a silver platter to such an extent that they finagled economic booms and busts to their credit all their working lives, allowing them to take a very early and very cushy retirement, allowing them ample opportunity to globe-hop the world picking up exotic mail order brides and bemoaning the fact that younger folks weren’t picking up extra shifts down at the Apple factory or wherever they’re working these days in order to keep the Social Security gravy train on the rails in perpetuity? read more

#DatKanye, Or: How Christian Discernment Took a Holiday When a Renowned Rapper Claimed Regeneration

By Colby Malsbury


70 AD – the destruction of the Temple and the ushering in of the final judgment upon Jewry.

451 – the Council of Chalcedon codifies Christian orthodoxy for one and all times.

1054 – the permanent schism between the Catholic West and the Orthodox East.

1517 – Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg church door.

2019 – Kanye West says that Christianity is ‘lit’, or something.

What, too soon? Well, I’m sure Ye will settle for being included as a footnote in this historiography. He is a humble sort, after all. read more

Occult Symbolism of the Feminist Pussyhat

Symbolism is Not Entirely Subjective

I’m no expert on the occult, so this post is simply intended to provoke thought.  Additionally, frank talk regarding the occult use of phallic and yonic symbolism is unavoidable for any worthwhile discussion of this subject matter.  I have sought to address this in the most modest and dignified manner possible, and have pixilated portions of one particularly salacious image.

It is commonly noted that modern urban Christians find the agricultural illustrations of Scripture to be foreign and obscure.  What is less commonly appreciated is that most Christians today live, eat, and breathe in an Enlightenment atmosphere, having received the materialist worldview they were taught in government schools as an unexamined first principle.  Thus, things like the necessity of blood atonement, the dedication of first fruits, the supernatural role in fecundity, etc., matters once understood on an implicit level, now seem strange and mystifying.  Such also is the case with rightly comprehending symbolism. read more

Blackface For Me, But Not For Thee

By Colby Malsbury

Oh, joy. That Crazy Cucked Communist Commissar of all the Canadas – better known to some as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – is up to his antics again. It’s election season in the senior dominion, and the first shot across the bow has proven to be the leakage of a series of musty photos and videos depicting Mr. Dress-up with melted charcoal slathered all over his face. The pics of him in an extraordinarily twee Aladdin getup that wouldn’t be at all out of place at one of the Rothschilds’ infamous Hellfire club masked balls were bad enough, but an even more incendiary vid surfaced of him in an even darker shade of ochre dressed as some kind of Rastafarian hobo and shuckin’ and jivin’ like a kid getting down to the Lancelot Link theme song back in the day. Not the most auspicious start for a pol who has staked his entire reputation as being someone who might be incompetent and high as a kite on something illicit, but who nonetheless really really cares. read more