Category Archives: Current Events

Guest Post: A Response to Rev. Gregory A. Ward

Social Justice Warrior of the PCA

In a veritable orgy of moral exhibitionism, the 44th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America ratified Overture 43, a resolution ostensibly about racial reconciliation, but whose true purpose was considerably less high-minded.   In response, a group of laymen known as the Concerned Presbyterians distributed a flier to the parking lots of a number of PCA churches.  Predictably, the enlightened gatekeepers of the PCA were not pleased that their Byzantine bureaucracy had been bypassed, and the case made directly to the pew warmers.  While 99% of the PCA’s reaction has amounted to little more than point-and-sputter, Utopian globalist Rev. Gregory A. Ward repurposed an essay he’d written for the recently published compendium Heal Us, MLK:  A Call for White Guilt, Privilege Checking, and Virtue Signaling in the Church (well, that may not be the actual title), and posted it on the PCA-oriented blog, Vintage73.  Fellow Concerned Presbyterian, Clive Sanguis, has written a point-by-point rebuttal to Ward’s screed, and I obtained his generous permission to post it here. ~ Mickey Henry read more

American Vision’s Joel McDurmon Turns His Back on the South


The noisome corpse of institutional theonomy just keeps moldering, but no one seems to care enough to bury it. When I was first introduced to Christian Reconstruction in the early ‘90s, Rushdoony was for the sociologists, Bahnsen the philosophers, North the economists, and American Vision for the neophytes. Today, the heirs of Rushdoony and Bahnsen are in archive mode while North busies himself spawning zany get-rich-quick schemes and writing three and four word sentences extolling the virtues of Walmart to the disciples of anti-Christ Ludwig Von Mises. American Vision is the only organization that is not obviously moribund, though its eternal sophomore president, Gary Demar, continues to disappoint. read more

Kevin Swanson Takes Courageous Stand Against Terran-Caitian Miscegenation

CaitianWhite auto-genocide advocate Pastor Kevin Swanson recently changed course and has now taken a courageous stand against miscegenation, at least of the Terran-Caitian variety.  Early last month, Swanson and Dave Buehner discussed a scene in Star Trek Into Darkness on their show, Generations Radio:

Swanson: Do I really want to take my kids to watch a movie that implicates the good guy in the film as mating with the wrong species – but not just one, but two?

Buehner: Well, you know I could understand that Christians would get upset if it was a male of a different species. No actually, I’m not sure that the bestiality and the homosexuality are really all that different. read more

Islamic Violence: God’s Judgment on the West

The violence recently seen in Sweden and London is without a doubt some of the most brutal Islamic violence ever seen since the Turks besieged Vienna.

With the rioting quelled for the moment, the Main Stream Media (MSM) is scrambling to deflect and justify two weeks of Islamic rioting in Sweden and the brutal beheading of a British soldier in London by a black immigrant along their traditional lines that it was because of “discrimination” and “economic disenfranchisement.”

Could this be the game changing moment the Right has been looking for? Who knows? Perhaps it is wishful optimism that would cause such thinking? It it is still too early to tell. read more

Vigilantism is Arming and Trusting Yourself Rather Than Cops

An honest sheriff . Sort of.

With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option.

On the contrary, Sheriff Clarke, 911 is hardly ever our best option when the average police response time is 15 minutes as opposed to the five seconds it takes an armed citizen to draw and fire.

You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We’re partners now. Can I count on you?

Doesn’t matter. We sovereign citizens have always been our own first responders and the primary protectors of our families. You count on yourself to protect your family, and I’ll count on myself to protect mine. Got it? The real question is whether we can trust you tax-parasites who take orders and enforce capricious public policy for a living.  I don’t want to be partners with such people. read more

Soldiers Concerned About Second Amendment, Threat of Tyranny


  • How did this “hero” fight for our country and for our second amendment when he and every U.S. solider since Lincoln’s War have only fought for Israel and U.S. global-imperial interests?
  • Why in the world is this soldier concerned with “the threat of tyranny” when he signed up to kill for the most tyrannical country on the planet?
  • Has a U.S. solider in a hundred years ever dispatched someone that actually attacked our
    soil or our liberties?
  • How do soldier boys go from those earning a living as members of the President’s abroad kill force, to those worried about the President’s domestic kill force? Isn’t tyranny tyranny? Unjust killing unjust killing?
  • If these men freely signed up for a criminal syndicate to invade, murder, and occupy indigenous innocents, is it not a bit disingenuous for them now to cry freedom as their former boss threatens to commission the new guard to perform their old vocation upon us?
  • Given the recent decades of blood these soldiers have shed for our gun rights, you’d think the second amendment would be our most secure freedom. Why then does it appear so volatile under today’s violent assaults?
  • More poignantly, how is it even possible that our second amendment is under attack from the same government that ordered these soldier boys to fight so zealously for it?
  • Have you ever wondered why these soldiers aren’t fighting for these
  • read more

    Cop Threatens to Murder Innocent Gun Owner, Worse to Come

    In the video below, Florida Deputy Sheriff Andy Cox typifies the role of current cops: Armed Revenue-Collecting Bully.

    Stopped for not having the correct sticker on his license plate, the driver exits his large truck and is asked for his drivers license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. When the driver reaches back into his truck to look for his papers, here’s basically how the encounter ensued:

    Cop: Why are you carrying a gun?

    Civilian: I always carry it.

    Cop: Put your hands on the vehicle or I’ll shoot you in the f*cking back! read more

    School Shooting Ethics



    n the aftermath of the recent Connecticut “school” shooting, many parents are wondering how to keep their children safe. Unfortunately, pretentious government and school officials, cop clowns, and sentimental reporters are offering the wrong advice – advice that makes you wonder about their complicity. The common refrains from all these groups are more school security, tighter gun legislation, and hug your kids. One parent lamented, “It just makes you wonder if our kids are safe anymore.” read more

    Empty Tomb Books, Great Book Discount

    Judiasm's Strange Gods

    If you haven’t checked out Empty Tomb Books, you’re in for a treat. The online book store is dedicated to expanding the audience for important books of Christian thought that have been ignored, forgotten, or suppressed.

    And as a thank you to Tribal Theocrat readers and listeners, Empty Tomb Books owner Mickey Henry is offering a 15% discount on ‘Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded’ if you order by January 5st. Just enter this coupon code at checkout: TT-JSG read more

    A Practical Comparison: Christians vs. Pagans

    It’s remarkable today to compare those who are Christ lovers with those who are Christ haters.

    Christians Pagans
    Theological Creed Jesus is Lord Jesus is not Lord
    Children Education Method Godless, covenant-breaking Government school Godless, covenant-breaking Government school
    Lady’s Clothing Choices Seductive, tight,  skin-revealing Seductive, tight,  skin-revealing
    Mother’s Vocation Outside the home/Corporate W-2 wage slave Outside the home/Corporate W-2 wage slave
    View on Sabbath That’s Old Testament; Sunday is a second Saturday! That’s Old Testament; Sunday is a second Saturday!
    View on Jews/Israel God’s people/Support our only Middle East ally God’s people/Support our only Middle East ally
    TV/Pop Culture Love it/5 hours a day Love it/ 5 hours a day
    View on Race Race is social construct; miscegenation (race genocide) is OK Race is social construct; miscegenation (race genocide) is OK
    View on Black/Hispanic/Jewish/Asian Solidarity Unity, Love, Strength, Hope, Education, Celebration Unity, Love, Strength, Hope, Education, Celebration
    View on White Solidarity Racism, Hate, Hitler, KKK, Bigotry, Ignorance Racism, Hate, Hitler, KKK, Bigotry, Ignorance
    Evaluation of MLK Hero Hero
    Evaluation of Lincoln Hero Hero
    View on (unjust) War on Terror/US Military Kill the terrorists/Go USA! Kill the terrorists/Go USA!
    The Abortifacient Pill Awesome; Gives women time, space and freedom Awesome; Gives women time, space, and freedom
    Abortion ProLife ProChoice

    As you can see, Christians believe in Jesus and love life.