Category Archives: Christianity

The Immanence of Biblical Nationalism, Part II – the Systematic Approach

By Bret McAtee

Read Part I here.

In the previous entry we took a look at the presence of nations in the Scripture. Methodologically speaking, we used a biblical-theological approach to consider the presence of nations in God’s plan as revealed in Scripture. In using a Biblical-theological approach we traced the theme of nations in the Scripture starting in Genesis and we allowed the Biblical text to reveal the growth of the theme of nations from an acorn in Genesis 10 to the full grown oak in Revelation 21 and 22. As a method, Biblical theology takes a theme and traces its progress and growth from seed form to full grown stratus. The Biblical-theological method can be used for any number of subjects from tracing the scarlet thread of redemption through the Scripture starting with Genesis 3:15 to tracing the theme of covenant or kingdom or the church or the tabernacle. When I think of this methodology I think of time-lapse photography. Time-lapse photography can take a large sequence of time and condense it so we can see the highlights of that time, editing out everything except the theme that the photographer is focusing on. read more

A Refutation of a Terrible Article on Why Biblical Arguments Against Borders Are Terrible

By Colby Malsbury

What’s Joel McDurmon been up to ever since leaving the equivalent of an unsavory piece of solid organic material floating in the swimming pool of American Vision? Well, as he’s a man on a mission, just like his erstwhile mentors the Blues Brothers, he had to find an alternate venue from which to make mock at his God and his forebears, so he concocted the Lamb’s Reign website, an aesthetically appealing forum (dig that panoramic mountain vid on the home page!), but one as devoid of Christian truth as any Communist front church organization of the 1930s. The leopard has not changed his spots one iota. Let’s hope the site is at least monetized, so McDurr can afford to buy comfy beanbag chairs to sulk in when the rest of us fail to appreciate his impetuous cutting edge genius. read more

The Trauma of the Truth: How Average People Respond to Nationalism For Whites

By Davis Carlton

I occasionally watch clips from Catholic Answers Live on YouTube because I find some of the conversations on theological topics to be interesting. My primary interest is typically on Catholic justifications for the authority of the Roman Magisterium (which I find to be weak but nevertheless still interesting). I ran across a particular episode of Catholic Answers in which the first question fielded in the second hour was on the topic of white nationalism. The relevant clip spans from 1:02:59 to 1:17:06. The show is hosted by Cy Kellett who typically fields questions that have cleared a call screener and turns them over to a guest apologist who is either a layman or a priest. read more

Keep a Candle in the Window: An Answer to an OPC Minister Concerning Claims from His Son’s Teacher

By Ehud Would

I recently received a private communique from an OPC minister grappling with the Marxist bent of his son’s “Christian school”. Yes, you read that right. Christian schools are now but another mouthpiece for Marxist zeitgeist. Incredible as that is.

Since my response reiterates the content of the pastor’s letter, I have here omitted the original in favor of my reply.

“I’m sorry to hear [your son] has this stuff coming his way. But I’m glad you’re not just rolling over to the secular narrative.
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Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s Gay Compromise

On Tuesday, I had the displeasure of attending the Christmas Eve service at Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s gigantic Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas, an extremely affluent northern suburb of Dallas.  It’s within easy driving distance, and they have an incredible pipe organ, choir, and instrumentalists, so I thought it would be an evening of beautiful music for my family.  Unfortunately, the string quartet felt a little threadbare in such a massive space, and the choir was on vacation, for which the passionless voices of over 3000 mumbling yuppies was no substitute. read more

Christmas in the Twilight Zone

By Ehud Would

One of the most famous Twilight Zone episodes is titled It’s a Good Life (hereafter IAGL). Though the television version isn’t available for free in any significant online platform, the radio adaptation is.

I’m sure others have noticed what I have in this story, but to my knowledge, this may be the first such assessment to reach publication. The fact is it’s an analogy of Christ’s advent and dominion as seen through heathen eyes. Yes, it’s a Christmas story, albeit inverted. read more

Scapegoating Your Ancestors: A Response to Reed DePace

By Davis Carlton

The Gospel Coalition continues its agenda of blaming all of America’s problems, past and present, on the ubiquitous evils of white people. Ron Burns has posted an article authored by Presbyterian pastor Reed DePace on his congregation’s “repentance” for their evil racist past. Interestingly, DePace considers himself “Hispanic American,” so when he mentions the sins of “our forefathers” he’s really talking about your white forefathers. DePace pastors Historic First Presbyterian Church, founded in downtown Montgomery, Alabama in 1824 and now affiliated with the PCA. DePace describes the perennial success of the church which at its apogee in the 1920s reached a membership of 2,000 and maintained a membership of 1,100 as late as 1961. After this point the church experienced a precipitous decline and today only boasts about 50 active members. This naturally caused DePace and the leadership to inquire as to what has been going wrong. Why has God seemingly cursed their ministry efforts? read more

The Immanence of Biblical Nationalism, Part I

By Bret McAtee

In Genesis 10 we have recorded the table of Nations. Chapter 10 ends with these words:

32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, BY THEIR NATIONS; and out of these the nations were separated on the earth after the flood.

Genesis 10 is the effect of the cause that is listed in chapter 10 and is placed out of order in order to put chapters 11 and 12 in stark contrast. (Nimrod and Babel seeking to make a name for themselves and Abraham being promised by God to make a name for him.) read more

From Gilded Age to Guilted Age: A Review of the 1927 Film, Children of Divorce

By Ehud Would

I recently viewed a remarkable film — Frank Lloyd’s Children of Divorce, a 1927 silent film now digitally restored and available free online. Definitely worth viewing.

Not to worry, this review avoids any significant spoilers.

Sure, modern cinephiles sneer at silent films, but cinematically, this one is quite well done. What’s more, it offers a rare gestalt with respect not just to divorce generally, but its central role in the fall of the WASP aristocracy, that linchpin presaging the internal collapse of broader WASP society. read more

The “Christocentric Hermeneutic” and the End of Christian Theology and Morality

By Davis Carlton

One of my Facebook friends recently posted that we are approaching the year 2020, the first year of the decade in which ostensibly conservative Christian denominations will capitulate on the sodomite agenda. I think he’s right. There may be a few stragglers by the end of the upcoming decade, but I believe that traditional Christian orthodoxy will be mostly dead by the end of this next decade. A book I recently read helped me to understand how purportedly conservative Christians are abandoning the authority of the Bible and any semblance of Christian doctrine. The book is Disturbing Divine Behavior: Troubling Old Testament Images of God by Eric Seibert who is a professor of Old Testament at Messiah College. I borrowed this book thinking that it would wrestle with difficult texts in the Old Testament. What I found instead was an altogether radical proposal in which the author suggests that the traditional Christian understanding of divine inspiration is wrong and needs to be replaced. read more