Author Archives: kirk

Jeff Gates: Guilt By Association

We heartily recommend and encourage you to check out Jeff Gates. Gates is a an educator, attorney,  former investment banker, and for two decades an adviser to policy-makers worldwide. He’s also written a book called Guilt By Association which explains how a transgenerational and transnational criminal syndicate are, well, manipulating, killing, and enslaving the world. If you’re ever struggled with the Occam’s Razor critique of conspiracy theories, Gates’ explanation of the Cryptocracy’s methodology is one of the best material rebuttals and explanations I’ve read. read more

Evasive Race-Denying Conservative Chrisitans

Liberal race-mixers who pose as conservatives need to consider these two points in these next two posts, and then refute them without using their cop-out “racist,” “bigot,” “Nazi,” or “white-supremacist” rhetoric. So read this slowly and remember that in debate no one cares for your feelings, and you will be awarded no points for visceral responses. What is valued most is critical thinking--clear theses, arguments and rebuttals.

10 Facts Public School Never Told You About Lincoln’s War

I recently tweeted the top 10 facts your State school never told you about Lincoln’s war (the “Civil” war). After I finished I realized number 8 was duplicate. So I deleted 4, and mentioned it under 5.

Here are the top  10 facts ,with some expatiation via bullet points now that I’m not limited to 140 characters.

10. The  civil war was not a civil war; those are between men within ONE nation. The CSA was a duly formed nation that was invaded by the hostile US.

I may expand more on this later, but for now it’s a simple point worth pondering. This is why Confederates hated the term Civil War. The name itself is a term given by the Northern victors. Someone once wrote, “no conquered people ever wrote the accepted history of the conquest.” read more

Female Modesty: To Cover or Reveal?

It's difficult to make modesty standards, but here's a helpful rule of thumb with tight clothing. When you can make a true-scale plaster caster mold of your body parts with your clothes on, your clothes are too tight.

Secrets of the Federal Reserve

If there is a single reason why our nation is bankrupt, it is the insidious, ungodly, and unconstitutional Federal Reserve System (and the Jewish international bankers that run it). If there is a single topic avoided by your pastor and politician (save Ron Paul) regarding our economic problems it is the Federal Reserve System. They keep telling you to pay your taxes, encouraging you to invest in assets backed by our falling,  fiat dollar, and cautioning you against buying precious metals. The Inflation Calculator data notwithstanding, there  is no problem with the Magical Money Machine. Just trust them. read more

DeMar’s Debacle on Slavery

Liberals love the myth of equality. They would probably die for it.

Fortunately for us they defend it in template fashion. The liberal emotionally distances himself from his opponent’s non-egalitarian view, which is evil prima facie. Such views are wicked not because Scripture and necessary inference denounce them, but because that is the category assigned to them by their other divided loyalty, political correctness (James 1:8; Matthew 6:24).  To the degree that the liberal actually argues against his opponent he only defends his disdain of a taboo position, usually a wishful straw man that he illogically connects to his opponent’s  actual position. Of course the liberal’s argumentation is only offered by way of backfill due to the visceral attachment he has already made against his opponent. Hence the reason egalitarian arguments are always emotive sound bites lacking any semblance of substance. It is also why, in the rare moments when the liberal properly identifies  his opponent’s thesis and posits an honest rebuttal, a beginning student of logic can quickly apply the appropriate fallacy. read more

Soliciting for Jesus in Haiti: Mark Driscoll & James McDonald

“Pastors” Mark Driscol and James McDonald have given us three videos to sort though as we thumb through our checkbooks:

  1. “Rioting is ready to ensue.” In the San Fransisco earthquake of 1906, was there rioting? Murder? Looting? No? Why not?
  2. A  destroyed church is what Pastor Jimmy came to see.  Yeah, and though you can’t physically see it you can vicariously experience it because it’s your responsibility to rebuild a Haiti church: “When do God’s people roll up their sleeves and open up their checkbooks and give with their whole hearts to rebuild the church of Jesus Christ; that’s our responsibility. That’s the challenge we’re bringing.”
  3. How many instances of appeal to pity can you find here? But it’s not a fallacy when you’re doing the Lord’s work.  At least Driscol gave us his reason for being there: “We’re moving as fast as we can…throughout the city to show you the need that is so great for churches to help churches.  So we would love you to give.” One thing is for sure: “We’re doing what we can.”

Another thing–probably the most important thing– is to ponder how many times  “Christian community” is referenced.  Look for words like:

  • pastor
  • Christians
  • worship leader
  • church
  • faith
  • Jesus
  • God’s people

Now what’s the big deal about appealing to Christians to help Christians?

Well, Haiti has a notorious history of self- destruction, anti-Christ behavior, voodoo, and murdering whites in so barbarous a manner that it’s difficult to repeat. After the blacks butchered every white soul on the island, they reverted to their African satanic ways, transforming what was under French rule the “gem of the West Indies” into a dusty rat whole. read more

It's Not a Baby or Anything Like That

Watch this inside peek at a Planned Parenthood clinic. A pregnant woman walks in (with a secret camera) to ask a nurse and a doctor what exactly is insider her. Then read my commentary.

Simply outrageous.

Note: The nurse says it becomes a baby at “birth”, the doctor says about  “6-7 months pregnant”.

Advice to abortion clinic staff: You might want to pin down a uniform answer to a question that pertains to killing a baby vs. removing a fetus.

Actually, you might want to start wearing bullet proof vests. read more