Author Archives: cmalsbury

Todd Friel’s Patently Hypocritical Defense of John MacArthur

By Davis Carlton

I’ve recently criticized Todd Friel for his insistence that Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 require Christians to obey mask mandates (Part 1 and Part 2). I certainly don’t intend to beat a dead horse, especially in light of Colby’s recently published piece on why wearing masks isn’t “loving thy neighbor.” Quite frankly there isn’t much more that needs to be said about the coronavirus or government policies, especially in light of the CDC’s recent concession that 94% of patient deaths attributed to coronavirus were cases in which co-morbidities contributed to death. The overwhelming majority of people who contracted COVID-19 who were otherwise healthy did not die and recovered without lasting detriments to their health. Many who test positive for coronavirus report only mild symptoms, if symptoms are even present at all. At this point there is simply no justification for the continued restrictions that state and local governments have imposed in order to protect people from the spread of coronavirus and the only possible motivations for continuing these measures are malicious. read more

Unraveling OPC Irrationality On Kinism

By Enos Powell

Over at the OPC website, we find this gem:

I don’t know long ago this was written, though I think somewhere around 2013. I don’t know who wrote it. I do know that I can provide quotes from Presbyterians in the last 50 years which will prove that whoever wrote this dreck should’ve stuck to his Church growth textbooks and not decided to delve into theology.

Begin OPC article:

Question and Answer

Is interracial marriage sinful?

Question: read more

Five Reasons Why Wearing a Mask Does Not Constitute ‘Loving Thy Neighbor’

By Colby Malsbury

Ya know, I don’t even care that much anymore that the Scarybug LARP has gone just a wee little bit over the proscribed ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’. Governments being composed exclusively of sociopathic tapeworms, they’re gonna lie. It’s what they do.

What gets my gander up these days is the plethora of people who treat their voluntary mask servitude as some kind of overweening civic duty and who will make damn good and certain you fully understand the levels of martyrdom they inflict upon themselves. ‘I wear this mask so you won’t get sick!!’ Gee, thanks, Marcus Welby. If I had a hero cookie, I’d give it to you, but I doubt the cloth barrier draping your big mouth would be able to allow you to enjoy it. read more

Continued Response to Todd Friel on Mask Mandates

By Davis Carlton

As a traditionalist with a high view of authority I can appreciate what the Apostles taught in regards to submission to lawful authority. Submission to the government flows from God’s own authority, Who “rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will” (Dan. 4:17, 5:21). Barabbas is a useful example of what Christians are not supposed to be. Barabbas is guilty of sedition (Lk. 23:19, 25), murder and insurrection (Mk. 15:7), as well as robbery (Jn. 18:40). Barabbas used legitimate grievances against Rome as an opportunity for sin. Barabbas should have been punished by the Romans as an evildoer. Whatever questions about the legitimacy of the Roman government in Judea were in the first century, they did not justify breaking just laws against sedition, murder, and robbery. read more

Todd Friel Face Plants on Face Masks

By Davis Carlton

Todd Friel of Wretched Network has recently released a video explaining why Christians who don’t support mask mandates should joyfully submit to the mandates of our governments for the sake of Christ. He hopes to impart to his Christian listeners a “Wow, I get to wear a mask!” mentality. Friel acknowledges that many Christians resent the many mask mandates being imposed upon them and many intend to ignore them. Friel objects citing Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 which command Christians to submit to governing authorities “for the Lord’s sake.” Friel also alludes to Jesus’ exhortation to “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” (Matt. 22:21/Mk. 12:17/Lk. 20:25). Friel states that he cannot see exceptions to the principle of submission taught in these passages unless we are specifically being told to do something sinful. read more

Movie Review: 1949’s ‘The Red Menace’ – A Time Capsule For Good and For Ill

By Colby Malsbury

Warning: Spoilers ahead. It is highly recommended you view the movie before reading the review.

So Scarybug has severely restricted the range of hobbies we are allowed to partake in. Fortunately, that little impediment never impacted one of my favorite hobbies before the troubles – archaeological diggings through YouTube. We Gen-Xers seem particularly prone to this pastime. As the civilization we once knew and grudgingly tolerated collapses into a heap of ashes around our weakening middle-aged eyes, there’s something oddly edifying in kicking back and viewing a bunch of 1984 commercials for Polaroid and the like. Call it our comfort food, if you will. read more

There’s Just No Reasoning with John Andrew Reasnor

By Davis Carlton

John Andrew Reasnor of The Kids Are All Blight fame has written an article on Lamb’s Reign suggesting that Christians ought to become thoroughly conformed to the image of this world and support the Black Lives Matter movement. I’m sure that Reasnor has a really good and well-articulated argument that is sure to convince skeptics. Actually no; he doesn’t. The sole reason that Reasnor gives for supporting Black Lives Matter is “It’s true.” In other words: Reasnor argues that Christians should support Black Lives Matter because black lives really do matter. If that doesn’t convince you I don’t know what possibly could. You must be an incorrigible bigot who simply hates black people. If you are one of those people and you have a few possible rejoinders in mind when you read Reasnor’s “argument,” don’t worry. Reasnor has already thought of your objections and provides very thorough explanations of why you’re wrong. The whole of Reasnor’s article is a response to potential counter-arguments to the BLM movement. read more

Exclusive: Our Interview With a Reformed Fellow Properly Concerned With COVID-19

By Colby Malsbury

As millions more are slated to perish in the most totally legitimate plague that has ever been foisted upon modern man, and we wander forlornly through devastated mist-shrouded landscapes as the Red Death holds sway over us all, it is only fitting that we adopt a sombre mien. In that spirit, Mr. Calvin Karens, pastor of a church at No Fixed Address (determinate addresses are soooo exclusivist and might cause offence, after all) has graciously interrupted his navel-gazing angst long enough to share his thoughts with us on this matter. read more

The Dread and Sacred N-Word

By Ehud Would

I’d like to bend your ear a moment on a matter which needs addressing something fierce, I think: in recent years it has become a signal taboo in American society to speak many old and entirely wholesome Anglo-Saxon words on account of some aggrieved minority or another having declared one word or another offensive. And that, irrespective of definition or intent behind the words in question. This is so now even in the churches.

A prime example of this is the dread and now sacrosanct word Nigger. read more

Joel McDurmon vs. Reality

By Davis Carlton

Joel McDurmon has recently decided to address crime statistics in the wake of the George Floyd race riots. Joel is disappointed that so many conservatives have used crime statistics as a means of discrediting the Black Lives Matter movement or to possibly assuage their obvious and undeniable guilt as privileged whites. On June 3 McDurmon posted an article attempting to address an infographic that is making the rounds on social media. McDurmon essentially gives away the farm at the very beginning of his response. He writes: “It’s all damaging propaganda. On the surface of it, in the simplistic, abstract way they are the presented, the stats are real. Overall, blacks do commit more crimes against whites than whites commit against blacks; and given that they are a smaller proportion of the population, the crime rate is even higher for blacks against whites.” read more