By Ehud Would
Columnist Peter Heck has thrown caution to the wind with a recent forecast: “Criminalization of Christianity is on America’s horizon”. And others in the American Redoubt movement have launched a fictional serial based on the same proposition of a dystopian future. At which every Evangelical GOPer reassures himself, clutching tight his Scofield bible and reciting to himself Lee Greenwood’s refrain, “And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free!”
But as we shall see, these dire prognostications are so far behind the curve as to actually lend power to the enemy. Because speaking of the threat as something spied on a distant horizon only dismisses all the ways Christianity is already being outlawed.
This is the meaning back of every affirmation of religious Pluralism — a thing taken for granted even in our most ‘conservative’ denominations today — that the public square is an equal playing field open to all faiths so long as they tolerate all others; which, of course, assumes them to be of equal validity and value. So, according to this civic theory (the default position in the churches presently, but the precise opposite view of the church at the time of America’s settlement) the entry fee for Christians to the republic we founded is to repudiate Christ’s sovereign claim over all areas of life. Which then is a denial of the essential character of Christianity; and one which casts all orthodox as “fringe”, “zealots”, “bigots”, or even “terrorists”. So all who dissent from this new doctrine in deference to the crown rights of Christ over America are regarded as criminals of the worst sort.
And I’d dare any who think otherwise to simply refuse service to the next Moslem in their business on the basis of his being a Moslem on the grounds that the scripture abjures us to have no part with the works of darkness; or decline to rent an apartment to a Wiccan who works as receptionist for an abortion clinic on the grounds that you don’t want to aid nor lend comfort to such evil. You will quickly be disabused of the notion that you are at liberty to practice the Christian faith in this country.
So too has every overture for civil rights been a demand for the suppression of Christianity. Because the entire concept — rights created by statecraft to countermand God-given rights — is a repudiation of the Christian worldview. The real world implications of which have infringed against our God-given rights to things like property, free association, and even self-defense. This absurdity of forcing White Christians, at proverbial (and sometimes literal) gunpoint, into service of degenerate and hostile aliens (how is that not slavery, by the by?) has matriculated necessarily into LGBT demands to “Bake the cake, Bigot!”, and like absurdities. All of which presuppose the basic convictions of Christian conscience and doctrine to be illegal already.
But state foreclosure on Christianity has been more overt, still. To wit, the February 13th House Resolution condemning anti-semitism announced a U.S. led worldwide crackdown on the same. Therein it is stated that “there is no place for antisemitism in any form, anytime, anywhere”.
And the federal government defines antisemitism in part as, “Making … stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.”
Which means, those committed to telling the truth (i.e., Christians) in these matters are deemed criminals. Realize, this one proposition alone forbids tell of the conspiracy of the Jews against Christ relayed in scripture.
As an aside, even their securing such protections establishes Jewish Supremacy at law. So the State department’s own resolve in this matter presupposes the very thing it prohibits. Jews can have acknowledgement of their inordinate power outlawed only by the reality of their inordinate power.
Another point officially condemned is all serious study of the WWII era:
“Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust)”
Never mind that the ‘scope [and] mechanisms’ have been revised several times in the official history. So virtually no one is in perfect conformity with this mandate. Even those who profess with utmost religious fervor to believe the official narrative are in violation of this code. Which then means that the intent is selective enforcement against any actually concerned with historical truth over state propaganda, as Christians are obliged to be.
Also prohibited is “Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.”
Trouble is, this is nothing less than the proximate definition of Zionism. As Trump’s primary “American” backer, Sheldon Adelson has said publicly, “All we care about is being good Zionists. All we care about is being good citizens of Israel.” So this is simply a prohibition against Gentiles discussing the most significant political movement on earth, which pleads for our support in the flesh of our children to be offered up on every far-flung battlefield where Israel has an interest. And which, as we’ve covered, has somehow assumed the power to overwrite American law with Talmudic codes to suppress the American church.
If applied to any Euro-stock nation, the usual suspects would, without trepidation, declare this one self-contradictory, and “racist”:
“Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.”
And they are just outright gaslighting us with the next point:
“Applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.”
Said stipulation is a direct contradiction to the one prior. Israel cannot claim an unassailable right to their own ethnostate while denying it to all European peoples, then turn around and condemn double standards too. It’s a double standard squared.
And “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis”? I mean, c’mon. National Socialism applied in Israel is still National Socialism. What do they think the policy of the Likud party – dominant in power since 1977 – is, as opposed to the more classically Marxist (and hence still Judeocentric) policy of Labour? They actually claim the latitude to ban comprehension of parallels. Pattern recognition is itself criminalized.
Not that they were being coy before, but all their prohibitions on truth were prelude to this direct condemnation of the Gospel account as ‘classic antisemitism’:
“Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.”
And though there were a few “nays” yelled out during the audible vote in the February 13th resolution, when a written tally was requested, it was carried 424 to zero. Bipartisanship to the point of complete unanimity. Clearly, those who mustered momentary courage to descent withered at the thought of going on the record against Judeo-supremacist anti-blasphemy codes. As in the old Soviet Union, American representatives are now terrified to be the one that stops clapping first. Now, as then, “for fear of the Jews.”
But it was in the same year as Bush’s infamous pledge to secure a New World Order, 1991, that Carter’s previous “Education Day Proclamation” would be enlarged into Public Law 102-14, officially placing America under Noahide law and servitude to the Lubavitcher messiah, Rabbi Schneerson.
And this unfolding codification portends enactment of the related Noachian penology. As the Jewish encyclopedia makes clear, “With but a few exceptions, the punishment meted out to a Noachid for the transgression of any of the seven laws is decapitation.”
Granted, full enactment of the Noahide codes may be some time hence, but the continued and expanding affirmations of them as law of the land should tell us all that this is no joke. They mean it and mean to implement it in full.
While Judaism has normatively regarded Islam as the prime exemplar of Noahide conformity, Christians are regarded, on account of our worship of Christ, to be idolaters, and stand therefore condemned. As the popular radio Rabbi, Tovia Singer says, “Muslims are Noahides and acceptable to the Jews … but Jews are forbidden by law to even enter any Christian church … Islam gets rid of all the filth of Christianity.” Which explains why Jews are engaged in such coordinated effort to flood all the Euro-stock nations with Muslims. They are the Jews’ preferred servants. Meantime, Christianity and Euro-stock nations are regarded as their seminal enemies.
Albeit, there is a form of Christianity allowed under Noahide law: “All [Jewish] authorities agree that Christianity is semi-idolatrous because of the Trinity issue. Now, if a Christian was to get rid of the Trinity, and only worship god, which is the father, and they see Jesus or Yeshua as a human being — even if they see Him as a prophet, a miracle worker, even as moshiach, that’s still not an idolatrous belief. So if you’re only worshipping god and god alone, and Yeshua is a human being, that’s kosher Christianity.”
So all you have to do is deny Christ as Lord. Then, and only then, will your Christianity be acceptable under the Noahide laws — the law presently instituted over America.
It should be known to all by this point that organized Judaism regards the New Testament as the taproot and zenith of antisemitism and insist that it must, at length be banned. And under their influence, the State Department has affirmed the same — that the bible is antisemitic and ought be suppressed.
So those who mock the reality of Christian persecution in America as preposterous, insisting that Christianity enjoys a total (and immoral) hegemony only confirm that they actually approve of said persecution, and desire more aggressive iterations of it.
Hard as it is to wrap our minds around, the majority even in the churches applaud the ever increasing suppression of Christianity. So in terms of actual threat to American Christendom, the Jews come in second place to so many false brethren and commissars in our midst. Even the erstwhile white hat denominations are now more solicitous of serial adulterers, sodomites, usurers, pro-abortion voters, gynocentric feminists, and communists than orthodox believers. Fact is, the one thing tolerated in almost no institutional church today is an honest Christian.
And those exceptions — that remnant of legitimate above ground congregations still flickering out there in the dark — are subject to relentless assaults not just from secularists, but from all the apostatized churches encircling them. And they who maintain membership in one of those high visibility outposts themselves risk doxxing, loss of livelihood, social castigation, and various forms of targeting and intimidation.
As result of which, the actual Church is almost entirely underground now and those still pretending otherwise whilst taking the side of zeitgeist against orthodox Christianity must repent of their pollyanana liberalism and Judaizing while there is yet time. The survival of the American church, not to mention their very souls, depend on it.
Further info on applications and implications of the Noahide laws from Adam Green.
This essay is not really about Christianity in all of its diversity, but Evangelical Christianity. Evangelical Christians are under no threat as long as they extend to other Christian denominations and to other religions the same tolerance they demand for themselves.
Mainstream Christianity was preaching the need for ‘tolerance’ long before the twentieth century came along. How’s that policy been working for them up to now?