Wailing Wall Pilgrimage – The Denial of Christ

By Ehud Would

It’s that time again. Election season. 

Since at least Nixon’s tenure, it has become an obligatory ritual of Western statecraft for any ascendant politicians to make pilgrimage to ersatz Israel. The symbolic import of which is always punctuated by a visit to the so-called “Wailing Wall” at the Temple Mount. 

Presidents and Prime Ministers no less than Princes and Kings there don the kippah, touch the limestone, and pray alongside Orthodox Jews thrusting their hips (shuckling, they call it) in blasphemous mock coitus with the Shekinah, the female essence of their god. Yes, really. Blasphemous as it is, Evangelicals have lately adopted this nomenclature as an alternate name for the Holy Spirit, but the word Shekinah appears nowhere in scripture. It is wholly a creation of the Talmud.

Christian Zionists will deny all this, insisting that it is true worship paid to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – which is to say, Jesus. But none dare insinuate such a thing in Israel, nor even in a Press junket. They know that any construal of it to be a Christian ritual would entirely defeat the point of the thing and be met with universal outrage from the Jews.

Here’s a bit of perspective: though all pay homage at the Western Wall, rarely if ever do our leaders bother to visit the Holy Sepulchre, the church built around Christ’s tomb, which is a short walking distance from the wall. What does that tell you?

What’s more, we know the supposed Western Wall/Wailing Wall isn’t even the ruins of the Temple. It’s the remains of Roman Fort Antonia built by Herod. 

How do we know? For one thing, it’s in the wrong place to be the Temple. According to all the prominent ancient sources on the matter, including Josephus and Eusebius, the Temple was not on the so-called “Temple Mount”, but rather sat on the Gihon spring to the South – a site which, befitting God’s curse, they further described as a trash dump (the very analogy of Hell/Gehenna invoked in the NT) after AD 70. All of which modern archaeology confirms in the “old city of David” to the South, and contrarily finds neither springs nor evidence of any trash deposits beneath the modern Temple lot – things that would have to be present in order for it to fit the descriptions handed down from ancient times.

More conclusive still, in Matthew 24 Jesus assured us that when He would destroy the Temple (fulfilled in AD 70), He would leave “not one stone upon another.” (Meaning, the Jews’ sacred wall cannot be part of the Temple.) And with its administration at an end, Jesus further promised to raise the Temple again in three days, in its eternal manifestation – His resurrected body. Christ is the Temple now. 

And in this greater Temple, John the Revelator further informs us that all the saints have become living stones and pillars forever. It is a metaphysical reality in Christ, not that mockery in Palestine.

All of which the Jews very well know. Which in turn makes the significance of the ritual apparent: by having Christian representatives genuflect at the ‘Wailing Wall’ as if it is in fact God’s Temple, they repudiate Christ’s own words concerning the utter destruction of that edifice and religious economy, and His personal supersession/replacement of it. The Jews understand their compulsion of Western leaders in a ritual oath of allegiance to the Jewish deity Hashem and ersatz Israel to be a  denial of Christ and His Word. They are counting coup against their ancient Enemy, the Lord of Glory, and His people. 
By which they only store up wrath against themselves. So too for the shabbos goyim who follow them.