By Davis Carlton
The recent controversy involving Joel Webbon and the promulgation of the Antioch Declaration has prompted me to explain why I have come to believe the revisionist narrative regarding the Second World War. For context, my reason for delving into this topic is because Joel Webbon is being accused of harboring Nazi sympathies because of his decision not to discipline a member who had the temerity to private send a meme via text that questioned the official narratives of the Holocaust. Pastors like James White, Doug Wilson, and Joe Boot have taken particular offense with those who would dare to question the received orthodoxy of the official narrative. They spearheaded the “Antioch Declaration” to define orthodoxy on the subject of World War II in addition to condemning ethno-nationalism.
My interest in this article is to address this particular claim, “We affirm that if the superabundant, diverse forms and veritable glut of evidence – detailed in diaries, documented records, firsthand testimonies of eyewitnesses, extensive photography and videography all provided within living memory – for the deliberate mass destruction of millions of Jews by the Nazis does not amount to historical certitude for what specialists call the Holocaust, then the science of history itself is called into question.”
Translation: Trust the science! The “science of history”, that is. The irony should immediately be obvious that the aforementioned formulators of this statement – James White, Doug Wilson, and Joe Boot – used their platforms to question the “scientific consensus” behind the policy decisions during the COVID hysteria. These men were able to articulate classic Christian doctrinal reasons as to why the depravity of man should lead us to reject this kind of thinking. Nothing is true merely because some “scientist” like Anthony Fauci says so.
Even before discovering what the Bible taught about race and becoming a Kinist I was already somewhat of a dissident given the world in which I grew up and what I was taught when I was younger. It was only natural that I was open to being persuaded of alternative views of what transpired during World War II. For the formulators of the aforementioned “Antioch Declaration” this would be all that they would have to know about me to write me off. Kinism is dismissed as vague “hate” aimed at the non-white hordes, and so any view that fails to condemn a pro-white regime like Germany during World War II of any of the atrocities of which they are accused is automatically deemed suspect. The issue is so emotionally charged that almost no one can objectively weigh the evidence that is presented against the notion of six million Jews being systematically murdered by Germans.
For me, the issue is analogous to why I don’t “trust the science” and simply nod in agreement with the “experts” when it comes to issues like “climate change,” the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccine, or the integrity of the 2020 Presidential election. I think that there are good reasons to question the mainstream narratives in all these cases. What is ironic is that I believe that men like James White and Doug Wilson would agree that there are good reasons for my skepticism when it comes to issues like the ones I just mentioned. They are smart enough to see that there is a motive for profit and power that easily explains the motivation for people to lie in order for these narratives to be advanced. Furthermore, both White and Wilson have competently explained the distortions behind mainstream narratives in terms of original sin and human depravity.
When it comes to the historical reliability of the Holocaust and other atrocities of World War II, there are major reasons that can easily explain why people might be inclined to lie about what transpired. The Holocaust narrative has brought about a massive transfer of wealth from Germany and white people in general to Jews and Israel. Germany has had to be pay massive reparations and Swiss banks have had to pay out huge sums of money to the families of putative victims. Every country of the Western world appropriates money for Holocaust propaganda…I mean, education. Celebrity Holocaust “survivors” command large fees for speaking about the horrors of the Holocaust….eighty years after the fact! Hollywood has churned out movie after movie trading on the Holocaust narrative. The power of the Jewish lobby in American politics is well-documented, and acts as a strong disincentive to speaking out on questions of Jewish influence and power or questioning the narrative of how this came to be.
All of this is to say that there is plenty of motivation for people to exaggerate and falsify testimony about what actually transpired in World War II era Germany. But what of the “superabundant…veritable glut of evidence” mentioned by the Antioch Declaration? What do I make of the “diaries, documented records, firsthand testimonies of eyewitnesses, extensive photography and videography?” The Diary of Anne Frank is a commonly circulated piece of World War II propaganda. I remember reading it for a class in grade school. Turn out it’s a hoax.
The documented records tell us much about the concentration camps, but strangely enough don’t mention any sort of plot of mass extermination of Jews. This is particularly significant because British intelligence cracked the German Enigma code and was able to decipher messages going in and out of Auschwitz during the war, with no record of any gassings or exterminations having ever taken place. The major documents that purport to be evidence of this that were presented at Nuremberg are the so-called Wannsee Protocols, but these also seem to be Allied forgeries.
What of the “firsthand testimonies of eyewitnesses?” Many of these are also fraudulent, and have already been exposed in mainstream media. Take Herman Rosenblat. When confronted about this, Rosenblat refused to admit he lied and stated that it was his imagination, but in his imagination it was true. Speaking of active imaginations, Steven Spielberg’s documentary, The Last Days, has been exposed as a collection of atrocity lies thanks to top notch sleuthing. It is thoroughly debunked using primary sources in the documentary The Last Days of the Big Lie.
Much of the “photography and videography” that are referenced are also forgeries that have been edited and were once presented as evidence of what are now accepted as atrocity lies including things like shrunken heads, lampshades bound with human skin, and soap rendered from the fat of Jewish victims. All these things were once accepted as part of the narrative of the Holocaust, but are now acknowledged to have been faked.
The official narrative has changed substantially over the years. Camps like Buchenwald and Dachau were once just as notorious as Auschwitz, but are no longer considered to have been “extermination camps” like those that supposedly existed on the eastern front. What is interesting about this map as well as this map is that all of the purported “death camps” are in the east in territory that was “liberated” by the Soviets at the end of World War II. Significantly, none of these “extermination camps” were liberated by the British or Americans. This means that your American World War II veteran grandpa didn’t witness the “death camps” with his own eyes.
Even the death toll attributed to Auschwitz is all over the map and has also been substantially revised even within what is asserted in the mainstream narrative. An early commemorative plaque suggested that four million had lost their lives at the camp. This was replaced with a plaque that now gives a number of one and half million. This fact alone has to make any reasonable person question the official narrative as a whole. I remember reading an ADL pamphlet on the Holocaust asking how it would be possible for six million Jews to just disappear (they didn’t). However the same question could just as easily be asked about Auschwitz. How did two and half million victims disappear? Wasn’t the earlier estimate based upon a “veritable glut of evidence” fully in keeping with entirely trustworthy “science of history?” The Germans, after all, have always been notorious for their meticulous record-keeping.
The nature of the purported gas chambers is also effectively called into question by revisionist David Cole in his interview with Auschwitz curator Dr. Franciszek Piper in which Cole points out that visitors are being deceived about what they are actually being shown because the supposed gas chamber was altered after the conclusion of the war. I also do not believe that the infamous Leuchter Report, which demonstrated that cyanide poisoning with Zyklon B did not occur in the purported gas chambers of Auschwitz has not been satisfactorily answered or debunked.
Becoming a revisionist with regards to World War II wasn’t confined to just reexamining the Holocaust. I also learned about Allied atrocities perpetrated during the war like the firebombing of Dresden and mistreatment of German civilians after the conclusion of the war. Much more could be said on all of these subjects. My point isn’t to provide an exhaustive defense of revisionist history when it comes to World War II, but to point out that there are many legitimate reasons that someone might question what they’ve been told happened. This is especially true for Christians because we are to test all things (1 Thess. 5:21).
To be fair to the framers of the Antioch Declaration, I don’t think that they are aware of the degree of the extent to which their generation has been propagandized into accepting the post-war consensus that is now being challenged. If there is one thing that Devon Stack has demonstrated on the Insomnia Stream, it’s the extent to which Baby Boomers were inundated with anti-white messaging about fighting the inner Hitler within all of us. That being said Doug Wilson, James White, and others pushing The Antioch Declaration are displaying their ignorance when they condemn other Christians on a topic in which they are clearly out of their element. Wilson and White are both intelligent and have both have experience commenting on social issues and debating theology. James White is fond of citing the high number of publicly moderated debates that he has participated in and Doug Wilson is the face of the Moscow Mood.
The formulators of the Antioch Declaration have shown a total lack of scholarly humility by uncritically accepting the court-approved narrative of World War II and the post-war consensus. The Declaration was published because of the number of people, especially young men, who are questioning what they have been taught about this war and this consensus. I believe that the evidence that I’ve provided demonstrates that revisionists such as myself come by our beliefs honestly.
This isn’t a delusion, as Doug Wilson implies when he compares husbands who notice to Nabal and advises their wives to make like Abigail and report them to their elders. Somehow, call me crazy, I don’t think that this example applies here, but this isn’t the first time that Wilson has advised wives to disobey their husbands. Doug Wilson seems to consider those questioning the post-war consensus on social media to be angry incels living in their parents’ basement; who hate their fathers and are little better than petulant children worthy of mockery and scorn.
The reason that many young men have questioned this consensus isn’t because we are irrationally angry and thus blame Jews for all of our failures and shortcomings. I can only speak for myself, but I have a good relationship with my family. I’m married with children, and what makes me angry is seeing what the world is becoming and the mess that my children will inherit. Wilson, White, and company don’t seem to understand the difficulties of young men trying to make it in this world, and thus their commentary on contemporary social issues repeatedly comes off as “Boomercringe.” The dismissive attitude of ostensibly conservative Christian leaders in this country, whether coming from Big Eva, Moscow, or Apologia has and will continue to backfire. The Antioch Declaration hasn’t been well received, and the dissident right is gaining more traction as the West continues to implode. The persecution that was able to temporarily silence Jan Hus didn’t succeed a generation later with Martin Luther. The same will prove true for those that believe that the revisionist perspective on World War II can simply be silenced through mockery or intimidation.
Holocaust is the Kabbalistic belief that god kills innocent Jews to cover the crimes of Jewish people.
It is a human sacrifice ritual to a demon god.
It is anti-Christ, it denies the sacrifice of Jesus and the end of blood sacrifice that Jesus gave to humanity.
The Germans were more noble than the allies in WW2 by white Christian standards, this is ‘revisionism’ in a sense but its pretty obvious from the records of the time, the Germans took significant strategic losses simply because they did not expect the extent to which the allies would target civilians. The allies starved pows when they didn’t need too, while the Germans starved them when they had no food, etc. but none of that really matters if someone can’t accept it.
That demon god holocaust is the issue. It’s black magic to allow jews to do evil and dominate all who believe in it. And it works to that end.
Resist the devil and he flees, all you have to do to break the spell is to deny the spell itself. Hold faith in Christ alone as God Almighty against all false gods.
But those who would blend Jesus with demon gods are wicked and will lash out at pure faith. Jesus and Judaism, Jesus and Islam, Jesus and Buddhism, enchanters in the west are trying to destroy truth by mixing it with demonic religions. Faith in holocaust is such a mix.
The fact they’re having to publicly crawl from behind their bully pulpits and address this is proof the truth will out.
There’s a line from a Sheridan Le Fanu novel (The Wyvern Mystery): In the beginning, God said let there be light. Sooner or later, it will out…
Imagine making some controversial historical narrative a test for orthodoxy. It’s asinine on the face of it. Especially when we consider the broader context of WWII propaganda and the deliberate spreading of false narratives. In fact, if these would-be church leaders don’t begin seriously thinking about Fifth Generation Warfare (…as spiritual war…) they’re going to doom themselves to perennial irrelevance…and to be honest, that’s probably the best place for them.
I recall over a decade ago, before I went Reformed, the preacher at the IFB church I was attending declaring from the pulpit “don’t tell me there was no holocaust!” I assume the comment was directed at me as I was edging into the JQ at the time, though I had never discussed the holyco$t with him. It struck me at the time how stupid a statement he made. He did not say “show me your evidence” or “prove me wrong”; he just proclaimed he was not willing to even consider if he had believed wrong data on a historical event. You cannot talk to people who are ignorant and proud of it. And of course, he was also mired in rapture/tribulation/dispensationalism. Guys like Doug Wilson should know better than my old Baptist preacher did, but they do not. Or maybe some of them do know, and are simply open traitors to Christ and kin?