Meet the New Boss – Same As the Old Boss. Quite Literally. Some Kinist Views On the Electioncapades

By Colby Malsbury

You might have noticed a recurring theme on the redpilled substrata of social media this past little while. To wit:

Hot diggedy doo, aren’t the wokie libs just exhaling the copium in exhilarating waves of failure since November 5th? This is some world-class salt, fam! Why, the blue-haired lesbian element on TikTok is threatening to never sleep with another man as long as they live LOL LMAO good job getting your neighbors out to vote with promises of beer and pizza on your Mastercard afterwards, everybody! This is what winning looks like, and I’m not tired of it yet! Have you ever seen such amazing 33rd degree chess being played before???

Why, yes. Yes, I have. Eight years ago, in fact. Such masterful Kasparov/Karpov levels of chess that many pundits, your humble scribe included, were calling on the faithful to dump Trump mere months into his first-term presidency, before they could embarrass themselves further and constitute a blight on Christ’s church. But that time is now past, and as we all know history only lasts as long as it takes the Xwitter newsfeed to refresh.

Regular readers of Tribal Theocrat – all ten of y’all, and thank you kindly! – will have noticed we have given precisely zero coverage of the quadrennial distraction thus far. There is good reason for that. More than any other campaign I can recollect, the GOP’s 2024 has consisted of a series of confounding disjointed vignettes, eventually codified into some kind of weird Dadaist collage meant to evoke visceral responses of short-term elation leading to a motivated voter turnout. It’s like doing a deep dive analysis into an episode of The Benny Hill Show and, speaking for myself, there are only so many ways I can deconstruct Benny slapping that short old guy on the head before chasing after yet another bimbo. Suffice it to say that the season got off to a rip-roarin’ start with the salacious and vulgar TikTok commentary of the ‘Hawk Tu-ah!’ cowgirl and ended on the saccharine sentimentality of the euthanizing of adorable little Peanut the Squirrel (whose owner, incidentally, was later revealed to be running a highly suspect OnlyFans page – how’s that for an extra dollop of ick?) Along the way, we were treated to such pictorial postcards as Trump flipping burgers at McDonald’s, Trump dressed up as a garbageman and giving a thumbs-up to middle-aged men swooning like teenyboppers at a 1964 Beatles concert, Trump going viral by denigrating Liz Cheney’s war-mongering ways, and then going even more viral when Team Left inflated his rhetoric as his putting out a contract on her life – what a jolly lark it all was!

Oh, yes – there was also the assassination attempt on his life, wasn’t there? How could I have ever forgotten that? Pretty easily as it turned out, since the rest of the internet did so. I have rarely seen such an epochal political event treated in such a blase manner by the electorate at large, even (and especially) among the electorate that was/is beholden to Trump. Once they got the iconic photo of him fist pumping the air with bloodied shirtfront, they were besmitten by such iconography, and refused to ask irritating questions such as: where was the detailed medical report that ought to have been issued to the press immediately after Trump’s release from hospital, as has been standard operating procedure after every other high-profile assassination attempt?

Also: can anyone recollect the name of the attempted assassin? Sure, he bought himself a one-way ticket to Sheol and that right early, but it just seems curious that our last high-profile infamous killer wannabe, John Hinckley Jr., is still largely a household name to this day, while the current year’s iteration of the ‘lone nut’ has been dispersed among the etherwaves, never to return. Shoot, even George Wallace’s assailant Arthur Bremer still rings a bell among many a Boomer, and Wallace had nowhere near the media presence in his 1972 bid as Trump has had throughout 2024. I will leave off commenting any further on the legitimacy, or lack thereof, of the encounter. But I will say: a state apparatus that would brazenly pull off such a prestigious illusion as 9/11 would not be adverse to doing something on a smaller scale if it would suit their chaotic purposes.

Well, perhaps I should instead accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, as Bing Crosby would have had it before some homosexual expropriated that song and lisped it in a Broadway revue of Mary Poppins. At least Hillary….er, I mean Kamala didn’t win!!!!! That’s a big win, winnit….er, innit????? I mean, just look at how woke she is!!! She would have put transgenders all through the post office, and in the park headquarters at Yellowstone, and made us all pay slavery reparations at gunpoint, and consecrated every Native American grave as a national shrine, and all kinds of things!!! Trump’s victory put the brakes on all that!!! Total win!!!

Famous last words.

We are all aware of how the dominant strain in Christian nationalist circles is propositional – aka constitutionally-based, with no reference to race whatsoever. Well, so is Trump’s morality – MAGA-based, with no reference to race, sex, religion, orientation, ad nauseum, whatosever. Buy his merch from a sweatshop run by Sebastian Gorka or someone, and you too can be welcomed as a gold member of the movement! Platinum status in the movement is reserved for a certain Ally who known to be Great, even the Greatest, but more on that in a bit.

The fact is: Trump has never been adverse to having sodomites and translunatics in his ranks, and will prove to be even less adverse to such in his second term. Did he disavow the endorsement of Gay Conservatives for America, which renamed itself to Gays For Trump and has featured such Trumpian sycophants as Ann Coulter and Roger Stone as speakers at its events in the past? Nope. Did he distance himself from the support of Caitlyn Jenner, who starred in the uber-ghey camp classic Can’t Stop the Music during “her” unfettered XY chromosome existence? Again, nope. Indeed, Trump was more than happy to have the pederast anthem from that film, The Village People’s ‘YMCA’ associated with him in GIF format as he did one of his irritating little victory dances. How quickly he would have leaped at the chance of righteous condemnation had the Ku Klux Klan backed him.

I would be remiss, too, if I didn’t make special mention of his enthusiastically sodomite Treasury secretary nominee, Scott Bessent, happily “married” to a man. The couple are the proud kidnappers of two unfortunate children. The occult alchemy that has existed between sodomy and usury for centuries has thus attained perfection in the United States, where Bessent will be the first-ever ghey Treasury head. Even the Dems could not attain to that Luciferian milestone. Are you tired of winning yet?

Trump’s focus will instead be on removing transgender advocates from positions where they could potentially “harm children”. How altruistic. This is akin to spraying the one cockroach you find skittering across the linoleum while ignoring the massive nest the rest of them have constructed underneath your sink. Oh, and he’ll also keep them out of the military. This is because if you must have a sudden crisis of identity and pontificate on whether or not you are an ambisextrous cat, doing so in the midst of attempting to secure a beachhead on some ocean front property in the Middle East is not the ideal time. But more on that in a bit.

In summary: to anyone writing Woke’s obituary, be sure you get paid in advance for your troubles. It isn’t anywhere close to being defeated. Rather, it has merely gotten more savvy, and that’s a deadly state for any Luciferian doctrine to enter. Look to the reflection of past Marxist movements in popular culture as an example. A blatant Stalinist worldview of the Western zeitgeist in general, and the Second World War in particular, that inundated Hollywood in the 1930s and 40s did not just magically vanish once the war was over and anti-Communist determination began to reign supreme. It merely morphed into a far more nuanced agenda, albeit one permeating entertainment product to a degree undreamed of by the most Bolshevik member of the IATSE union beforehand. Likewise, when the Hays Code was rescinded in 1968 and the floodgates of cinematic lasciviousness were loosed upon the glazed eyes of the moviegoing Greatest Generation, the flurry of XXX pornographic theaters on street corners and ebullient celebrations of every degradation from sodomy to abortion did not remain at the 11th level once visceral disgust from the paying public began to set in. But it, too, certainly never went away – it transmogrified into a “reasonable” facsimile of civilization, thus enabling itself to embed within G- and PG-rated product and thus poison the minds of Millennials and succeeding generations. Witness the myriad of egalitarian and environmental messaging prevalent in Disney productions from its late 80s Renaissance onward and prove me wrong.

The core of “Woke” will be exactly the same. After some eight years of near-constant screeching and wailing and gnashing of teeth in our deafened ears, it has established its presence within our physical senses. It can now settle down to the far more nefarious ambition of grafting itself within our minds and, ultimately, our souls. This is the strategic scenario. And Trump will be there for his remaining four years, widening the pathway through this hellish gate as his handlers decree he shall indeed do.

But let’s leave aside Trump’s peccadilloes. It was still something else seeing that drunken Carib Kamala get trounced so decisively, wasn’t it? Especially with King Cuck Tim Walz by her side, positively radiating forth his impotence with his deer-in-the-headlights look at every possible opportunity? Wasn’t that viscerally satisfying???

Maybe, if you believe that professional wrestling isn’t scripted. And hey, didn’t Trump recoup some of his bankruptcy losses by grandstanding at WWE events back in the day?

The fact is: national campaigns conducted on such a wide scale of blatant incompetence, carelessness, and ennui such as the Harris imbroglio do not occur if they are in the slightest bit serious. Too many high-ranking long-term positions at the Democratic National Committee are riding on at least the semblance of a creditable outcome to be otherwise.

The next logical question then must be: how serious was this campaign?

The only obvious answer: it wasn’t. I don’t care if this was supposedly a last-minute desperate manoeuvre. The Dems are not lacking in political strategists who have more than a few rodeos under their belt, and they can read the tea leaves. From Day One, this campaign had all the earmarkings to your humble correspondent of one of the greatest political dives of all time, akin to George McGovern’s hapless 1972 presidential run, or Walter Mondale’s even more hapless 1984 presidential run. Tossing campaigns is a little-discussed area of political corruption, but it’s very real and very, very prevalent. For an in-depth analysis as to why this is, try to secure a copy of Walter Karp’s early 1970s treatise on the subject, Indispensable Enemies. Read with discernment, as the author was a very obvious disciple of Ralph Nader’s Raiders of the era, but it still provides much insight.

The dumping of national elections is obviously a massive endeavor, not to be taken lightly. In the three cases of McGovern, Mondale, and Harris, we can detect a common thread as to why these all might have come about.

In 1973, Israel began an excursion into Egypt and Syria, propagating the Yom Kippur War.

In 1985, Israel continued and amped up its excursion against Lebanon, and also took up an aggressive stance against Iran.

In 2025, Israel will continue its excursion against Lebanon, heighten its aggressive stance against Iran, and soldier on with its genocidal intentions against the Palestinian provinces on its western and eastern borders. Oh, and further excursions into both Egypt and Syria will remain very distinct possibilities. And I wouldn’t be caught napping if I were you either, Jordan and Yemen.

Who opens up the taps most generously whenever the Only Democracy in the Middle East gets an itchy trigger finger? The party of Fremont and Lincoln, of course! And let’s not overlook the army of Evangelical Zionist loons they can muster at the launching of a rocket into Aleppo to donate cash, food, clothing, building materials, pints of blood, and first-born sons by the boatload, as well.

I’ll be frank: when the ‘spontaneous’ multi-campus protests erupted from out of ‘nowhere’ in the spring against Israeli incursions against Gaza – and proceeded to be the defining hashtag two months before the conventions – I knew Trump’s re-election was assured. This, despite the fact that he was still swimming in seemingly deep legal waters then, and a sudden undertow could have threatened to drag him under at any minute. All tinsel and folderol, as it turned out. The protests were followed by an extremely predictable and vitriolic “right-wing” backlash in which Redpill, Inc.’s fundamental fealty to the preservation and metastatic growth of Little David Israel was put on full garish neon-colored display. Said backlash had a definite ‘final straw’ feel to it, as though the former Leftist outrages committed in very deterministic fashion against anyone possessing the last vestiges of decency for the past four years had finally come to a boil.

And – can you believe it??!!? Said boil just happened to culminate in the dominant political consensus of the post-WWII era – uncompromising and omnipotent Judeo-supremacy, at every level of government. We’re going back to the future, kids, and the future looks a lot like 1967, with Six-Day War euphoria sweeping the philosemitic multitude, and pity the poor bastards on the USS Liberty who would dare suggest that the festival might stop long enough for them to deploy the lifeboats and pick up some survivors.

All of which is a roundabout way of saying that the second Trump administration is likely to be the most Israeli-friendly and Hollowcause-affirming admin in US history. And that includes George W. Bush’s two terms of talmudic turmoil.

The impetus of his executive choices was evident right out of the starting gate, when he selected his erstwhile foe Marco Rubio as his Secretary of State nominee. Rubio? Remember him? Why was he selected? Doubtless his excessively close ties to the Republican Jewish Congress, his support for air and missile strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities going back to at least 2015, and his collating of the Palestinian resistance movement with ‘vicious animals’ has everything to do with his selection, all of which is documented in this PressTV article. Any ambitions he has towards instigating a military filibuster against Cuba William Walker-style is just the icing on the cake.

Or take Secretary of Defence nominee Pete Hegseth, the heavily-tattooed Fox News military analyst who was in elementary school during the Iran-Contra affair but nevertheless does everything in his power to emulate Oliver North. His mantra has already become infamous as ‘if you love America, you should love Israel’ and he has demonstrated that time and time again, such as in this fawning interview with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu….who, incidentally, was the very first world leader to call Trump and offer his congratulations on Election Night. I’m sure that’s merely some ancient Semitic custom of hospitality I have been thoroughly unacquainted with until now. Hegseth’s tattoos also contain a distinctively Crusader motif. Somebody wanna inform Pete that Moses Maimonides was not present at the first siege of Acre, assisting Guy of Jerusalem with reasonable financing and moral support?

In a late-breaking development, owing to his alcoholism and uber-creepy mommy issues, Hegseth’s nomination is looking dubious, at best. Trump’s rumored possible replacement? None other than his ersatz primary foe Ron DeSantis, who might be great at triggering Disney and keeping the seafood platters low priced for the snowbirds, but is even more Zio-happy than Hegseth, if that’s possible. Under his tutelage of the Pentagon, any talk of two states within Palestine will be subject to immediate hauling and sentencing before a military tribunal. Not to mention that he’s even cozier with AIPAC super-donor goddess Miriam Adelson than Trump is. Hard pass on him.

Those two high-profile Democrats Trump allied himself to with much pomp and circumstance, prompting boisterous cries of “Bitpartisanship!” and “Slaying the Two-Party Dragon!!!” from his fan club? Dud, and dudder. Tulsi Gabbard, longtime Congressional isolationist and supporter of a two-state Israel, dropped that mask tout de suite when it began to look like room might be made for her in an upcoming GOP administration, and took to denouncing Palestinian protests on campus with vigor and cheering on the bombing of churches and Christian hospitals within Gaza by IDF forces like a good’un. What about incoming FDA tsar and the populist Rite’s current incarnation of Taylor Swift Robert F Kennedy, Jr? He might sound convincing about wanting to end US involvement in Ukraine, but that’s only because he would likely favor the immediate removal of all weaponry and personnel from there to Tel Aviv, for he’s every bit the rabid Zionist that his illustrious father notoriously was. The fact that Bobby’s alleged slayer, Sirhan Sirhan, was a Palestinian nationalist doubtless contributed to the proclivities of the son, as well. RFK Jr is also very prone to harrumphing about how the Palestinians are the most mollycoddled victimhood group in all of history, in tones very reminiscent of a Covenanter erupting into an anti-pagan lecture upon seeing someone’s Christmas decorations on Facebook. One suspects that his reformation of the food supply chain will consist mainly of a requirement that everything sold in a grocery or drug store shall be certified kosher, with price increases to match.

Elon? He was front and center at Bibi’s appearance before Congress earlier this year. At Bibi’s request, yet. Also: try questioning Hollowcause statistics or advocating a hands-off policy in regards to Iran with too much fervor on Xwitter, and see how far that gets you. Sure am glad that thar is a redpilled free speech forum now!

But hey, at least Trump did appoint the first non-Jewish ambassador to Israel in generations. And that ambassador turns out to be….Mike Huckabee, the C.I. Scofield acolyte who doubtless has all the staff at Fox News rapture-ready and who is always up for bashing out a little Larry Norman on his ol’ Fender electric in order to be more winsome. I don’t see him quoting Martin Luther about baptizing old Israel with a millstone in the name of Abraham any time soon.

I could go on with examples of Esau in the Executive. It matters little that Trump’s cabinet contains a surprising paucity of ethnic khazars. None of this bodes well for anyone who thought implementation of federal Noahide Laws went out the window when Dick Cheney left DC to quack quietly at home in Jackson Hole. It seems very likely that federal prosecution of even the slightest vestiges of ‘anti-semitism’ will become endemic during Term Two. If we are in a war with the entire Middle East in a year’s time or so, and thus struggling to put food on the table and gas in the tank to a level even unmatched during Biden’s accursed tenure, that can be explained away as part of a program of ‘wartime measures’, right? And not to worry – Trump has ample precedent for gamboling down this path already, such as his 2019 executive order prohibiting anti-semitism on college campuses. But if it keeps even two or three multicolored hair-displaying activists from staging a laughable sit-in on the steps of Ole Miss’s library, on account of some slipshod bit of trending Palestinian outrage they witnessed on TikTok last week, it’s well worth the cost.

Indeed, Judeo-supremacy is becoming so prevalent within this administration even months before Inauguration Day that I have little doubt it played a major role in influencing the drafting of the odious Antioch Declaration , stunningly and bravely positing that the Jews are no greater a threat to Christianity than any other grouping of fallen men, and certainly not in the same tier as a certain infamous Austrian painter. The modern Church is nothing if not grubbily opportunistic, and a chance to kowtow to the incoming regime with cheap philosemitic points could hardly have been a temptation to be resisted by many a mid-level presbyter desperately looking for something to render unto the new Caesar. Said presbyter is also probably bucking for a promotion to the national synod’s disciplinary board.

Finally, let us not overlook the new and exciting spiritual force that is promising to have tremendous influence starting next year………..Hindusim. Oh, for the days when we wrung our hands in angst at the preponderance of Mormons in high office!

Yes, from Tulsi to current Young Republican heartthrob Vivek Ramaswamy ( or “MY DUDE”, as the likes of Patrick Bet-David would have him) to master of the soulless stare Kash Patel – an appropriate attribute for any FBI head – Vishnu’s vanguard will be living proof that not all of India is completely on board with Putin’s BRICS concept. The ancient Vedic religion of demonology will be such a pervasive force that it wouldn’t shock me if American feedlots will be able to claim 501c3 status within a year or so.

This hot new trend very much reaches into the camp of Trump’s veep and likely torchbearer for the next Republican generation J.D. Vance. Quite the “hillbilly” that guy is, all right, wooing and marrying an unconverted Hindu woman who also just happened to be one of Chief Justice John Roberts’s top law clerks – and how’s that for high caste? – and having a few children by her. He even went so far as to name one of them after his good pal Vivek Ramaswamy, to boot. I can just hear the holler in the holler now: “Vivek, thet thar shine is like to scald the hairs off’n a possum’s backside!!!” Pure Scotch-Irish Appalachia, that. Being a convert to Catholicism himself, we can only ponder in horror the hellish worldview those kids are going to be brought up in. Let us just pray they don’t grow up to become serial killers. Especially closer to 2028.

And I will just add in passing – while they might not reach the level of the Semitic cadre of overseers, Hindu Indians are no slouch when it comes to promulgating heavy-handed decrees against those they consider their inferiors, either. So don’t expect any mercy from Kash’s G-man goon squads when they come bursting into your broom closet on account of that IDF outrage video you so thoughtlessly shared on Telegram, White Debbil.

Space does not permit a more detailed listing of the grave reservations any Christian should be having in regards to Trump Two. That could easily encompass another three or four pieces of this length. All I can say is that anyone expecting Reformation on a mass scale is in for the greatest disappointment of their lives. Historically, presidents have accomplished whatever they are going to accomplish in their first term, and they tend to coast badly in their second. In the case of the only previous non-consecutive second termer, Grover Cleveland, he coasted extremely badly, allowing the depression wrought by the 1893 panic to continue unabated because hey, after all, he got his.

All I can say is: if we’re in a shooting war with Iran by this time next year, don’t act surprised. And if it’s being financed with Elon’s brand-spanking-new digital fiat currency – because those consarned BRICS boyz need to be 100% tariffed into submission to Mighty Empire, doncha know – don’t be surprised if that’s the only option available to pay your electric bill, either.

I will leave you with this final thought. If I see just one more MAGA cultist post a YouTube vid highlighted by a thumbnail with the words BOMBSHELL or GAME-CHANGER superimposed over a poorly AI-generated screaming Obama, Oprah, and/or Rachel Maddow whenever Tromp names yet another career Zionist to his cabinet, I’m gonna hurl.

OK, I just hurled.

3 thoughts on “Meet the New Boss – Same As the Old Boss. Quite Literally. Some Kinist Views On the Electioncapades

  1. Joe Putnam

    Hello from one of the ten…
    An interesting article Colby. You made an excellent point about Kash’s “soulless stare” and “the hellish worldview those kids are going to be brought up in” regarding Vance’s mixed race offspring. It does amaze me how many “Christian” Americans seem fine with brown skinned demon worshippers running this country. And the Sikh prayer at the RNC. And the Christ rejecting rabbis everywhere. And the queers like Grenell and Bessent… And it would indeed be ironic if Trump/Musk gave us the digital currency that Trump’s most fevered supporters thought he would save us from.

  2. Viisaus

    You seem to think that the world revolves around Israel, that being “anti-Zionist” is all that matters. Have you considered such factors that Trump’s victory is going to give a lot more hope and energy for nationalists in Europe?

    1. cmalsbury Post author

      You mean those European nationalists who are themselves rotted through with Zionist presuppositions? Well, if Trump energizes them, I wish them well, but I can almost guarantee their resulting endeavors will be as futile as their previous ones have been.

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