
By Ehud Would
“An Antisemite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.”
~Joe Sobran
“No one calls for justice,
Nor does any plead for Truth.
They trust in empty words and speak lies.”
~Isaiah 59:4
“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.”
~Ephesians 5:6
This is the circumstance common to all non-Christian socio-legal orders and the language which upholds them. But its present manifestation in the West is Political Correctness. And that, wrought through Humanist pseudo-sin categories: ‘empty words’.
Coined sometime in the late 1800s, “Antisemitism” was firstborn of the sprawling litter of Leftist shibboleths we know today. And congruent with its seniority, more than all other isms, phobias, and whatnot, Antisemitism is the secular sin which retains preeminence in the post-Christian West.
The closest runner-up — “Racism” — is by its ever-expanding definition and innate hypocrisy (anti-White bias), slowly losing its punch. Or at least, there are a growing number willing to dismiss its invocation as gratuitous, if not self-refuting, and incoherent.
Not yet so with Antisemitism. Among White Evangelicals no less than anyone else, Antisemitism is taken for granted as a moral crime alongside and, in fact, superseding transgression of any of the Ten Commandments. Unfathomable as it is, the Judaized churches of our day condemn as ‘Antisemites’ any who voice a critical opinion concerning the doctrines of Judaism, Zionism, Usurers, the Jewish Press, the Jewish-run Porn industry, or what-have-you. All of which Christianity opposes, by definition.
Meantime, they wax only empathetic for those who blaspheme Christ (“Hate the sin, love the Sinner”, they say). Especially when the blasphemers are Jews. Which they routinely are.
Clearly, if circumspection about the worldview and behavior of Jews elicits more outrage from Christians than does blasphemy against Christ, the God they profess is not the one they worship, in fact.
And as with all such watchwords, they demand you accept their moral artifice — ‘Antisemitism’ — for common currency, and without circumspection. For any reservations about the new age vernacular results in immediate condemnation under the very concept at issue. And to point out that they are thereby begging the question only elicits hotter condemnation.
Aside from its vicious circularity, the reader should recognize this mechanism as rooted in Freud’s dictum that “Denial is the first sign of a guilty conscience.” In the court of Political Correctness, any denial of, or objection to their accusations only proves your guilt. This is why the Left feels no onus to substantiate, or even make their accusations coherent — because, to their minds, the accusation is the proof. #BelieveAllWomen, etc.
As it pertains to Christian ethics, one finds no such sin as Antisemitism anywhere proscribed in scripture. Just the opposite, really. The Bible is more critical of the Jews and their religion than is Mein Kampf.
Which is why in his book, Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, Abe Foxman insists that the New Testament is the singular catalyst, and efficient cause, of all pogroms against Jews throughout the years A.D. The Holocaust*, included:
“Every annual reading or reenactment of the story of the death of Jesus in Christian churches … has been used to justify hatred of Jews and violence against them … For almost 2,000 years, Christian leadership drove the spread of anti-Semitism … [There is] a direct line from ancient Christian teachings on Jews and Judaism to the death camps of Hitler” (p. 48).
[The Christian Church has been the] “cradle of hatred … the arch-enemy of the Jews — our most powerful and relentless oppressor and the world’s greatest force for the dissemination of anti-Semitic beliefs and the instigator of violent acts of hatred” (p. 75).
Speaking on behalf of the ADL, Foxman says the Christian desire to see Jews converted — which is to say, the Great Commission — is inherently anti-Semitic (p. 138).
But this is nothing new. It’s the consensus of the rabbis since the dawn of the Christian age.
And despite all pretensions of “religious liberty”, the prohibitions on Antisemitism outlawing disagreement with Judaism, have functionally outlawed Christianity — a fact ratified again by Executive Order of Donald Trump. From which point it became a federal “crime” for any public educator to criticize anything vaguely associated with Jews. But quotation of biblical passages on the Crucifixion, the Great Commission, Supersession, etc. have long since been banned in schools. Never mind passages declaring Jews “sons of [their] father, the devil”, or the “synagogue of Satan”.
While the text of the Antisemitism Awareness Act (S.852) focuses on publicly funded institutions, it has codified the rabbinic assertion that the New Testament is the taproot and zenith of Antisemitism. And under the aegis of civil rights, or equity, or whatever other excuse they deem useful to their ends, the writing is on the wall for Christian schools and churches. Which, of course, were the real targets all along.
Despite the fact, however, that by association with the New Testament, all Christians are deemed Antisemites, our pulpits are now all but totally occupied by Shabbos Goyim and Noachides. Condemning normative and orthodox belief in Supersession, these Judas goats enjoin their unhappy flocks to endless sacrifice of Christian blood for Israel* and strike at all our sires with the same Damoclesian sword which hangs over their own heads. Kosher Christianity evinces itself nothing but a death cult.
One such incident occurred in a local Orthodox Presbyterian church: two would-be Elders heard that a presiding Elder deemed the Allied fire-bombing of Dresden’s non-combatant women and children a violation of Just War Theory amounting to mass murder. In response to which, they dubbed him a “Nazi-Sympathizer” (an Antisemite by implication) and embarked on a frenzied campaign to run him out of office and out of town.
It is consistent with their milksop missiology though: they imagine their Semitic servitude an expression of grace to curry favor with Christ’s enemies. But this is merely the rewrite of Christian ethics foisted on them by monied Antichrists.
Either way, everyone needs to come to grips with the fact that the Jews and all the oracles of Pluralism and Secularism deem Christianity and the Bible the quintessence of Antisemitism. And per their Noachide laws, the worship of Christ, which Jews deem “idolatry”, is a capital offense.
“With but a few exceptions, the punishment meted out to a Noachid for the transgression of any of the seven laws is decapitation.”
~The Jewish Encyclopedia
Which means one must choose between Christianity and Philosemitism. Because the two are irreconcilable.
Empty words:
A more fundamental difficulty of definition is, however, acknowledged by the Encyclopedia Britannica:
“Although the term now has wide currency, it is a misnomer, since it implies a discrimination against all Semites. Arabs and other peoples are also Semites, and yet they are not the targets of anti-Semitism …”
Imagine Christian Palestinians hearing this — actual Semites hated and gradually being exterminated by the Israelis. They and the whole of the Arab world are disallowed use of this term against those bent on doing them collective harm. In fact, their objection to Jewish aggression against them is deemed — you guessed it — Antisemitism. And, most often, not for any express opposition to the Jews, but for opposition to Feminism, the LGBT agenda, Western Media, or even American military occupation.
But even this understates the matter. It isn’t just that the term is too broad, or that it’s applied hypocritically, but that the Semites which it intends to safeguard aren’t even Semites.
Of course, many Jews hotly reject the thesis of Arthur Koestler’s The Thirteenth Tribe, and Schlomo Sand’s The Invention of the Jewish People, that modern Jews aren’t Semites, but Eastern Euro Khazars with a ~5% remainder comprised of several other non-Semitic races. This, the Kosher media insist to be an “Antisemitic conspiracy theory”.
But read the alternative proposed by indignant Jews. Whether they admit themselves for Khazars is irrelevant. The material fact is that they admit Jews are not a race, but an association of races bound by a common religio-cultural thread. So all obfuscational double-speak aside, they know the invocation of Semitic heritage (a la Antisemitism) only establishes false premises to the whole discussion.
Even their argument that there is a Mideast gene cluster common to most Jews is rendered irrelevant when they admit that 90% of European Gentiles have it too (ibid.). If not all Jews have it, but virtually everyone else does, it’s nonsensical to cite it as proof of a core “Jewish race”. So all their circuitous arguments render the question of Semite heritage moot, anyway.
Despite the racial concerns of the National Socialists, even they made allowance for “good Jews”. Such as in the case of Hitler’s bankers, and his personal physician, as well as thousands of Jews admitted into the German military, including the officer corps.
Most strange then that the racial hypothesis concerning Jews is on one hand roundly condemned as the “delusions of evil Germans”, but on the other hand, assumed unassailable truth when the term ‘Antisemitism’ is invoked today. But this wanting to have it both ways has been a theme of Judaica since before Jesus rebuked the Pharisees as hypocrites.
Clearly though, even the “Nazis” were not principally concerned with Jews as a race, or their phrenological metrics, as Hollywood spins it, but with their behavior. Jewish character was always the Germans’ central concern. As it happened, the Jews were monolithic Marxists with an historic track record of subverting every Christian nation to ever host them. Not to mention the fact that the World Jewish Congress declared war on Germany — the final inducement leading to Hitler’s election.
Whether we attribute these things first to ethno-culture or religion is really a false dichotomy better left to examination elsewhere. Either way, it is a question of their consistent hostility toward Christianity, and subversion of nations — European nations, especially.
But it should not be forgotten that from the outset of his political career, Hitler was allied with the Zionists in an agreement to deport the Jews as means to make good on the preceding Balfour Declaration, and facilitate Jewish colonization of Palestine. Though they would ultimately scapegoat him in that process, Hitler was, himself, a Zionist. What’s more, the Zionists he helped occupy Palestine are, by definition, and to this day, National Socialists. Profound irony, that.
Then there is the matter of their invocation of ‘Antisemitism’ when they really mean “Anti-Judaism”: when Christians voice opposition to Marxism, one world government, the Federal Reserve, pornography, abortion, or simply hold to vanilla Christian doctrine on anything, we are denounced as ‘classic Antisemites’. Meaning, they consider disagreement with Judaism, and it’s associated ideologies, Antisemitic.
We are even told that for a Gentile to notice any of these things — to notice their incoherence, or to simply quote Jews’ words back to them — is Antisemitism.
But these tactics, obfuscational and demoralizing as they are meant to be, actually reveal everything. As one of their own prophets has said, “One of the greatest advantages of the totalitarian elites of the twenties and thirties was to turn any statement of fact into a question of motive.”
~Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951)
This is the express purpose of organs like the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL). They could have taken their stand against slander or libel (the spread of false information), but no, their stated mission is against defamation, the promulgation of true information that might make certain parties look bad. These protections against unbridled truth are extended to all supposed minorities, but are marshaled for the protection of Jews, especially.
And this is the substance of the whole bailiwick of Political Correctness — the implementation of taboos against truth itself, counterpoised with anti-reality narratives built upon a whole lexicon of self-contradictory terminology.
“And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the Lord.
Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity.
Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the Lord.”
~Jeremiah 9: 3-6
Apologies to Joe Sobran, but even to say ‘an Antisemite is merely someone Jews hate’ doesn’t quite do it, because the scripture tells us Jews hate all Mankind (1 Thess. 2:15).
Antisemitism is indeed one of the ‘empty words’ of which we are warned in scripture; a willow wisp; a fever dream of the lotus-eaters. Its amorphous, hypocritical, and anti-reality definition makes it of no practical use as anything but a spiritual weapon of Antichrists — a slur to profess their hatred of Gentiles.
But God has instructed us how we must confront these ‘empty word’ weapons of the enemy which otherwise ruin souls:
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”
~2 Corinthians 10: 3-6
Read that, then read it again. The idea that you might embrace Paul’s instruction here terrifies the enemy. Because the truth shall set you free.
I was recently visited by an older man who is an extended relative (born near here but lives in a state 500 miles away). He is a Pentecostal and has been to Israel several times, and hopes to go again next year with close family. He is of 100% Western Euro descent, and has even taken a granddaughter to Israel, though he has never brought her back to where he was born, or to see the rural county where his ancestors (and current cousins) have been living since 1819, for literally two centuries.
He admits he is “crazy” about the Jews. Christian Zionism is indeed more than an incorrect doctrine. It is a religious delusion that does not respond to reason.
Sad and true. My greatest enemies, ones who hate freedom, truth, Europeans and God happen to be church-goers and call themselves judeo-Christians. The Remnant is getting smaller every year, glad you’re a part of it.
Great article. Crazy Christians worship those who reject Jesus Christ; they exchange the glory of Jesus Christ for the approval of those who despise Him. Better to stand with our Monarch and to be hated by the Jews, whom they murdered. Wake up, Church. Don’t side with the Anti-Christs — side with Jesus Christ. It really couldn’t be much clearer.